Solar System Media: Les Misérables Activists-Advocacy-Lobbyists and Consultants at Law.

Solar System Media: Les Misérables Activists-Advocacy-Lobbyists and Consultants at Law.
Solar System Media: Les Misérables Activists-Advocacy-Lobbyists and Consultants at Law-This is an Online-Jobs Entrepreneurship / Business Services-Provider, Social Media Marketing / Virtual Assistant (Administrative) and Retail-Goods Affiliate-Marketing involving: (1.)-Community Paralegals for Legal Document Assistant (LDA) / Legal Technician / Court Document Preparers / Court Forms Providers as far as Activism-and-Lobbying for Causes go concerning Human-Rights-Advocacy for suppressed voices and the tax-overburdened oppressed laity including dis-inherited widows, orphans and the destitute; (2.)-French, English, Swahili Translator / Interpreter / Teacher / Tour Guide; (3.)-Publisher for Affiliate Marketing in freelance writing, blogging, transcription and podcasting;

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Vol 3 :- Uhuru-and-Raila GoK Sanctioned Kangaroo-Court Death-Row obstructing e-filling of my broad lawsuit and 10m+ damages :- Covid-19 HELB 100% Waiver draft correspondence for which I'm flashing well-wishers for spare cash to cater for cyber-café charges for a proper, substantial, type-set feedback. SOS. ( ); Uhuru, Raila, GoK murder criminal-conspiracy ( ); Uhuru, Raila, MoH, GoK Covax Programme medical-battery / negligence / malpractice ( ); Uhuru, GoK, pawn-witches dehumanizing endless persecution ( ); Cyclic-ritual hunger-torture starvation updates ( ). I reiterate my constant vows not to work or live in Narcissistic-Godzilla Raila's Luo-Nyanza. SOS.

Dear Sir/Madam,
                          The crux of the matter in dispute basically concerns new developments that came into light regarding students HELB's v. the Treasury's databases vis-à-vis the govt. of Kenya's customary corruption looting public coffers then loading it on to the tax-overburdened laity as demonstrated in my latest additional supporting sources. By last year 2021 around June there were like 78,328 HELB defaulters owing a total debt of apr. KShs. 7.7billion contrasted to the executive's economy-cartel cronies ( like a hundred or two thieves ) who's ten's-to-hundred's of billions domestic loans from local banks and corporations ended-up being totally waivered in a scheme which's been fleecing the country for decades while milking the lay tax-payer dry through daily inflations. I've also added HELB and its current agents at Agip Capital in this latest correspondence for their file records to bring them up to par on the status-quo as their staff including one Irene requested last week. [ NB:- The comps at the cyber-café I'm at have been hanging so bad today I'll complete the drafting in due course subject to resources; Otherwise, I managed to buy half a bar-soap at 85/- for the price of a whole piece a couple of weeks back when it cost 120/- ].
                          Briefly below is attached a chronology of some of the correspondence HELB and its agents have been unleashing on me via phone calls and/or letters which I would like yo to put a stop to in reiteration of my earlier prayers like indicated in my replies till such a time my case is heard and determined by competent law courts. The transcript data are deflated, doctored, falsified, inaccurate representations of my academic records for purposes of manipulating the degree rankings to exploit the job market perceptions; like was played-out in the parallel-degree program in its inception to significantly increase its enrollment ; and/or the widely known college admissions scam abroad aka "Operation Varsity Blues" that's seen the arrest of dozens of parents, coaches and administrators. It's a conspiracy racket fraud / scheme to game the rankings outta commercial-pressure interests like I'll prove once I got enough resources to e-file and/or jus' to draft type-set my case, in due course.
                         So far I ain't disputing the latest revised loan repayment figures which I've urged the CJ to issue a temporary injunction-on on the status-quo, not to accrue any more interests or penalties; and which I'm willing to pay in at least a three-year instalment ( each for the year I got a loan ) if the govt. of Kenya pays-up my long overdue 10m+ damages.
                          Thank you in advance,
Yours Faithfully,
Erick Mango.

NB:- Uhuru-and-Raila GoK Sanctioned Kangaroo-Court Death-Row obstructing e-filling of my broad lawsuit and 10m+ damages :- Covid-19 HELB 100% Waiver draft correspondence for which I'm flashing well-wishers for spare cash to cater for cyber-café charges for a proper, substantial, type-set feedback. SOS. (  ); Uhuru, Raila, GoK murder criminal-conspiracy ( ); Uhuru, Raila, MoH, GoK Covax Programme medical-battery / negligence / malpractice ( ); Uhuru, GoK, pawn-witches dehumanizing endless persecution ( ); Cyclic-ritual hunger-torture starvation updates ( ); IPOA, ODPP, AG, Judiciary feedback / stalemate ( ). I reiterate my constant vows not to work or live in Narcissistic-Godzilla Raila's Luo-Nyanza. SOS.

Petition 106 of 2019 - Kenya Law { Petition 106 of 2019 - Kenya Law }                                                                            Paul Peter Makanda Makokha v University of Nairobi & another [2020] eKLR







UNIVERSITY OF NAIROBI............................1ST RESPONDENT

DR. ROBINSON OCHARO..........................2ND RESPONDENT


1. The Petitioner, Paulpeter Makanda Makokha, was admitted to the 1st Respondent, University of Nairobi, in August 2009 for a Masters degree and commenced his coursework in January, 2010.  Upon completion of his coursework he was assigned the 2nd Respondent, Dr. Robinson M. Ocharo, in 2012 as the supervisor of his project. 

2. It is the Petitioner's case that due to the unavailability and lack of cooperation by the 2nd Respondent he ended up graduating in December 2016.  According to the Petitioner, the 2nd Respondent's actions violated a number of his constitutional rights.

3. Through the petition dated 13th February, 2019, the Petitioner therefore prays for orders as follows:

A. DECLARATION that the conduct of Dr. Robinson M. Ocharo evinced by frustrating the Petitioner and taking him in circles during the process of supervision of the Master's Project causing a two-year programme become a seven-year one and that of the University of Nairobi in failing to quickly respond to the plight of the Petitioner and other students contravened; inter alia, Articles 25, 28, 43(1)(f), 47 & 48 of the Bill of Rights as enshrined in Chapter 4 of the Constitution of Kenya 2010.

B. DECLARATION that the conduct of Dr. Robinson M. Ocharo evinced by frustrating the Petitioner and taking him in circles during the process of supervision of the Masters Project causing a two-year programme become a seven-year one and that of the University of Nairobi in failing to quickly respond to the plight of the Petitioner and other students contravened; inter alia, Articles 2, 10, 19, 20 & 232 of the Constitution of Kenya 2010.

C. DECLARATION that any future conduct of the 1st Respondent by itself or through its agents that fails to consider the need for timely completion of academic studies where such completion is merited violates Articles 2, 10, 19, 20, 25, 28, 43(1)(f) & 232.

D. ORDER OF COMPENSATION in favour of the Petitioner and to be borne by Respondents jointly and severally for purposes of redressing the harm that the Petitioner has had to suffer on account of violation of Articles 2, 10, 19, 20, 25, 28, 43(1)(f) & 232 of the Constitution of Kenya 2010.

E. ORDER OF JUDICIAL REVIEW in the nature of MANDAMUS compelling the 1st Respondent to put in place measures to ensure that the Constitution and the values espoused by the Charter of Service Delivery are complied with.

4. The respondents opposed the petition through a replying affidavit sworn on 9th September, 2019 by the 2nd Respondent.

5. A perusal of the pleadings filed in this petition discloses that the only issue for the determination of this Court is whether the Petitioner should be granted all or any of the reliefs sought.  I say so because the issue of liability was determined through a decision issued on 5th August, 2015 by the Commission on Administrative Justice (Office of the Ombudsman) in Inquiry File No. CAJ/UON/013/735/14 Paulpeter M. Makokha v The University of Nairobi.  That decision remains unchallenged to date.

6. The Petitioner had complained to the Ombudsman about unfair treatment by the 1st Respondent which had resulted in delay in the completion of his postgraduate studies.  After hearing the parties, the Ombudsman recommended remedial action as follows:

"18. Based on the foregoing, we hold and find that the conduct of Dr. Ocharo was unfair and unprofessional, which action impugned Article 59(2) (h-k) of the Constitution and Section 2 and 8(a), (b) and (d) of the Commission of Administrative Justice Act.

19. In light of the above, the Commission in exercise of its powers under Article 59(2)(j) of the Constitution and Section 8(g) and 26 of the Act, FINDS the University should:

(a) Direct a review of the complainant's research Project by another Supervisor.

(b) Put measures in place to ensure accountability of supervisors and regular monitoring of supervision standards.

(c) Ensure that the Regulations and Guidelines are strictly enforced.

(d) Ensure that the complainant's research Project is efficiently reviewed and supervised to allow him the opportunity to graduate at the earliest opportune time."

7. It is noted that although the Ombudsman is empowered by Section 8(g) of the Commission on Administrative Justice Act, 2011 to "recommend compensation or other appropriate remedies against persons or bodies" to which the Act applies, no such recommendation was made in respect to the Petitioner's complaint.  The Act does not provide room for appeal to the courts against the decision of the Ombudsman therefore leaving judicial review as the only available remedy. The Petitioner did not pursue this option.

8. The respondents through their written submissions dated 22nd November, 2019 claims that the Petitioner did not exhaust the alternative dispute resolution mechanisms.  This assertion is without merit.  Firstly, the issue is not pleaded in the replying affidavit and secondly, the alternative dispute resolution mechanism which the Petitioner is alleged not to have exhausted is not identified. 

9. My only discomfort with the instant petition is that it has been brought after the Petitioner had taken the same dispute to the Ombudsman for resolution.  None of the parties has raised issue with the Petitioner's action.  Even without the benefit of the submissions of the parties on the issue, I am of the view that a person who approaches the Ombudsman is not barred from approaching the courts if the person is not satisfied with the remedy provided by the Ombudsman.

10. I have already stated that the issue of liability was determined by the Ombudsman.  The 2nd Respondent, however averred at paragraph 14 of the replying affidavit that "the verdict by the Commission on Administrative Justice should not form the basis of the petition as its' findings are outside the mandate of the Ombudsman hence the verdict is void."

11. I only need to point out that the respondents did not seek to void the decision of the Ombudsman by way of judicial review.  The finding by the Ombudsman therefore remains undisturbed. 

12. Additionally, and if this will give any comfort to the respondents, my finding based on the material placed before the Court is that the respondents treated the Petitioner unfairly.  The Petitioner has placed SMS messages before this Court showing that he sought appointments with the 2nd Respondent without success.  At times he would travel to Nairobi all the way from Kakamega only for the 2nd Respondent to be unavailable.  It is also noted that the 2nd Respondent never responded to the Petitioner's messages or answered his calls. The 2nd Respondent admitted to this fact in the proceedings before the Ombudsman.

13. Indeed, the 2nd Respondent in the replying affidavit accepted that there was delay on his part.  In that regard he averred that:

"9. THAT, my unavailability was adequately addressed and the Petitioner was allocated another Supervisor….

11.  THAT my unavailability and the Seven Year delay were addressed by both the 1st Respondent and the Commission on Administrative Justice."

14. The 2nd Respondent also deposed that the Petitioner was not guaranteed that he would take exactly two years to complete his studies; that writing a thesis proposal is an academic process and not an event thus the process entails fulfillment of academic standards before one can be cleared to proceed to the next level of writing; and that at some point the Petitioner sought deferment of his Masters studies. 

15. From the evidence placed before the Court it is apparent that the 2nd Respondent's averments are without basis.  The admission letter dated 10th August, 2009 at paragraph (c) clearly indicated that the Masters programme was two years for students undertaking the course on full time basis.  The Petitioner averred that he was a full-time student. The Petitioner's averment that he was ready and willing to subject himself to the supervision of the 2nd Respondent was not rebutted.  Therefore, the 2nd Respondent's deposition that writing a thesis proposal is an academic process and not an event is without basis.

16. It is also noted that the respondents have not placed any evidence before the Court to show that the writing of the thesis was delayed by the Petitioner.  Indeed, it is evident from the material placed before the Court that once the supervisor was changed the Petitioner was able to quickly finalise his thesis and graduate.

17. On the claim that the delay was caused by the Petitioner's request to defer his studies, I find the 2nd Respondent's averment disingenuous.  The Petitioner sought deferment of his studies to January, 2010 and that request was acceded to through the 1st Respondent's letter dated 3rd November, 2009.  The deferment has nothing to do with the Petitioner's complaint which relates to the period starting in 2012 after the 2nd Respondent was assigned to him as a supervisor up to the time he graduated in 2016.

18. The next question is whether the constitutional rights and fundamental freedoms of the Petitioner were violated by the respondents.  Through written submissions dated 4th November, 2019 the Petitioner asserts that his right to freedom from torture and cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment provided under Article 25(a) of the Constitution was violated by the respondents. According to the Petitioner the respondents caused him to make several unsuccessful trips to Nairobi in a bid to meet his supervisor; ignored all communication made by him to the supervisor; frustrated his every attempt to change his supervisor until directed by the Ombudsman; frustrated his chances of securing employment due to the incomplete Masters studies; and tainted his resume since it now indicates that he took seven years to complete a two-year programme which certainly affects the perception of potential employers as to his capabilities.  The decision in Frankline Kithinji Muriithi v Loyford Riungu Muriithi & 4 others [2014] eKLR is cited as defining inhuman treatment to include physical or mental cruelty so severe that it endangers life or health.

19. The Petitioner also contends that his right to human dignity as protected by Article 28 of the Constitution was violated.  It is pointed out that the right to human dignity is protected by international instruments.  It is, however, not expressed in what manner the respondents' actions violated the Petitioner's right to human dignity.

20. On the allegation that his right to education was violated, the Petitioner cites Article 13 of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (IESCR) as protecting the right to education.  It is urged that education in all its forms and at all levels should be available, accessible, acceptable and adaptable.  Stating that acceptability means the form and substance of education, including curricula and teaching methods, have to be acceptable to the students, the Petitioner contends that unreasonably and unnecessarily delaying a two-year programme for seven years without fault by the student is neither acceptable to any student nor can it be described as a functional programme.  The Petitioner relies on Gabriel Nyabola v. Attorney General & 2 others [2014] eKLR as holding that the State has an obligation to respect, protect and fulfil the right to education.

21. The Petitioner concludes by asserting that he is entitled to the reliefs sought in the petition.  Reference is made to the decision in Erickson Kenya Limited v Attorney General & 3 others [2014] ekLR as affirming the principle that a court of law, after finding in favour a party under Article 23 of the Constitution, has a duty to frame appropriate reliefs to vindicate the rights.

22. In opposition to the grant of the reliefs sought, the respondents contend that compensation cannot issue against the them as no evidence has been placed before the Court on how the Petitioner has suffered on account of violation of Articles 2, 10, 19, 20, 25, 28, 43(1)(f) and 232 of the Constitution.

23. It is the respondents' position that the Petitioner has failed to prove his case against them.  They therefore urge the Court to dismiss the petition with costs.  They rely on the decisions in Eugenia Kathoni Miriti v Assistant Chief Ngaina Sub-Location & 2 others [2018] eKLR; and Charles Muturi Macharia v Standard Group & 4 others [2017] eKLR.

24. From my analysis above, it is evident that the Petitioner's right to fair administrative action under Article 47 of the Constitution was violated.   The Petitioner has also established that the unwarranted delay in the completion of his Masters studies violated his right to education. He had legitimate expectation that he would complete his degree course within two years as indicated in the letter of admission.  There is no evidence that he contributed to the delay in the completion of his studies. However, I find that apart from the violations to the rights of fair administrative action and education, the Petitioner has not discharged the burden of proof in respect of the other rights allegedly violated by the respondents.

25. In constitutional petitions declaratory orders are sometimes sufficient remedy by themselves. Some violations may however call for monetary compensation in addition to the declaratory orders. In the case at hand, the Petitioner has demonstrated that he incurred travel expenses between Nairobi and Kakamega in attempts to meet and consult the 2nd Respondent. The Ombudsman found that Petitioner incurred expenses totaling Kshs.40, 000/-.  Although the Petitioner provided receipts to show that he did indeed pay money for transport, he did not specifically plead any claim for special damages.

26. In my view, the mistreatment meted upon the Petitioner by the 2nd Respondent with the acquiesce of the 1st Respondent should attract monetary compensation. Universities should not admit students if they do not have the capacity to teach and supervise the students.

27. None of the parties has proposed what should be an appropriate award as general damages in the circumstances of this case.  It is noted that the period in which the Petitioner had problems fell between 2012 and 2015.  After he was given a new supervisor everything ran smoothly.  In deciding the amount to award the Petitioner as general damages, I should also take into account the fact that the 1st Respondent complied with the decision of the Ombudsman and changed the supervisor for the Petitioner.

28. I am also alive to the fact that the money to be paid as compensation will be sourced from the public purse by virtue of the 1st Respondent being a public university. In Martin Wanderi & 106 others v Engineers Registration Board & 10 others [2018] eKLR, the Supreme Court awarded each petitioner the sum of Kshs. 200,000/- as general damages after finding that the Engineers Registration Board had violated their rights by declining to register them as engineers.

29. Taking into account the expenses incurred by the Petitioner, and considering the delay of about five years in the completion of his studies, I find that an award of KShs.500,000/- is appropriate as general damages in the circumstances of this case.  That is what I award the Petitioner.

30. In summary, judgment is entered in favour of the Petitioner and against the respondents as follows:

(a) A declaration is hereby issued that the actions of the respondents in delaying the completion of the Petitioner's Masters studies violated his constitutional rights under Articles 43(1)(f) and 47 of the Constitution;

(b) The Petitioner is awarded KShs.500,000/- as general damages for the violation of his rights by the respondents; and

(c) The Petitioner is awarded costs of the proceedings against the respondents.

Dated, signed and delivered virtually at Nairobi this 29th day of October, 2020.

W. Korir

Judge of the High Court

In any event, education's categorized into formal & informal where at the end of it all, 'Success In Life' is what matters as regards the 'Measure of Man' and not necessarily the 'Accreditation in Certificates!' Thus by that measure AP cop Owino's been very successful in life with his vast vacant & rental biz not to mention a long career with the Police Service. In retro-perspective it's the reason we've had Cabinet Secretaries who never saw the inside of a classroom but went-on to run government ministries like the late Honorable Mulu Mutisya [ RIP ] who led a successful political career! 
-For my case it's the  reason I got a broad lawsuit against Uhuru & the GoK at :-[ ] ; 
-and as regards corruption & ethics at the UoN the link is :- 
-as highlighted in my broad lawsuit slideshow exhibition at :- ] as concerns the doctoring of my Transcripts. 
-Supporting evidences from other sources include bribes for grades at :- [ Lecturer slapped with 3-year jail term for Sh3,000 bribe ]; 

-Psychopathology accruing from blind-faith belief-conviction in at :- [ UoN lecturer arrested after son, 13 found dead in her house ]. Thus I look forward to enjoining one Mr. Wasinde Administrative Assistant ( Examinations ) at the UoN then who delayed-refused processing my Transcripts till the 'probono sworn-affidavit intervention' of an ex- the late comrade Senior Counsel Kalama [ RIP ] before promptly releasing them after the doctoring. AP cop Owino & his wife could watch the proceedings at [ ] once the proceedings start. Otherwise, I've won a Canadian scholarship to pursue a Masters in molecular-biology & health-sciences to reinforce a career in medical-genetics and / or virology given my formative background in B.A. Anthropology including a developed excellent hypothetical-deductive-framework & oral defense in my genetics pet-interest of evolutionary anthropology.

Covid-19 HELB 100% Waiver. SOS : Prayers for Humanitarian Visa, Asylum Protection, Self-Determination and Rule-of-Law from Uhuru, Raila, co-conspirators and their Jinn-Theocracy GoK political-legal abuse, delayed-denied justice, outlawing, endless-persecution, rape of conscience, gaslighting, mandatory-systems of commitment and sanctioned death; and prayers as well for soft loans to draft, type-set, e-file and litigate my broad lawsuit. (NB: The above heading is meant for foreign embassies and concerned civil society groups / authorities so the govt. of Kenya and its agencies will have to excuse it in this email circular. It's not meant for them!); Had a gloomy Christmas / end-of-year 2021 festivities in rags, tatters and routine customary hunger-torture, stomach-constricting, muscular-dystrophy exploiting-starvations as Uhuru's 'Zombie-Child Physique' making-of-archetypes prehistoric-descendant-culture Death-Cult's imposed penniless-pauperism renders me largely indoors for want of stipends. SOS.
Date: Wed, 9 Mar 2022 14:01:08 +0000 (UTC)

Dear Sir/Madam, 
                           Below is attached correspondence from another of HELB's many agencies. I urge the CJ to maintain the status-quo as previously prayed ( ) pending a cyber-café drafted proper reply and determination of my suit against UoN by competent law courts for a demotivated, mind-set defeating, doctored-transcripts/degree to sway job markets: {  { [ Prayers for humanitarian visa, asylum protection, self determination and rule of law to expedite pay of my 9.8yrs Kihara-Construction accident evidence-destruction / spoilation 10m+ damages case adding to backlog statistics and embezzlement-threatened by corrupt IPOA, ODPP, AG, Judiciary; amid Uhuru's GoK dehumanizing persecution to obstruct e-filing of my broad lawsuit curtailing my biz, dates and marriage at 44yrs. Need bathing/washing bar-soap urgently. SOS.  [ 

Covid-19 HELB 100% Waiver <>,,
Tue, Mar 8 at 2:57 PM

Greetings Erick,

I trust this mail finds you well.

Thanks for your positive feedback.

 As per your request ,

 You currently owe the board KES 694,665.43 However, the Board has agreed to give you a waiver of 100% on accrued penalties.

 Therefore instead of paying the running total, you will be required to pay KES 396,291.93 as the full and final payment valid until end of April 2022.
The amount communicated is valid to clear your long overdue HELB students' loan.

Note: The board can nullify the agreement if payment period is not adhered to and upon payment of this amount, you will be issued with a clearance certificate.

Kindly find attached HELB payment options and Statement for your perusal. 

We look forward to hearing from you the soonest possible.

Kind Regards,

Assistant QA

Faith Muteti

Mobile: +254 (0) 728 452 717

Office: +254 (0) 111 013 503


Brooding Uhuru and Quest-Holdings HELB Debt-Collectors [ 80% HELB WAIVER Attachments ] : Double-Speakings plus Sex-Crimes of 'Emi and Judy Macharia' ; Urbanization and Sexuality ; Prayers For Political-Asylum / Refuge From 'Mandatory Systems of Commitment'.
Subject: 80% HELB WAIVER Quest-Holdings Auctioneers / Debt-Collectors
Date: Wednesday, October 10, 2018, 3:08 PM
Dear Sir / Madam,
                               I pray your divine-interventions for migration for political-asylum / refuge to escape systematic, consistent & widespread endless-persecution as well as for my 6.3yrs accident-damages sat-on by BORI / GLBT-Occultist Uhuru and his Jinn-Theocracy GoK & co. I'm under siege by their 'Married But Gay' Mixed Marriage Orientations including Raila's LAMU / BONDO-USENGE. Remember pollsters highlight Kisumu leads Kenya in homosexuality while the numerous openly-visible weirdoo clips on Uhuru's gay-misadventures nature speak for themselves. Part of the endless-persecution involves cyclic harassments by Auctioneers for my KCB Loan and in this instance my College HELB Loan who's update-status forwarded by Quest-Holdings Auctioneers / Debt-Collectors I have included as the 'forward' preceding these grievance complaints. 
                              I would like to state without contradictions that all interest-accrued since graduation in 2002 are illegal, null & void given the doctored-transcripts premeditated to effectuate a 'demotivated-&-defeatist' mind-set turning & pouring all the 4yrs Bachelor's efforts down-the-drain ; esp. given I'd to seek legal-assistance from a the late ex-comrade Kalama [ RIP ] to secure my transcripts from one of Uhuru's Academies UoN long-time Chaired by his now deceased uncle. Indeed it's recorded that The Senior Administrative Assistant doubling as The Examination-Secretary [ a Mr. Wasinde ] stuck his thumbs in his ears and kinda flapped the rest of the fingers astride his head signifying flying wings as he strode across Gandhi-Wing in my mockery during one of my numerous pursuits for the transcripts! With the late comrade lawyer's sworn affidavit, they released the 'doctored transcripts' promptly on my next follow-up. Other figures recorded to have faced such political-corruption in Uhuru's UoN Academy include Prof. Ali Mazrui, Nobel Laureate Prof. Wangari Maathai not to mention ardent lawyer Kethi Kilonzo. 
                            It took me years to unravel the interconnected, systematic malpractice widely evidence-covered by the press and as detailed in preceding blogs where my former high school teacher caught-up with our lot to pursue a Masters as we did our Bachelors during The Parallel-Program Initiative which he tutored & marked revealing 'they were awarding Parallels posthumously high-grades' to market-&-sell the initiative which was relievingly rewarding, i.e. from the GoK Sponsored Regulars' peanuts! I've recorded how Uhuru, a major stake-holder in the Tourism Industry curtailed my efforts to secure a 'Free Lance French Tour-Guide License' btw 2005 & 2007 changing the regulations slightly to bias me for a job I'd been doing since 1997. The same applied to to Hotel French related posts! Then come 2012 June when he illegally arrested, detained before bailing and relocating me to Migori by his cop conveniently animistically called Ikenya to a quarters built by a mason-carpenter again animistically conveniently called 'Kenyatta'! I'd begun resuscitating from the corruption shock and was kinda picking to move-on, a shattered 'perfectionism' lover & sooner than later I would've put back my 'house in order' to begin servicing the loan, 'cept for Ikenya. 
                          I pray civil society groups intercede to salvage me from the illegally accruing monthly penalties on my non-performing account & other statutory charges which's now amounted to 400,220.65/-! I also pray for a forensic-audit since there was a time Uhuru ballooned the loan debt to 800,000/-from apr. 600,000/- in 2 months demonstrating there are plans to exploit the loan for persecutory purposes. If anything remember via Ikenya he'd wanted to place me with The Local Govt. in Msa on condition that I co-habit with one of his BORI / GLBT-Occultism weirdoos, i.e. he biases straights in favor of gays! Furthermore, I'd acquiesced & applied to Migori County in 2015 to insulting insinuations that I first gotta marry in customary-arrangements one of Raila's Luo-Nyanza prehistoric descendant savage dodos before placement. Indeed I told Mueni of Quest Holdings that awaiting my accident-damages to stake in the capital-markets and put my life back on track with The leading foreign-exchange Tourism Industry, I could repay the loan-debt within one financial year. Thus I urge civil society groups to advocate this my loan predicament listing me with The CRB in arrest of my development till such a time The GoK honors its half of the bargain as the status-quo ; and that Uhuru should stop persecuting me using Auctioneers / Debt Collectors whilst ironically sitting pretty on my damages. Otherwise, the links below demonstrate the unwanted-but-unavoidable sexual-advances for which I pray your interventions. 

           Otherwise, I reiterate my anti-Raila Luo-Nyanza & Dysfunctional 'TURPINS'-Family Divorce-Estrangement Vows to the bitter end. I refuse negotiating my life, my wife, my labor, my kids, my money and my family. Neither is marrying a prehistoric culture Luo savage anywhere in my imagination. Please stop the double-speakings and trackings by Judy Macharia & co. as detailed unless they got issues to discuss or subpoenas to meet me-for in court as implied in my lawsuit. Emi stopped & I'd detailed I'll elaborate on her prank-call advances once we meet in court, e.g. she'd mastered my Mombasa routines and once timed & tracked me all the way to the beach on
Thank you in advance,
Yours Faithfully,
Erick Mango.

Email signatures:
Rally-Up Drum Support-Call For A NOW 6.3yrs Accident-Damages Case and The Larger Political Asylum / Refuge Criminal-&-Civil Lawsuit  Against Jinn-Theocracy GoK's Politico-Legal Abuse's Endless-Persecution / Sanctioned Arrested-Development Still At 40yrs Derailing My Dating & Eventual Matrimony. { Spinsters & Single-Ladies Who Value Strong Family-Traditions & Are Ready To Mingle & Settle-Down, Plz Avail Yourselves. Calls : +254723047863 or +254764087863   }.
Donate Spare Cash With PayPal or Credit-Card To Change A Passive, Ebbing Existence Back To Track On Life.

Find attached below the Quest-Holdings Auctioneers / Debt-Collectors notice

On Thu,10/4/18, Miriam Mueni <> wrote:
From: Miriam Mueni <>
Subject: 80% HELB WAIVER
Date: Thursday, October 4, 2018, 2:48 PM 
            Hope this find you well. kindly consider to pay you HELB student loan with  80% waiver courtesy of the monthly penalties levied on non-performing accounts and other statutory charges. Note that, if you are listed in  CRB you are required to pay half of your principal loans in lump sum of KES 60,000 to be delisted. Delisting is to enable you to  access financial assistance from the  banking institution towards this debt settlement offer. Board has offered you a  waiver amnesty on the accrued penalties and therefore you are required to pay KES 400,220.65  full and  final settlement payable in three installments valid until 15th December, 2018 .Kindly note the waiver is only applied on the ACCRUED PENALTIES,80% OFF. Consider this offer and clear your long outstanding students' loan for other deserving Kenyans to benefit and realize their higher education dream. If you will not manage to clear during the specified period kindly call me through my direct line 0735173138 to see the possible options. Your Quick response towards this will be highly appreciated. Kind regards.  Mirriam Mueni | Account manager | Quest Holdings Ltd,: International House | 4th Floor | Mama Ngina Street*: P.O. Box 46216  NAIROBI – 00100Tel +254711093000 +254 735173138URL: Our vision: "To be the valued debt management solutions partner of choice in  Africa"

On Mon, 5/14/2018,
Dear Sir / Madam,     
                             I pray you please intercede in my suddenly suspiciously over-inflated HELB loan-arrears accrued to KShs. 804,100.65 from apr. KShs. 600,000 barely 3-months back when HELB called inquiring and confirmed! This demonstrates the ENDLESS-PERSECUTION 'bad-will' of BORI / LGBT-occultist Uhuru and his mother 'HURU-MA' c/o their jealousy, evil-eyes loo-bat kin Judy-Macharia out to stall my matrimony and clump on my progeny simply cause her bonobo-promiscuous 'Married-But-Gay' GLBT sexual-orientation is incompatible with my 'First-Lady' decency, modernity, mannerisms, or protocol criterion. Thus the bachelorhood and prolonged-unemployment at 40yrs for which they still want to bondage-slave my labor to servicing a superficial over-inflated loan just to compromise the life of my would-be family's wife-and-kids. Hence I please pray concerned parties to call for a Forensic-Audit as regards this suspicious over-inflated loan threatened by QUEST HOLDINGS AUCTIONEERS on behalf of Uhuru's GoK.
                          QUEST-HOLDINGS-AUCTIONEERS list their contacts as Patrick-Nyambura [ 0711093135 ] and They say I urgently pay to update my CRB status and increase my chances of accessing more loans. For clarification purposes I'd already entered correspondence with HELB detailing my lawsuit with Uhuru's SANCTIONED ARRESTED DEVELOPMENT / RETARDATION wishing to incriminate and hold him liable for reliefs-and-damages regarding the loan's status-quo cause of his political-and-legal abuse ; for even after consenting and applying to work with them, they still insultingly tether a primitive-condition subliminally to customarily-marry a prehistoric-descendant-culture tribal-savage of their choice just so to assuage the grunts of jealousy loo-bat Judy aka 'Mpenzi-Jinn or Fundi-wa-Mitaa'. Hence my ESTRANGEMENT-DIVORCE vows are constant neither am I living or working in Raila's Luo-Nyanza. Attached are captions demonstrating the need for a shave / bic-razor and the last bar-soap piece. 
Thank you in advance.
Yours Faithfully,
Erick Mango. 

Dear Sir / Madam, 
                            I take this solemn chance while the SARS nCoV2 ravages the world populace with COVID-19 across the globe to decry early ICC-Indicted Uhuru's consistent, widespread & systematic perpetual political-legal abuse now in openly bias-exempting me from his office's National fiscal-measures directive to the Treasury to clear CRB-listed borrowers, households, SMEs and company defaulters indefinitely as well as suspend henceforth blacklisting of such loan defaulters for the next 90 days in temporary reliefs aimed at cushioning the vulnerable over-burdened tax-payer citizenry from the debilitating economic impacts of the SARS nCoV2 Pandemic. Records indicate 22m customers borrowed 212b in 2019 while banks & microfinance institutions required 12.40m in 2018 curving a growth of 181.1% from 4.38m in 2017 driven by increased uptake of mobile loans for which of the 22m Kenyans mentioned above I have an outstanding loan of 3000/- KCB MPESA & 211/- for CBA's M-SHWARI now NCBA after merging with NIC Bank. Last time the HELB called my loan had accumulated to 804,000/- plus interest which by now the totals could be clocking 1m though I take relief with the fact that concerned taxpayers raised issue with the GoK that the loans were budgeted-for by the ex-chequer & as such they'd no authority to keep bickering HELB defaulters or any moral reasons given they'd cleared their economy-cartels cronies companies of hundreds of billions in loans compared to the 7.7b owed HELB by 78,328 loan defaulters. [
]. Thus we sure as the sun rises waiting for the legislature to formally enact & pass the accompanying statute / act. Otherwise, I call upon the civilized world to rally-up ICC-Indicted Uhuru to stop his political-legal abuses this time in bias-exempting me from the global assistive fiscal-measures being taken by govts. to support citizens in financial distress as SARS nCoV2 bites ; esp. when Kenya will come to a total lock-down as envisaged in the foreseeable future. 
                             I need like 2 Bic-razors, 2 washing-&-bathing bar-soaps, toothpaste not to mention that I'm in rugs remaining with 2 jerseys and 2 worn-out shirts plus 2 tearing-jeans at the knee & groins and 1 corduroy making 3-trousers. My over-sewn slippers are no more same to the shoes as can be verified in precedent records. Recent soft copy submissions [
] detail the prevailing hunger-torture circumstances feeding on 'penis envy' [ rd : Sexology ] Uhuru's imposed pennilessness-pauperism forced-dependency arrested-development & Sanctioned psychiatric-system approach curtailing my datings and marriage still at 42yrs cause he brood-sits on my 7.9yrs Kihara Construction punitive and actual damages courtesy of the 'Advocates Complaints Commission' in the office of the AG who hails from his Kiambu backyard. All other status-quo in the link as regards my vows are constant to the bitter end. 
                           Actually, in essence if you read btw the lines & join-the-dots Uhuru & his loo-bat in cahoots with his 'Brookeside Dairy Jacket' 'paid pawns' dysfunctional Turpins & ex-Chief Amara are hideously planning to execute their death threats in organized-crime under cover of the SARS nCoV2 frenzy as is implicitly developing in recent soft copy submissions where they exploit the hunger tortures to wonna poison me ; needless to say they infected me with contaminated-food with what 'cept for the Loperamide Hydrochloride antidiarrheal tabs appeared to be amoeba or typhoid symptoms cause a fever almost developed in the 2nd bout of diarrhoea. I've only 3 tabs left & need to restock urgently. I also need data bundles for emergency alerts since I'm alive simply cause of the civil society courtesy of the internet for otherwise the feral-savages would've killed mepoorol'self ages back. They've begun another strategy of eating breakfast early in the morn. while my first meal ration's towards 1400hrs ; of which I'm forced to partake of the market over-stayed sun-dried fish which usually comes rottish with maggots as highlighted in precedent records though for once this time since 2012 & my ever report complaint submissions of the health hazard disgusting filthy stench-market fish, there were no maggots. It ain't my culture ; Got no choice jus' gotta shut my eyes & feed on the fit-for-hyenas fish. Yak! Tried accessing the CRB no. *433# but it says I got insufficient funds to use the service ; while their other code *443# says 'outta service'. I reiterate that I don't need Uhuru's GoK jobs 'cept my 7.9yrs Kihara
Construction dues he owes me cause I've got better plans & I'm going into biz ; not committing to pay 1m+ in HELB loans. Excuse me. Thus my e-Commerce endeavors including video & audio podcasts stall in developments despite AWS connecting Kenya to its CDN global infrastructure to spur growth : [ ] ; ] among others. The arrested development circumstances are as highlighted in [
]. The recent soft copy submission are detailed in [
]. I pray civil societies intervene to stop ICC-Indicted Uhuru from violating all my freedoms as concerns the 'Bill of Rights' & the UN Human Rights Charter so as to clear my black-listings with the CRB as regards the global fiscal measures to facilitate me affordable & higher lending limits plus extended repaymdnt periods like the rest of the world to ensure my safety & cushioning from the SARS nCoV2 and its devastating economic effects as Kenya heads towards a total lock down. I need a living standard above the poverty line & to develop my e-Commerce. 
Thank you in advance. 
Yours Faithfully, 
Erick Mango.
NB : Never forget that I look forward & intend to exhaust the ICMS legal proceedings in pursuance of justice as regards retribution & reliefs like stated within the quoted links once Uhuru's AG pays-up my
7.9yrs damages and / or I get alternative funds, legal assistance or both to pay the requisite fees since the e-filings aren't my technical faults but due to Uhuru's political-legal abuses. }; {
}; {
}. SOS.

Dear Sir / Madam, 
                             I jus' pray your divine-interventions for my 8yrs Kihara Construction punitive & actual damages sat-on still by ICC-Indicted Uhuru, his loo-bat, extended Jewish-kith conjunctively with their 'paid pawns' the dysfunctional Turpins at least to enable me gear-up for the unpredictable future as SARS nCoV2 catches-up with the African continent whose healthcare
infrastructure's comes nowhere near comparison to the developed world's who've yet been overwhelmed nonetheless indicating what 'shithole' countries are 'bout to experience esp. for the
disadvantaged health-cover uninsured like me [ ]. The infection rate entered 400+ in Kenya yesterday. As Uhuru's imposed arrested development stands [ as exhibited in the developing slideshow at ] I'm afraid the pandemic may sweep me in my 3D 'passive male' existence before I marry, sire kids & settle down and so my solemn prayers to civil society groups to press Uhuru for a speedy processing of my 8yrs+ Kihara Construction damages adding to backlog statistics at the AG's with the Advocates Complaints Commission. Indeed my WILL incase of an intermittent death & VOWS regarding never working or living in Narcissistic-Godzilla-Raila's Luo-Nyanza are irreconcilably constant to the bitter end pending due process before competent courts. Otherwise, the self bleaching, indecent exposure, quickie-prostitute-witch matriarch & her 'married but gay' dodo pimp continue incessantly with their market overstayed rot-fish foods which as depicted in the attached pictures yesterday had a cockroach I picked besides the new development of real 'foul smell'. They're disgusting filthy like demonstrated in precedent blogs & attachments. I pray the civilized world for a speedy processing of my damages to also rescue me from this hyena people's primitive health-hazard filthy rot foods I'm forced to partake for lack of choice due to their political-legal abuse accomplice ICC-Indicted Uhuru's impunity over my 8yrs+ damages. I need a shave, a Bic-razor & a toothbrush not mentioning shoes or a wardrobe which're a tall order and may have to wait till Uhuru pays-up my dues. I've categorically stated I ain't taking any of Uhuru's Jinn-Theocracy GoK jobs since I've got better plans going into biz pending dues ; nor am I committing to remitting any of HELB's illegal, null & void accrued interests or penalties pending due competent court proceedings and / or till such a time the customary executive's economy-cartels cronies remit plus interest all the monies they were unlawfully, illegally & wrongfully waivered at the expense of the yoked, overburdened tax-payer laity. I'm on the last data bundles & so any alerts will be through Facebook's 'free mode'. I'm also on the 3rd week indoors 24/7
cause of Uhuru's imposed pennilessness. [ NB : All terms referring to the dysfunctional Turpins are substantiated technical descriptions ]  The new development of the 'foul smell' disgusting filthy foods on top of the already unfresh 'market overstayed' rot foods is cause the quickie-prostitute-matriarch who as demonstrated in precedent blogs never washes her foods before cooking nor bothers to separate the chaff from cereals or sand from grains...... is so filthy lazy to
observe hygiene stds like noted by her in-laws that, "Nyaka bed ni pod odwanyore," meaning "She must still be filthy in her mannerisms!" ; and so she usually cooks once before the same meal overstays for days-on-end to be served daily endlessly. Does she suck. And mind you
she eats from a different pot in the outside kitchen not the same filth she'll serve others. Otherwise, my eCommerce, web developments, video & audio podcasts are largely stalled thanks to evil eyes Uhuru, loo bat & co. Any soft loans will be repaid as indicated above. 
Thank you in advance. 
Yours Faithfully, 
Erick Mango.
Rally-up drum support-call for a NOW 7.9yrs accident-damages case &
The broader Political Asylum / Refuge Criminal-&-Civil Lawsuit against
Raila-Uhuru Jinn-Theocracy's GoK Political-Legal Abuses'
Endless-Persecution, Sanctioned Arrested-Development, Involuntary
Systems Of Commitment & Rape Of Conscience still at 42yrs curtailing
my dates & marriage. E-Commerce development & survival spare cash /
soft loans to be repaid with a 50% interest once Uhuru's AG pays-up my
Kihara-Construction punitive & actual damages : +254723047863 &
+254764087863. Turn a passive-male ebbing existence back to track on
life. { Single-ladies who value strong family traditions ready to
settle-down, avail yourselves }. AG-phones & Amicus Curiae :-{
Solar System Media }; {
}; {
}. SOS.

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