Solar System Media: Les Misérables Activists-Advocacy-Lobbyists and Consultants at Law.

Solar System Media: Les Misérables Activists-Advocacy-Lobbyists and Consultants at Law.
Solar System Media: Les Misérables Activists-Advocacy-Lobbyists and Consultants at Law-This is an Online-Jobs Entrepreneurship / Business Services-Provider, Social Media Marketing / Virtual Assistant (Administrative) and Retail-Goods Affiliate-Marketing involving: (1.)-Community Paralegals for Legal Document Assistant (LDA) / Legal Technician / Court Document Preparers / Court Forms Providers as far as Activism-and-Lobbying for Causes go concerning Human-Rights-Advocacy for suppressed voices and the tax-overburdened oppressed laity including dis-inherited widows, orphans and the destitute; (2.)-French, English, Swahili Translator / Interpreter / Teacher / Tour Guide; (3.)-Publisher for Affiliate Marketing in freelance writing, blogging, transcription and podcasting;

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Prosecuting Raila : Ex-Treason Convict and Serial Ritual Psychopath Murderer.

Hi everybody.Let me first start with the text messages to The HRW thus : [1.]-Hi HRW. I have sensed some loose organization of a trail all the way from the cyber cafe I frequent to the neighborhood base where Chief Amara has also crossed my path again,a bad omen.Ethnic cracks are visible with reports that Kikuyu shopkeepers have begun closing shop here in Mig. fueled by news of the same of other ethnic minorities in different ethnic strongholds. I am afraid The Chiefs and their assailants could be cooking something and use The 7th July rallies [saba saba ] as an excuse to organize a mob-gang crime. I have decided to keep indoors till after the rallies. The forecasting is hazy. Thank you in advance. -5 / 7 / 2014 - 2211hours. [2.]-Hi HRW. I would like to alert your office of the current imposed hunger-games/food insecurity panic geared to make the environment susceptible to poisoning as they have threatened before.The male parent has traveled leaving the wife, his daughter and her son and their maid who insist on serving me food alone while they,the rest eat together in the kitchen which I have declined. Thus I have eaten once since yesterday and now pushed to praying to friends and well-wishers. Thank you in advance. -8 / 7 / 2014 - 1030hours. [3.]-Hi HRW. The incestuous sexual harassment provocation in high gear with the female parent coming closer taking-over the couch I used to sit-in and turning it into her bed. The first time she takes sleeping position in the sitting room interpreted as an "Animism-Sorcery" tackle-approach [ rd:"Maternal Transfer" ] meant to conjure mirror-images of sleeping emotions in a sexually-starving victim going by the accumulated sum-up of the sexual-intercourse signs ,symbols and body language she has been arrogantly sending including urinating openly in a standing position and exposing/flaunting her reproductive organ in the process;stalking me to the bathroom and rudely replying "kumanina" if you should dare question her motives. Thank you in advance. -9 / 7 / 2014 - 0727hours. [4.]-Hi HRW.Hunger games/food insecurity panic high gear.Third day running only 1 meal per day rationed;yesterday by chance due to visitors and today I am emaciated having eaten nothing since morning.Praying on friends. Thank you in advance. 9 / 7 / 2014 - 1559hours. [5.]-Hi HRW.I am dying of hunger. They are killing me by hunger. Thank you in advance. -9 / 7 / 2014 - 1952hours. { The same was copied to The Royal Consulate of The Netherlands } at -2017hours. [6.]-Hi HRW. Somebody please help me get my accident money and/or political asylum.They are killing me. I haven't slept a wink the hunger/emaciation wont let me. Thank you in advance. -10 / 7 / 2014 -0233hours. { The same was copied to The Royal Consulate of The Netherlands } at 0239hours. Now if I may submit some evidence. I would like to make a little correction that I meant "Food Stamp" and "The Health Insurance Cover" and not "Housing cover" as previously mentioned in the earlier blog above. Well, I don't know much about "The Health Insurance Scheme" but I guess it was more or less going to work along the lines of "The Food Stamp Policy," i.e. covering every American. I think it was the "GOLO/KUTOLEWA/OUT-CASTING v. Removing something/Jinn" that was still on my mind [ rd: the Karl Marx memory lane whereby all avenues get closed and all nooses get tightened leaving one feeling like they are being throttled out-of-space;like they are being prepared to be dispatched by their "Clan Welfare Association-gods"to the lands of the ancestors. Well in relation to the above I would like to give you another perspective of the saga with regards to housing whereby they [ the now not-so-very brotherly-duo ] used to rotate me between repeated cycles of casual labor enabling one gain access to affordable housing and a decent source of livelihood for like a couple of months or so and periods of joblessness and lack-of-a-roof over one's head,i.e. affordable housing sometimes lasting up to several weeks perhaps a couple of months or so. These were the times I was stretched to the limits and was left to survive on deals and errands here and there. With most time spent hustling up and down the town prospecting for jobs and/or sitting perched at The Uhuru Garden inquiring reflectively and pondering on how to handle the situation at hand, I happened to sometimes get to meet high season spill-overs eager to do "the unbeaten paths" which contributed to seeing me over for a couple of days or so. Such were the times [ when out of casual labor and shelter ] I was forced by circumstances to come-up with smart ideas of how I was going to beat the odds and make shift to survive to see another day till the next preoccupation made available; and as neatly as possible trying my best to avoid any over-night lags,fatigues, freckles,untidiness and looking shaggy or disheveled. Thus I walked around carrying a bag/rack-sack with a few necessary items including a pair of change-clothes,slippers for bathing,a towel and personal effects like a toothbrush /paste,bathing soap and sometimes a daily or a weekly paper [ rd: The East African. ] I guess I must have appeared like them "hikers and/or bag-packers." I take this opportunity to express my thanks and gratitude to two "Bar-Restaurants" which saw me through many such a nights. I whiled away the nights dozing between winks and the big screens at first " Little Chef Bar and Restaurant" along Moi Avenue and sometimes changing to "The Salambo Club" at the start of The Moi Avenue. I knew a couple of them Taxi drivers one of whom we'd been in high school together and with whom we whiled the better parts of the nights together between his taxiing here and there at the island and outside the island within the mainland. At "Little Chef Bar and Restaurant" we would sometimes meet with The Dutch Lawyer-cum-businessman [ who wasn't practicing Law in Kenya but was instead busy on the process of looking for a business-permit from the authorities....a long process at the time,believe me though I hear they've now simplified it and a foreign investor can get licensed within a couple of weeks ] where we watched premier league matches amongst very many other fans and on whose courtesy I ended-up many a times with "a bottle for the road/the match" since more often than not I could only afford a soda.He sometimes came accompanied by his Kenyan girlfriend The casual labor brackets had been widened what with the gov. liberalizing the markets and allowing public/state corporations to be privatized [ rd: outsourcing jobs more or less. ] After I got familiar / oriented with these repeated cycles of "have and have-not," I adopted the youth-base behind Moi Avenue/Wimpy Restaurant/Elephant Tusks where the neighborhood let me have the rooftop and the basement as I played "watch-man support staff."Indeed some guys in the hood got to nick-naming me "Costa Rica" due to these repeated,premeditated,orchestrated,choreographed, organized cycles of "have shelter / have-not shelter; afford and afford-not decent livelihood and switching between pitching tent here and shifting there the following week and so forth and hence forth all over Coast cause I would sometimes be forced to hang-out / co-habit with and/or between relatives when the going became tough I could barely/hardly make ends meet.These were the days I got attached to Pioneer Assurance doing prospectuses,sales and marketing between shifting to casual labor at The Port's sections usually as a Tallying Clerk for quality and quantity assessments before finally shifting to The Grain Bulk Handler's Facility as a "greener pastures" job. Later logistics.

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