Solar System Media: Les Misérables Activists-Advocacy-Lobbyists and Consultants at Law.

Solar System Media: Les Misérables Activists-Advocacy-Lobbyists and Consultants at Law.
Solar System Media: Les Misérables Activists-Advocacy-Lobbyists and Consultants at Law-This is an Online-Jobs Entrepreneurship / Business Services-Provider, Social Media Marketing / Virtual Assistant (Administrative) and Retail-Goods Affiliate-Marketing involving: (1.)-Community Paralegals for Legal Document Assistant (LDA) / Legal Technician / Court Document Preparers / Court Forms Providers as far as Activism-and-Lobbying for Causes go concerning Human-Rights-Advocacy for suppressed voices and the tax-overburdened oppressed laity including dis-inherited widows, orphans and the destitute; (2.)-French, English, Swahili Translator / Interpreter / Teacher / Tour Guide; (3.)-Publisher for Affiliate Marketing in freelance writing, blogging, transcription and podcasting;

Thursday, April 02, 2020

SARS nCoV2 Emergency Response Fund : G20 Leaders and Bilateral Creditors Gear To Suspend Debt-Repayment From 3rd World Developing Countries As World Bank Loans Treasuries Yet ICC-Indicted Uhuru Exempt-Biases Me From CRB's Blacklisting Clearences Signaling Death-Sanction Execution Plans c/o ex-Chief Amara and His 'Brokeside Dairy Jacket' 'Paid Pawns' Dysfunctional Turpins. SOS.

Date: Thu, 2 Apr 2020 22:28:46 +0600

NB : Never forget that I look forward & intend to exhaust the ICMS
legal proceedings in pursuance of justice as regards retribution &
reliefs like stated within the quoted links once Uhuru's AG pays-up my
7.9yrs damages and / or I get alternative funds, legal assistance or
both to pay the requisite fees since the e-filings aren't my technical
faults but due to Uhuru's political-legal abuses.

Dear Sir / Madam, 
                            I take this solemn chance while the SARS nCoV2 ravages the world populace with COVID-19 across the globe to decry early ICC-Indicted Uhuru's consistent, widespread & systematic perpetual political-legal abuse now in openly bias-exempting me from his office's National fiscal-measures directive to the Treasury to clear CRB-listed borrowers, households, SMEs and company defaulters indefinitely as well as suspend henceforth blacklisting of such loan defaulters for the next 90 days in temporary reliefs aimed at cushioning the vulnerable over-burdened tax-payer citizenry from the debilitating economic impacts of the SARS nCoV2 Pandemic. Records indicate 22m customers borrowed 212b in 2019 while banks & microfinance institutions required 12.40m in 2018 curving a
growth of 181.1% from 4.38m in 2017 driven by increased uptake of mobile loans for which of the 22m Kenyans mentioned above I have an outstanding loan of 3000/- KCB MPESA & 211/- for CBA's M-SHWARI now NCBA after merging with NIC Bank. Last time the HELB called my loan had
accumulated to 804,000/- plus interest which by now the totals could be clocking 1m though I take relief with the fact that concerned taxpayers raised issue with the GoK that the loans were budgeted-for
by the ex-chequer & as such they'd no authority to keep bickering HELB defaulters or any moral reasons given they'd cleared their economy-cartels cronies companies of hundreds of billions in loans
compared to the 7.7b owed HELB by 78,328 loan defaulters. [
]. Thus we sure as the sun rises waiting for the legislature to formally enact & pass the accompanying statute / act. Otherwise, I call upon the civilized world to rally-up ICC-Indicted Uhuru to stop
his political-legal abuses this time in bias-exempting me from the global assistive fiscal-measures being taken by govts. to support citizens in financial distress as SARS nCoV2 bites ; esp. when Kenya
will come to a total lock-down as envisaged in the foreseeable future. 
                             I need like 2 bic-razors, 2 washing-&-bathing bar-soaps, toothpaste not to mention
that I'm in rugs remaining with 2 jerseys and 2 worn-out shirts plus 2 tearing-jeans at the knee & groins and 1 corduroy making 3-trousers. My over-sewn slippers are no more same to the shoes as can be verified in precedent records. Recent soft copy submissions [
] detail the prevailing hunger-torture circumstances feeding on 'penis envy' [ rd : Sexology ] Uhuru's imposed pennilessness-pauperism forced-dependency arrested-development & Sanctioned psychiatric-system approach curtailing my datings and marriage still at 42yrs cause he brood-sits on my 7.9yrs Kihara Construction punitive and actual damages courtesy of the 'Advocates Complaints Commission' in the office of the AG who hails from his Kiambu backyard. All other status-quo in the link as regards my vows are constant to the bitter end. 
                           Actually, in essence if you read btw the lines & join-the-dots Uhuru & his loo-bat in cahoots with his 'Brookeside Dairy Jacket' 'paid pawns' dysfunctional Turpins & ex-Chief Amara are hideously planning to execute their death threats in organized-crime under cover of the SARS nCoV2 frenzy as is implicitly developing in recent soft copy submissions where they exploit the hunger tortures to wonna poison me ; needless to say they infected me with contaminated-food with what 'cept for the Loperamide Hydrochloride antidiarrheal tabs appeared to be amoeba or typhoid symptoms cause a fever almost developed in the 2nd bout of diarrhoea. I've only 3 tabs left & need to restock urgently. I also need data bundles for emergency alerts since I'm alive simply cause of the civil society courtesy of the internet for otherwise the feral-savages would've killed mepoorol'self ages back. They've begun another strategy of eating breakfast early in the morn. while my first meal ration's towards 1400hrs ; of which I'm forced to partake of the market over-stayed sun-dried fish which usually comes rottish with maggots as highlighted in precedent records though for once this time since 2012 & my ever report complaint submissions of the health hazard disgusting filthy stench-market fish, there were no maggots. It ain't my culture ; Got no choice jus' gotta shut my eyes & feed on the fit-for-hyenas fish. Yak! Tried accessing the CRB no. *433# but it says I got insufficient funds to use the service ; while their other code *443# says 'outta service'. I reiterate that I don't need Uhuru's GoK jobs 'cept my 7.9yrs Kihara
Construction dues he owes me cause I've got better plans & I'm going into biz ; not committing to pay 1m+ in HELB loans. Excuse me. Thus my e-Commerce endeavors including video & audio podcasts stall in developments despite AWS connecting Kenya to its CDN global infrastructure to spur growth : [ ] ; ] among others. The arrested development circumstances are as highlighted in [
]. The recent soft copy submission are detailed in [
]. I pray civil societies intervene to stop ICC-Indicted Uhuru from violating all my freedoms as concerns the 'Bill of Rights' & the UN Human Rights Charter so as to clear my blacklistings with the CRB as regards the global fiscal measures to facilitate me affordable & higher lending limits plus extended repaymdnt periods like the rest of the world to ensure my safety & cushioning from the SARS nCoV2 and its devastating economic effects as Kenya heads towards a total lock down.
I need a living standard above the poverty line & to develop my e-Commerce. 
Thank you in advance. 
Yours Faithfully, 
Erick Mango.

NB : Never forget that I look forward & intend to exhaust the ICMS legal proceedings in pursuance of justice as regards retribution & reliefs like stated within the quoted links once Uhuru's AG pays-up my
7.9yrs damages and / or I get alternative funds, legal assistance or both to pay the requisite fees since the e-filings aren't my technical faults but due to Uhuru's political-legal abuses. }; {
}; {
}. SOS.

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