Solar System Media: Les Misérables Activists-Advocacy-Lobbyists and Consultants at Law.

Solar System Media: Les Misérables Activists-Advocacy-Lobbyists and Consultants at Law.
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Wednesday, July 02, 2014

Prosecuting Raila : Ex- Treason Convict and Serial Ritual Psychopath Murderer.

Hi Good,Beautiful Learned Lords and Ladies.I wish to take this opportunity to clarify some issues in my earlier blogs which have been brought to my notice/attention that could be they are being misquoted out of context from some quarters by people with vested interests to work against the success of this my petition vis-a-vis the palpable, condemned bondage of my life which is now on the verge of being extinguished prematurely be it as it is that it is now being hanged from a string which is comparable to living on a life support machine [ rd: four brass levers. ] I would like to state that The U.S.A literally makes the world go round and round.It is as good as saying that The U.S.A makes the globe spin on its axis and rotate on its orbit 24 /7 /365.The U.S. is the melting pot of the cultures and the peoples of the world.It is the leading country in industrialized cutting-edged savvy high technology of goods and services.The U.S. has conquered space and is the leading limelight in space science.Everybody from the four corners of the earth harbors the "American Dream." The U.S. is the best of all worlds.Its peoples them Americans are the most exposed,progressive,informed and civilized.It is the most developed country in all aspects including of humanity and industry and that's why it can afford to out-source jobs to third-party workers outside The U.S. even at the risk of being edged on to a "fiscal-cliff" just so as to protect the enshrined benchmarks of human rights at the work place for its coveted citizenry. Its democracy is over two hundred years and its institutions are founded,fortified and reinforced with leak-proof democratic principles.Yet to be where it is today,America has come from far trudging the slow painful road littered with the thorns of culture-shock,discrimination not to mention slavery to change and evolve over time gone-by to embrace the most befitting,favorable,conducive agreeable melting pot of cultures,peoples, societies,laws,behaviors and characteristics that have survived to see this new "next generation" of this twenty-first century,second millennium A.D.This rich American folklore history was an inevitable result of a litany of injustices brought about by the necessity of the contextual factors defining them generations gone-by those times. Now,the point I am trying to make and the issue I am trying to resolve is that I am a die-hard supporter,fan.enthusiast and admirer of President Obama and First Lady Michelle.You will recognize in my petition blog-site the ambiguities and similarities of The American-History-Experience in terms of discrimination,slavery and culture-shock.The U.S. remains my number one choice for resettlement as a fugitive on the run seeking political asylum/refuge except for the fact that The Royal Kingdom of The Netherlands' Consulate was the first to respond to my S.O.S. calls and guide me through the prerequisite protocol via The UNHCR and The IOM [ rd:love grows on love and so does humanity ] which is why I highly prioritized resettling there as my campaign portfolio shows.The other reason being that its the country hosting The ICC who's one of it' suspects happens to be the brotherly-duo partner [ rd:Ikenya career body guards and the Raila body guard ]whom I am also preferring charges against as is CLEARLY pointed-out by the substantial evidence [ rd:JUBILEE BUILDING CLEAR MANUSCRIPT and its lead agents the Englisher-intern Victorian Animism expert and Omondi the Luo-Nyanza Lake Victoria Two-Way Traffic Conveyor Belt Animism expert.Thirdly,I have worked with a couple of them Dutch es up-close namely in the current proprietor of Kinazini-Funzi-Dhow-Safaris;and a Lawyer-cum-businessman for whom I became an all-rounder jack-of-all-trades.He is a personal friend to date.Thus them Dutch es as work and personal experience has shown are truly one of a kind,understanding and exceptionally humane people.They will find/make time out of their busy schedule to lend one an ear in efforts to try and resolve any conflicting issues and/or issues of conflict.You just can't help loving them.Last but not least,i.e. fourthly, Netherlands as earlier stated is an "Art-of-The-State" of Utopian its own right;what with peoples of all creeds and from all walks of lifestyles allowed recognition by the law. Almost all said and done,America is the number one super power and as such The White House is unequivocally the incomparable envy and admiration of the planet earth and its earthlings.The White House is second only to the celestial palaces in Majesty and Standing and as such anybody can imagine what it takes to occupy this coveted White House in capacity as The President of The U.S. of A. not to mention having to cut across the political divide of the melting-pot of its electorate drawn from all the four corners of the planet earth.Now,because of the virtues of democracy,an African American freely made it to The White House as The First Black President.Now, except for Liberia and The "Free Towns" in several African Countries gazetted for the return of freed slaves after the abolition of slavery,the rest of the remaining Black population decided to survive in the harsh conditions up to date whereby they [ we,i.e . the rest of the African population and the diaspora ] finally made it in clinching the reigns of the leading super power.We understand that Them Black Americans don't tour Africa as much as Them Europeans do and that the much they as our dear brothers and sisters can do is to lend a helping hand here and there in terms of program mes and projects geared to lift Africa out of its doldrums.Partly cause them black Americans understandably blame Africa for selling them to the Merchant Ships in the cruel painful trade of slavery.Perhaps it can suffice to say Africa is living the curse of those slaves and thus the unending,constant ethic wars,poverty,diseases,famine aid dependency and so on and so forth.....e.t.c. When I mentioned vouching for expatriate presidents to come help turn Kenya to take a decent leap into the industrialized first worlds classes,me-good-old-self was thinking along the lines of the kinds of our beloved Obama and First Lady Michelle since Kenya opened the doors to "dual citizenship." But then perhaps that would have to wait a little bit longer than I thought for verily, [ I challenge anybody to a bet ] First Lady Michelle Obama is poised to take-over from Obama following in the footsteps of the trend set by them Clintons when Hillary gave Obama a run for The Democrat's nomination before finally bowing to the popularity,favor and the Obama fervor.Not least to mention amongst very many other priority factors is the "food stamp" factor which adhered the hearts of millions of Americans to them Obamas' helping catapult Obama to the second-term [ rd: out-sourced jobs. ] From an outsiders view the picture we get is that of them Obamas' feeding The Nation taking it single handedly in their stride and budget [ rd: GDP ] to host the homeless and feed the needy including them low-income earners.Gowing further one can picture parent birds flying-out and coming back with food to feed their young ones high-up in their say oak-tree nest.We in Africa know the pangs of hunger only too well [ rd: famine ] and can tell you what such a gesture can mean to the lives of millions of people.In relation to that I would like to say that that single factor if well grained-in with other deciding factors after Obama's second term and that should he work-out on passing the baton to First Lady Michelle,she will be well poised to take-over from Obama.Michelle could beat any other candidate in the presidential race arms down for two consecutive terms.With the above factor in mind, I would like to state that First Lady Michelle emboldens the virtues of femininity and motherhood in full blossom as of flowers in spring.Indeed, First Lady Michelle is the Cleopatra of our times and The White House is hers for the taking after Obama.Then after First Lady Michelle's two terms, they could then consider Kenya which needless to say will be a walk-over..........Later logistics.

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