Solar System Media: Les Misérables Activists-Advocacy-Lobbyists and Consultants at Law.

Solar System Media: Les Misérables Activists-Advocacy-Lobbyists and Consultants at Law.
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Thursday, June 19, 2014

Prosecuting Raila : Ex-Treason Convict and Serial Ritual Psychopath Murderer.

Hallo everybody.Good,Beautiful Learned Lords and Ladies,Senior Counsel and the world at large.It is with great remorse that I start once again to to embark on this mission of submitting evidence for my petition against the brotherly-duo of Raila and Uhuru and The Establishment of Kenya for purposes of saving my endangered my threatened now barely hanging on a string having been put on forced dependance in circumstances similar to a life support machine [ rd: animal husbandry and zero-grazing. ] Let me take this opportunity to explain what transpired in the midnight hours of The 17th of June 2014 on Tuesday.I would first like to state that I have been informed by reliable sources that The one Chief Odera [ a.k.a. Odira ] who'd joined the tables on the lawn front of The Milimani Pub as we watched The World Cup and even as I waited for my Engineer comrade friend happens to be The real Chief of Chamkombe and that The Chief Amara who I'd reported as tracking me in conjunction with unknown assailants for purposes of finalizing the "GOLO/KUTOLEWA/OUT-CASTING" ritual/rite has been working in acting capacity holding place for Chief Odira who was muddled in lands corruption case, thus The two Chiefs,Amara nad Odira are one and the same in terms of held values and The "Two-way Traffic Cultural Conveyor Belt" of Luo-Nyanza. Indeed it logically follows that Chief Odera was acting on behalf of Chief Amara when he and his wife made a point of passing by Milimani Pub to join the larger Odera family there at the lawn-front and he had in mind to execute the very same ritual of "golo/kutolewa/out-casting" that Chief Amara seemed to have put on hold since I'd already mentioned him to the authorities.I happenned to have already been acquiesced with one of the Odera male siblings courtesy of the other Engineer comrade friend Emanuel [ rd: Abal the shoe-shiner ] who was then still working in Migori County before being transferred to Nakuru County.We have been close friends with the two Engineers, Emanuel and Benjamin since University days.In fact on my presence at The Milimani Pub,the familiar Odera Chief sibling phoned Emanuel in Nakuru and held conversation with him given that we used to drink together and he thought initially it was Emanuel coming before I told him it was Emanuel's comrade Engineer friend called Benjamin who happened to be unfamiliar to him. Engineer Bejamin phoned me at around 2130hours and told me to take a taxi and go pick him at his Florence Hotel where he was with other staff so that we could come back to town together for drinks and dilly-dallying with them girls. We picked Benja,the taxi driver and I and came back to Milimani Pub but changed mind and decided to go instead to one Shakers Club where them girls there have no qualms about sleeping......they are waiters doubling-up as free willing commercial workers/sleeping service can pay for their shift's pay at the counter and take/whisk them away for the night since we found only one girl there and the taxi driver explained that it was cause it was a Tuesday and not a Wednesday or a Friday or a week-end.He suggested Bell's Pub at The popular Resort Club street aligned with many clubs and lodges.The Bell's Pub girls had qualms and issues [ rd: long stories ] so we decided to just quench our throats as we whiled away the night catching-up with the latest and reminiscing about them good old days.Benja later called the taxi driver and we tried another joint in the street along Shirikiso Pub but the pubs and lodges there were already was past 2300hours and since Engineer Benja was going to work the following day,we decided to call it quits and retire for the night.We took him back to his Florence Hotel and the taxi driver and I drove back to town to look for some affordable lodging for the night hoping I could come across them commercial girl workers for I am damn sexually starved having had it twice only since I was deported to Migori in June 2012;for The Luo community think that as such they may eventually coerce/force me to marry one of their appointed savages [ rd: animal-husbandry and zero-grazing/the long overdue accident victim compensation money/and The Migori Judiciary driver mouth-piece claims. ] Thus such were the circumstances on that fateful night as we first tried Sky Lodge next to the Buses Stage which was already closed we'd to resort to the only other option for cheap lodges at The Resort Club street where the taxi driver dropped me.My first inquiries had me directed to one Hunter's Club which happened to be full already and they directed me to The Classic Club Lodge and on my way there as I puffed a cigarette, I decided to take a short-call at The very Bell's Pub we'd been drinking at earlier-on.On my way to its loos the staff told me smoking ain't allowed inside and they [ around six or five ] showed me back to the way-out.That's when one of the Chief Odero siblings who was apparently within the five or six tapped my shoulder and exclaimed saying....."Wait a minute,weren't you the one we was with at The Milimani Pub initially?" to which I replied "Yes." Then he insisted on buying us one round including The Patron/Manager of The Pub wanting to know the better of me and I thought to my good-old-self since we used to drink with his brother anyway during the days of Emanuel.I had not taken more than four sips before he turned on me like starting to interrogate me and on learning I hailed from Chamkombe he asked whether I knew Chief Amara and I told him his office not his residence.At one point in time during the interrogation,he revealingly claimed and albeit sarcastically that I was on his trail and had been tracking him from Milimani Pub to one Rancher's Pub [ which I have never set foot-in since my deportation to Migori. ]This is when I added 1+1 and realized he was sarcastically referring to the complaint's I'd raised with authorities on Chief Amara and unknown assailants tracking me.I told him to ask his brother if he wanted full data on me and he became the rude savage asking for my National Identity Card and that's when I asked for his ID first for that's supposed to be a cop's only job and that's when the bull-charging begun. By then he'd already been allowed courtesy of The Patron/Manager to sign his bill after the addition of our rounds albeit reservedly. I again did my math adding 1 and another and read read Acting Chief Amara and The Real Chief Odera versus the whispers of "GOLO/KUTOLEWA/OUT-CASTING" and the Raila mission of removing that "something/jinn." I had no choice other than to play defense for I wasn't gonna hold-up a fight with the primitive lay savage beast since they was many and a challenge meant they could mob-gang up against me if I played to their obvious see-me-through trap.I thought fast and decided to take a dash jumping over the lawn-front and begun running headed for the high-way.He followed me on a motor-cycle taxi overtaking me all the while threatening to beat the hell out of me and I had to make an about-turn running back the way I had come from.Crowds begun milling and some waiter-girls of one pub presumably familiar with him said told me to enter and hide in their pub for since he was coming accompanied by his bouncers.I told them I would take it in public whatever the matter/issue was.Thus did he arrive with a gang of around eight to ten people and they descended on me with kicks and blows as they interrogated my poor-old-self further.They asked me who I thought I was supervising with the file I carried and that's when my thoughts clicked once again to Raila.By then the Odera sibling Chief assailant had snatched my phone asking me who I was calling [ for I had been dialing The O.C.Crime and another traffic cop called Langat who'd been assigned my accident case both of whose numbers I'd saved......though they didn't answer for it was then past midnight. ] when he was coming for me with his bouncers.They [ he the Odero sibling Chief assailant and his bouncers ] scrolled the numbers I'd dialed asking me to identify each of the subscribers of the numbers.......which I did including that of The Engineer comrade friend Benja. Afterwards the crowd acquiesced to my innocence reading MISCHIEF in the Chief Odero sibling chief assailant and one of them holding me by the now button-torn shirt told me to look straight at the road ahead and take to my heels as fast as possible and not to look back.That I did with like four assailants giving me the shake-off,reducing to one who also later let me go.I fell twice and they raised me with kicks and blows till they let go off me eventually. I later phoned Engineer Benja at 0026 hours and told him what had happened.I then stopped a motor-cycle taxi who took me to some lodge next to the Shakers Pub surprisingly labelled "WEST COACH" as I learn t later the following day as I booked-out of the lodge.I would like to categorically state here that these barbaric savages led by their head Raila have no mental thresh-hold, nor capacity or any mental facilities whatsoever to speak of to make informed choices and/or decisions.Their approach to life is myopic fed by the archaic belief-system and practice of witchcraft not to mention out-dated cultures and traditions.Raila wants to KILL ME/REMOVE ME [ rd :removing that "something/jinn" versus "GOLO/KUTOLEWA/OUT-CASTING ] in the myopic primitive belief that that will open to him the gates of State House . He is misinformed that he personally must be President through thick and thin and it is killing him and driving him crazy/mad that he is aging fast and most probably will not be able to join the coveted "President's Club" ever down the anals of history.He should respect the ultimate choice of The Founding Partner-Father of The Nation Jaramogi Oginga Odinga and instead groom James Orengo for The Presidency.If a Luo is to be president,the likes of James Orengo readily cut-across the political divide and have what it takes including the know-how,the discipline not to mention the necessary prerequisite courtesy,etiquette and public fervor.Raila has a swollen head,he's mad for the Presidency and unfortunately suffers from delusions,hallucinations and a disassociated state-of-mind regarding how to achieve this feat.Being myopic he only see the literal distance between his residence and State House and the only way familiar to him is "GATE-CRUSHING."Ask Miguna Miguna;ask one Tuju; they have dealt with him and they know better. Later logistics.

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