Solar System Media: Les Misérables Activists-Advocacy-Lobbyists and Consultants at Law.

Solar System Media: Les Misérables Activists-Advocacy-Lobbyists and Consultants at Law.
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Friday, April 17, 2020

Contagion-Animist ICC-Indicted and Bori / GLBTQ-Occultist Uhuru by proxy of his 'Brokeside Dairy Jacket' Compulsive-Neurotic, Dysfunctional, Psychic-Cannibal-Vampire-Witch Turpins continue on-and-off Hunger-Torture / Food-Poker Rationing Games as they await data bundles depletion. SOS. : 50% interest repayable Survival and eCommerce soft loans / spare cash, Bonga Points or data bundles contacts are as provided within links.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jason Bourne <>
Date: Fri, 17 Apr 2020 19:16:27 +0600
Subject: Contagion-Animist ICC-Indicted and Bori / GLBTQ-Occultist
Uhuru by proxy of his 'Brokeside Dairy Jacket' Compulsive-Neurotic,
Dysfunctional, Psychic-Cannibal-Vampire-Witch Turpins continue
on-and-off Hunger-Torture / Food-Poker Rationing Games as they await
data bundles depletion. SOS. : 50% interest repayable Survival and
eCommerce soft loans / spare cash, Bonga Points or data bundles
contacts are as provided within links.

assasinate my character in conjunction with her extended Jewish-kiths
world-reknown to manipulate events & sway public minds. Take my word,
till we stand before competent lawcourts, don't trust their words ;
they're dehumanizing me with their puppeteerings manipulating my life
& interactions. My anti-Narcissistic Godzilla-Raila's Luo Nyanza work
or life are constant to the bitter end including DISOWNING these
dysfunctional Turpins which I've pending court formalities. Urge the
CJ to extend the Statute of Limits. Fourth week indoors 24/7 cause of
Uhuru's imposed pauperism penilessness. Survival eCommerce soft loans
will be repaid a 50% interest once Uhuru's AG pays-up my 7.9yrs Kihara
Construction punitive & actual damages. Data bundles rem. for reading
& alerts. If they kill me by fault or design remember my WILL as
regards bequething my damages vis-à-vis potential embezzlers of my
damages & burial outta Raila's Luo Nyanza plus barring them Turpins.
SOS. Thank you in advance. Yours Faithfully, Erick Mango.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jason Bourne <>
Date: Fri, 17 Apr 2020 18:54:51 +0600
Subject: Fwd: Contagion-Animist ICC-Indicted and Bori /
GLBTQ-Occultist Uhuru by proxy of his 'Brokeside Dairy Jacket'
Compulsive-Neurotic, Dysfunctional, Psychic-Cannibal-Vampire-Witch
Turpins continue on-and-off Hunger-Torture / Food-Poker Rationing
Games as they await data bundles depletion. SOS. : 50% interest
repayable Survival and eCommerce soft loans / spare cash, Bonga Points
or data bundles contacts are as provided within links.

Hence, I survive on strong-tea and water after an unsustainable
ration to fill the void of a famished under-&-malnourished Uhuru's
political-legal abuse victim by proxy of his 'paid pawns'. The quickie
matriarch's disgusting, unwashed, customary filthy dishes are as
captioned in the attached photos including of omena-dagaa you gotta
comb through with the keenness of a toothpick. The other photos speak
for themselves & also demonstrate the rugs I walk-in pending sueing
the embezzlement pagans. I've secured some online jobs for starters
which are remotely compatible with my relic symbian phone and so I
pray the civilized world atleast for lotsa data bundles as I look
forward to purchase-invest in an advanced Android smart phone, an iPad
or a Tablet & a Laptop ofcourse ; otherwise my remote working's
compromised ; in relation to which I CTA civil society groups to
rally-up sadist 'evil eyes' Uhuru 'penis envy' [ rd : Sexology ] cause
of his 'evil eyes' as well loo-bat kith working with his 'paid pawns'
to PTO

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jason Bourne <>
Date: Fri, 17 Apr 2020 18:26:31 +0600
Subject: Fwd: Contagion-Animist ICC-Indicted and Bori /
GLBTQ-Occultist Uhuru by proxy of his 'Brokeside Dairy Jacket'
Compulsive-Neurotic, Dysfunctional, Psychic-Cannibal-Vampire-Witch
Turpins continue on-and-off Hunger-Torture / Food-Poker Rationing
Games as they await data bundles depletion. SOS. : 50% interest
repayable Survival and eCommerce soft loans / spare cash, Bonga Points
or data bundles contacts are as provided within links.

like yesterday when super was a 'mdhokoi' meal meant for one, the
'married but gay' dodo pimp which after dividing and taking the larger
share [ 3-fifths ] like usual leaves you still hungry! I never asked
to come to their abode. Remember like the original US California
Turpins who abuse-tortured their 13 kids aged btw 29 & 2yrs, their
Kenya counterparts also did Ian the unwanted bastard who'd been left
at 2yrs by their whoring daughter Linet [ psychogenetically taking
after her quicky-prostitute mother ] pretending she were going to
Saudia as she sold her wares at [ ]. Though it's
within the links let me resurface it near [
] as a prevalent occult in W. Africa Nigeria & E. Africa Tanzania
where the witches' jealousy-rivalry wanted to shackle me in Randa
Kitembe like Uhuru & Raila abduct-soujourned me in Jomvu Kuu Mombasa
with their GoK licensed firearmed witchdoctor Omar powered with a
Merc. PTO

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jason Bourne <>
Date: Fri, 17 Apr 2020 18:00:26 +0600
Subject: Fwd: Contagion-Animist ICC-Indicted and Bori /
GLBTQ-Occultist Uhuru by proxy of his 'Brokeside Dairy Jacket'
Compulsive-Neurotic, Dysfunctional, Psychic-Cannibal-Vampire-Witch
Turpins continue on-and-off Hunger-Torture / Food-Poker Rationing
Games as they await data bundles depletion. SOS. : 50% interest
repayable Survival and eCommerce soft loans / spare cash, Bonga Points
or data bundles contacts are as provided within links.

abundance of the same in 'psychic energy / substance embezzlement' is
a common theme featuring in occult psychic-witches secret-societies as
was demonstrated in the original Turpins hearing of US California as
cited in the links within the links [
]. The fact's also extrapolated in evolutionary anthropology
showcasing evidence of many waves of dispersals & migrations which led
to large-scale admixtures amongst genus Homo's many transitional
species, subspecies and lineages [ not to mention with chimps as early
bipedal hominids ] resulting not only in genomic-admixtures but
techno-cultural behavioral as well ; and thus the evident similarities
in the 'Europe Witch Trials' & the Turpins of US California vis-à-vis
their Bori / GLBTQ 'married but gay' counterparts in Kenya! Thus they
shift the hunger-torture innuendos from day & sometimes to night when
I retire to bed hungry with the famished-energies still pulsating for
more PTO

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jason Bourne <>
Date: Fri, 17 Apr 2020 17:30:22 +0600
Subject: Fwd: Contagion-Animist ICC-Indicted and Bori /
GLBTQ-Occultist Uhuru by proxy of his 'Brokeside Dairy Jacket'
Compulsive-Neurotic, Dysfunctional, Psychic-Cannibal-Vampire-Witch
Turpins continue on-and-off Hunger-Torture / Food-Poker Rationing
Games as they await data bundles depletion. SOS. : 50% interest
repayable Survival and eCommerce soft loans / spare cash, Bonga Points
or data bundles contacts are as provided within links.

how the witches enclose themselves in the outer kitchen to feast
secretly including the quickie-matriarch & her biological kids the
step siblings who'll then bring some to their 'married but gay' dodo
pimp daddy if he doesn't stride to join them in the kitchen ; the same
reasoning applies to the quickie-prostitute who's insulted me as to
how her fellow-occultist witch & embezzlement-paganism brother Charles
Ooko of Otech Communications Ltd, Changamwe, Mombasa would send her
hundreds of thousands of shillings jus' for sand harvesting to build
their biz while he's refused to pay me for my few properties he
stole-conned me as listed. Migori Police Station referred the case to
Changamwe Police Station quoting jurisdictional authorities for which
I'll charge the culprit with conning & stealing besides defamation and
others once Uhuru's AG pays-up my 7.9yrs Kihara Construction damages
to facilitate e-filing of my broader lawsuit as a whole. This
phenomenon of depriving one of their dues then rudely showing an PTO

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jason Bourne <>
Date: Fri, 17 Apr 2020 16:56:23 +0600
Subject: Contagion-Animist ICC-Indicted and Bori / GLBTQ-Occultist
Uhuru by proxy of his 'Brokeside Dairy Jacket' Compulsive-Neurotic,
Dysfunctional, Psychic-Cannibal-Vampire-Witch Turpins continue
on-and-off Hunger-Torture / Food-Poker Rationing Games as they await
data bundles depletion. SOS. : 50% interest repayable Survival and
eCommerce soft loans / spare cash, Bonga Points or data bundles
contacts are as provided within links.

Dear Sir / Madam, ICC-Indicted Uhuru's 'Brokeside
Dairy Jacket' compulsive-neurotic, 'paid pawns' dysfunctional,
psychic-cannibal-vampire-witch Turpins reminiscent of US's California
original Turpins and the 'Europe Witch Trials' continue on-and-off the
food-poker rationings hunger-tortures and on top showcase the
abundancy of food at night's super when the 'self bleaching, indecent
exposure, sex pervet, quickie-prostitute-witch matriarch' [
substantiated technical descriptive terms ] serves cold what she'd /
they'd witheld to ration at day jus' to instigate the hunger-torture
famishing of energy to reinforce on their witchcraftly-acquired LGMD
in allignement with their witches descendant zombie-culture geared to
stagnate growth through medical arrested development of cyclic-ritual
hunger-tortures [
]. I didn't ask to come to their abode and you know how the saga
unravels. The quoted links showcase PTO

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jason Bourne <>
Date: Fri, 17 Apr 2020 16:21:43 +0600
Subject: Contagion-Animist ICC-Indicted and Bori / GLBTQ-Occultist
Uhuru by proxy of his 'Brokeside Dairy Jacket' Compulsive-Neurotic,
Dysfunctional, Psychic-Cannibal-Vampire-Witch Turpins continue
on-and-off Hunger-Torture / Food-Poker Rationing Games as they await
data bundles depletion. SOS. : 50% interest repayable Survival and
eCommerce soft loans / spare cash, Bonga Points or data bundles
contacts are as provided within links.

Rally-up drum support-call for a NOW 7.9yrs accident-damages case &
The broader Political Asylum / Refuge Criminal-&-Civil Lawsuit against
Raila-Uhuru Jinn-Theocracy's GoK Political-Legal Abuses'
Endless-Persecution, Sanctioned Arrested-Development, Involuntary
Systems Of Committment & Rape Of Conscience still at 42yrs curtaling
my dates & marriage. E-Commerce development & survival spare cash /
soft loans to be repaid with a 50% interest once Uhuru's AG pays-up my
Kihara-Construction punitive & actual damages : +254723047863 &
+254764087863. Turn a passive-male ebbing existence back to track on
life. { Single-ladies who value strong family traditions ready to
settle-down, avail yourselves }. AG-phones & Amicus Curiae :-{ }; {
}; {
}. SOS.

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