Solar System Media: Les Misérables Activists-Advocacy-Lobbyists and Consultants at Law.

Solar System Media: Les Misérables Activists-Advocacy-Lobbyists and Consultants at Law.
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Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Prosecuting Raila : Ex-Treason Convict and Serial Psychopath Murderer.

Hi everybody.I would like to begin with the backlog sms texts that I have been sending the The Human Rights Watch but first of all please allow me to start with the latest that I just sent this night as the day broke to this morning. [1.]-HRW.I have been attacked and beaten by assailants at the resort club migori by people connected to the chamkombe chief who'd been trailing me after I'd escorted an Engineer comrade back to the Florence hotel.they beat me up then set me free to run chasing after me.plan to report to migori police tomorrow after ringing their phones to no avail.they are raila people for they interrogated me asking who I was supervising with my file.I have injuries on my head through beatings and on my palms and left knee obtained by running and falling down after being set free while being chased.raila and the luo community are planning to kill/assassinate me.please intervene. 18/6/2014/-0055 hours. -The same was copied to The office of The Royal Netherlands Consulate and The O.C. Crime Migori at 18/6/2014- 0146hours and 0150hours respectively. [2.]-Hi the chief assailants 1st quoted 1 Chief Odero who'd joined the tables we were seated in at milimani pub watching the Belgian/Algeria match as I waited for the Engineer comrade/friend and as they interrogated me.That is when he then mentioned Chief Amara of Chamkombeas a friend of Chief Odero whom they are conversant with going on to ask for my ID whereby I asked him whether he was a cop himself to ask for my ID.That is when the beatings and the chasing s begun at Bell Club in Resort area.He's known around by the club patrons for he pays bills by signing bills only not by cash. 18/6/2014- 0506 hours. -The same was copied to The office of The Royal Netherlands Consulate. Now allow me dear readers to update you on the backlog of the other sms texts I have been sending to The HRW so you may have a CLEAR picture of what has been going on. [1.]-Hi HRW.I managed to subsequently report the matter concerning the threat to my life at Migori Police and was told to report back tomorrow at the crimes office for in depth reporting due to time factor.Thank you for the consideration. 21/5/2014 - 1802 hours. [2.]-Hi HRW.The Migori Police have asked me to see The area Chief/Assistant with the O.B. for the arrest of the reported criminals.It might take some time due to wanting resources.Thank you for the assistance. 22/5/2014 - 1323hours. [3.]-Hi HRW.Finally managed to meet the area chief who said he can't arrest the reported criminals but will summon them for a meeting next Monday the 26th at his office.They are being given preferential treatment at my torturous/abusive expense. 23/5/24 - 1612hours. [4.]-Hi HRW.Even as I prepare for the proceedings at the chief's office today,the father of the siblings mark times me on the way to the bathroom and on raising issue with him he simply raises his kikoi knee-high as he carries water with the other arm almost replicating the nudity exposure by his wife in the earlier days as recorded in the blog-site.Show of power and arrogance to the law.26/5/2014 -0846hours. [5.]-Hi HRW.We have had the first meeting with The Chief at his office and he scheduled another meeting on Thursday the 26th when both reported criminals will be there. 26/5/2014 - 1453hours. [6.]-Nonetheless,they have dismissed me as they remain in the office with the male criminal privately discussion the issue. 26/5/2014 -1504hours. [7.]-Hi HRW.Speculation is rife as I have gathered from secret sources that the reported savage criminals on behalf of the gov. of Kenya are planning a preemptive abduction to the middle of nowhere again in Raila's strong-hold in the pretext of exorcising the aforesaid "Jinn/something" on next Thursday's meeting at The Chief's office.That no accident money will be forthcoming and the status-quo is meant to prevail till the brotherly duo achieve their whims.I hope your office intervenes to preempt these savage designs please. 27/5/2014 0052hours. [8.]-Hi HRW.Hunger games/food insecurity panic in high gear.The male criminal has travel led to Kisumu and being three in the house with the female criminal eating separately,the food's highly susceptible to poisoning like they have threatened and has slightly happened twice.Waiting for aid from friends and well-wishers/only drank water since morning. 27/5/2014 - 1158hours. [9.]-Hi HRW.The Chief has said the savage criminals have refused to hold case at his office saying I can leave his office if dissatisfied and that he'll come to arrest me instead should he hear chaos again.He advised me to go back to Migori Police instead which I am now walking. 29/5/2014 - 1020hours. [10.]-Hi HRW.The Mig. Police have have asked me to tell The Chamkombe Chief to write me a letter showing he's unable to make the arrests.I told The Officer-in-Charge to give me like a week since I got to walk most of the time on an empty stomach not to mention jeopardizing my healing knee-cup.Thank you in advance. 29/5/2014 - 1239hours. [11.]-Hi HRW.Cause of evidence submission time-constraints at the petition blog-site,I take this chance to say the savage criminals are being given preferential treatment like the Catholic Pedophile Fathers/Priests who hid under the cover of the Clergy before being subjected to justice.Indeed the initial search for the Chief was directed at The Neighborhood Parish where The Chief was holding a meeting.The preliminary meeting at The Chief's office was interjected by prayers from The Parish Priest at the proposal of The Chief.Any wonder The Chief dismissed my case threatening to blame and arrest me instead in the future? 30/5/2014 -1557hours. [12.]-Hi HRW.The Chief has sent me back to The Migori Police to ask them to issue an official arrest warrant instead of which I am going walking. 3/6/2014 - 0936hours. [13.]-Hi HRW.The Mig.Police O.C.Crime has given me her phone numbers to give the Chief to phone her for arrest instructions since nowadays The Chief's aren't obliged to use Arrest Warrants that O.B.'s suffice. 3/6/2014 1111hours. [14.]-Hi HRW.The Chief has spoken with The O.C.Crime and they are turning the case against me outside the Law Courts for I have been summoned to The Police again.I will go tomorrow cause of hunger and fatigue.The Chief has said they can kill me by poison like a rat or jail me indefinitely on behalf of the gov. of Kenya.I am unwanted/denied 4/6/2014 - 1205hours. [15.]-The biased Chief picked a quarrel with me regarding the evidence I can bear on the savage criminals and I gave him the example of the current"incest/defilement crime" case between a pastor and his two daughters one of whom he ended-up impregnating successfully on-going at The Makadara Law Courts Nairobi and running in the news besides many other such recorded "incest/sodomy/defilement sex crimes." I asked him whether I should wait for "sperm" evidence since I can't get impregnated. 4/6/2014 - 1254hours. [16.]-Hi HRW.I intend to institute criminal charges at The Migori Law Courts as stipulated in the new dispensation after exhausting all the preliminary legal channels to no avail;unless they charge filling fees. 5/6/2014 -1010hours. [17.]-Hi HRW.I just met The O.C.Crime on the way to her office and she said The Chief instructed her under collusion with the reported savage criminals on behalf of The gov. of Kenya and the brotherly-duo to instead throw me into the cells for framed charges in response to my reported charges.I am now at The Migori Law Courts advice to wait for The State Counsel representative to counsel/direct me on The office of Public Prosecution. 5/6/2014 -1407hours. [18.]-Hi been directed to The O.C. Station since my case lacks willing witnesses. 5/6/2014 1432hours. [19.]-Hi HRW.The O.C.Crime and The O.C.S. have asked me to see The Chief who's supposed to summon the reported criminals and hold case with me in his office;but I have just met The Chief on the way who simply retorted that the reported criminals have said they can't and won't ever hold case with me at The Chief's office.So I am on my way back to report to The Mig. Police of which I am on my way. 5/6/2014 -1635hour s. [20.]-Hi HRW.The case, it dawns upon me is finally coming home to roost for as The Mig. cops operate their investigations,it becomes inevitable not to mention Raila given that the genesis of the case accrues from The Mombasa deportation for purposes of "removing that something/jinn" by a witch-doctor which leads to the accident the following day which has kept me waiting for the compensation proceeds to date of which as a result the assault and threat to my life.I walk with the petition-evidence file for security purposes and I am afraid if them cops may tamper with it should they turn the tables on me due to the sensitivity of the matter.Nonetheless,my assurance rests with your office.Thank you once again with in advance for your consideration. 5/6/2014 -2241hours. [21.]-Hi HRW.The Chief has refused to divulge the phone numbers of the reported criminals so got to walk back to The O.C.Crime for she held-up her phone. 6/6/2014 -1236hours. [22.]-Hi HRW.The O.C.Crime is lost for action claiming the case can't move for they have no means of summoning the reported criminals and besides the case lacks willing witnesses.She advised me to report The Chief to your HRW office [rd: sarcasm ] and I told her I would inquire to institute legal-proceedings/criminal charges at The Mig. Law Courts.The M.L.C. told me to see The State Council Rep. next Monday. 6/6/2014 - 1503. [23.]-Hi HRW.As a matter of fact, on second thoughts and going by the advice of The Mig. Judiciary,I've decided to instead adjoin The offices of : {a.}-The Attorney General, {b.}-The Director of Public Prosecutions and {c.}-The State Counsel through the internet cause otherwise the status-quo will prevail for the sacred cows of The Establishment are adversely mentioned going back to the genesis of the case.But then this will have to wait till I next get stipends from friends and well-wishers. Thank you in advance for your consideration. 6/6/2014 - 1640hours. -The same was copied to The office of The Royal Consulate of The Netherlands on 7/6/2014 - 0451 hours. [24.]-Hi HRW.As a precautionary measure,thought I should let your office know that The Chief is tracking me of late not to mention unknown assailants.It has been whispered to me that their Luo Community is in the process of finalizing a rite/ritual called "GOLO" interpreting in Swahili as "KUTOLEWA" and in English as "OUT-CASTING." This is in the light of being regarded as a cultural epithet/stooge.Unwanted and denied. 6/6/2014 -2217hours. -The same was copied to The office of The Royal Consulate of The Netherlands on 7/6/2014 -0438hours. [25.]-Hi HRW.I have managed to keep in touch with the press of about 6 countries including those mentioned in the blog for purposes of raising awareness geared to coordinate alert on any but palpable would be unforeseeable circumstances.Thank you in advace once again for your for your consideration. 7/6/2014 -2129hours. [26.]-Hi HRW.Due to time constraints,this is just to alert your office of the recurrent cultural conflict cases inflicting The Luo of Nyanza.A case in point has just been quoted in Citizen Radio in Rongo Migori whereby sibling brothers premeditated to kill their father by poisoning his food and when that failed they stabbed him with knives at the same time stoning him.My life is under threat as has been threatened by all the 3 methods above.Thank you in advance. 15/6/2014 -1944hours. [27.]-Hi HRW.The bisexual savage male criminal is still up to his tricks.Crouching, stalking,mark timing for touches,brushes with impunity.We are headed for a physical confrontation given that I have exhausted all available legal channels to no avail and the accident money is not forthcoming as yet.It is unfathomable and I can't take it no more.Thank you in advance. Hi dear readers,Good,Beautiful Learned Lords and Ladies.I will give precepts next from the scenarios at The Chief's office and elaborate more on what occurred.Later logistics.

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