Solar System Media: Les Misérables Activists-Advocacy-Lobbyists and Consultants at Law.

Solar System Media: Les Misérables Activists-Advocacy-Lobbyists and Consultants at Law.
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Saturday, April 04, 2020

'Evil eyes,' 'penis envy' [ rd : Sexology ] ICC-Indicted Uhuru's 'Brokeside Dairy Jacket' 'paid pawns' cooked-chaos [ exploiting SARS nCoV2 Pandemic's civilized-world eclipse ] finally readying to erupt as 'married but gay' dodo pimp throws obscene insult saying, "Ibirochamo meru," meaning more-or-less, "You'll eat your mother-f%¤#er"! : Prayers for CRB blacklisting clearence and / or 7.9yrs Kihara-Construction damages ; e-Commerce and survival 50% interest repayable soft loans / spare cash contacts as provided within links. SOS.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jason Bourne <>
Date: Sat, 4 Apr 2020 17:17:56 +0600
Subject: 'Evil eyes,' 'penis envy' [ rd : Sexology ] ICC-Indicted
Uhuru's 'Brokeside Dairy Jacket' 'paid pawns' cooked-chaos [
exploiting SARS nCoV2 Pandemic's civilized-world eclipse ] finally
readying to erupt as 'married but gay' dodo pimp throws obscene insult
saying, "Ibirochamo meru," meaning more-or-less, "You'll eat your
mother-f%¤#er"! : Prayers for CRB blacklisting clearence and / or
7.9yrs Kihara-Construction damages ; e-Commerce and survival 50%
interest repayable soft loans / spare cash contacts as provided within
links. SOS.

for which Victor can look forward to criminal charges same as his
occult biological parents. As we speak the gay pimp had locked himself
in the main house as I sat jotting in the balcony corridor of which
he's jus' opened belching loudly for the benefit of my ears that he'd
been piling his tummy. If I would've regained enough energies to
normal levels perhaps I may wash my rugs tomorrow. Otherwise, my vows
as quoted are constant to the bitter end & I pray civil society groups
urge the CJ to extend the Statute of Limits seeing the ICMS e-filing
technicalities are due to Uhuru's political-legal abuses brood-sitting
on my 7.9yrs Kihara Construction punitive & actual damages cause of
the incriminating evidence I've against him besides his gilted loo-bat
Judy Macharia & their extended Jewish-kith world-reknown as
manipulator-of-events and swayers-of-public-minds. Human rights
supporters can also send data bundles or Bonga Points. Thank you in
advance. Yours Faithfully, Erick Mango.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jason Bourne <>
Date: Sat, 4 Apr 2020 16:58:15 +0600
Subject: Fwd: 'Evil eyes,' 'penis envy' [ rd : Sexology ] ICC-Indicted
Uhuru's 'Brokeside Dairy Jacket' 'paid pawns' cooked-chaos [
exploiting SARS nCoV2 Pandemic's civilized-world eclipse ] finally
readying to erupt as 'married but gay' dodo pimp throws obscene insult
saying, "Ibirochamo meru," meaning more-or-less, "You'll eat your
mother-f%¤#er"! : Prayers for CRB blacklisting clearence and / or
7.9yrs Kihara-Construction damages ; e-Commerce and survival 50%
interest repayable soft loans / spare cash contacts as provided within
links. SOS.

managed to hastly serve to beat him on his own game as he strolled
from his bedroom dragging his already full belly. So as he enjoyed the
telly I hadn't had enough following the accumulated hunger overnight &
so went to serve megoodol'self again 90% of what remained of which
when he later discovered that's when he came with his obscenities. The
fact remains I didn't ask to come to their abode 'cept for the
illegal-unlawful arrest, detention, jail & forced eviction and
relocation from Mombasa to Migori by sadist contagion-animist Uhuru by
proxy of his cop Ikenya [ IPOA file -318/16 ] ; before the fateful
accident whose now 7.9yrs proceeds brood-sat on by Uhuru's
political-legal abuse is all that still keeps me here ; pending
exhausting the legal procedures & processes for justice's retribution
& reliefs. Remember their last son Victor instructed by his
quickie-matriarch mother unleashed a jet-of-stones war as recorded
among my 14+ MPS OBs & all cause of food same as the gay dodo pimp's
threatening now and PTO

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jason Bourne <>
Date: Sat, 4 Apr 2020 16:36:23 +0600
Subject: Fwd: 'Evil eyes,' 'penis envy' [ rd : Sexology ] ICC-Indicted
Uhuru's 'Brokeside Dairy Jacket' 'paid pawns' cooked-chaos [
exploiting SARS nCoV2 Pandemic's civilized-world eclipse ] finally
readying to erupt as 'married but gay' dodo pimp throws obscene insult
saying, "Ibirochamo meru," meaning more-or-less, "You'll eat your
mother-f%¤#er"! : Prayers for CRB blacklisting clearence and / or
7.9yrs Kihara-Construction damages ; e-Commerce and survival 50%
interest repayable soft loans / spare cash contacts as provided within
links. SOS.

secretly as biological kins 'prunning' me-out is documented in the
links within the quoted link above. Indeed in June 2015 they put me on
extreme 1 meal a day hunger-torture for 15days when their last
biological son & fellow witch-occult came visiting ; same like they
repeated variously when their 1st biological daughter Caro who's
psychogenetically taken to her quickie-matriarch's imprints as well as
to their family's cultural-witchcraft came visiting recently as on
record. The quickie-matriarch usually feeds with her
biological-progeny they share witchcraft-with in the outside kitchen
where the sly, gay, dodo-pimp oft joins them to pile his tummy some
more if the step-siblings don't choose to bring him solely more on the
table! These biases root to since ECGD. Thus today having overfed &
rudely belching for the benefit of my ears the gay dodo pimp strides
into the living room where he switches-on to watch the TV after
covering the 2-fifths rice for later eating while I fed hungrily ont
the 3-fifths I'd PTO

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jason Bourne <>
Date: Sat, 4 Apr 2020 16:13:22 +0600
Subject: Fwd: 'Evil eyes,' 'penis envy' [ rd : Sexology ] ICC-Indicted
Uhuru's 'Brokeside Dairy Jacket' 'paid pawns' cooked-chaos [
exploiting SARS nCoV2 Pandemic's civilized-world eclipse ] finally
readying to erupt as 'married but gay' dodo pimp throws obscene insult
saying, "Ibirochamo meru," meaning more-or-less, "You'll eat your
mother-f%¤#er"! : Prayers for CRB blacklisting clearence and / or
7.9yrs Kihara-Construction damages ; e-Commerce and survival 50%
interest repayable soft loans / spare cash contacts as provided within
links. SOS.

still got lots to cover as concerns the genomic-math of 'OMIM' &
'OMIA' with respect to practising Medical Genetics notta mention my
pet Virology as far as Evolutionary Anthropology goes, i.e. any
inconsistencies can be verified in the internet. I've also stated in
precedent submissions the LGMD could've been witchcraftly-transmitted
as happened to ex-NTV Louis Otieno turned deaf as well as my cousin
Patricia Akinyi or the residents of Uhuru's backyard in Kiambu in
another 'witches-nest' zone called IKUNU where a large percentage of
offspring descendants are born deaf and/or dumb! ; akin to the
mysterious happenings in another 'witches-nest' in particular zone in
Nigeria where a majority of the residents jus sire twins perpertually.
Jus' put the relevant keywords in the search-function of my blog [ ] to find out more. Recent
submissions are in [
]. Thus, how these witches connive to eat PTO

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jason Bourne <>
Date: Sat, 4 Apr 2020 15:51:25 +0600
Subject: Fwd: 'Evil eyes,' 'penis envy' [ rd : Sexology ] ICC-Indicted
Uhuru's 'Brokeside Dairy Jacket' 'paid pawns' cooked-chaos [
exploiting SARS nCoV2 Pandemic's civilized-world eclipse ] finally
readying to erupt as 'married but gay' dodo pimp throws obscene insult
saying, "Ibirochamo meru," meaning more-or-less, "You'll eat your
mother-f%¤#er"! : Prayers for CRB blacklisting clearence and / or
7.9yrs Kihara-Construction damages ; e-Commerce and survival 50%
interest repayable soft loans / spare cash contacts as provided within
links. SOS.

Dear Sir / Madam, Sadist ICC-Indicted Uhuru's
organized-crime which also saw to the mysterious disappearences &
deaths of crucial ICC witness is 'bout to unleash on mepoorol'self as
his fellow 'psychic cannibal vampire witches' occultists swear
obscenities as quoted above which could specifically be referring to
my biological-unrelatedness with the self-bleaching,
indecent-exposure, sex-pervet, quickie-prostitute-witch matriarch [
substantiated technical descriptive terms ] with her kids [ step
siblings ] as regards my manifesting LGMD, an X-recessive genetic
disorder inherited solely from the mother whose math resolves to a 50%
inheritance-chance to her progeny with the daughters as carriers [
unless the father also carried it from his maternal lineage ] & the
sons manifesting it should they inherit the recessive-X in both
instances as pertains also to the daughters. With Uhuru's sanctioned
arrested-development imposing dehumanizing peniless-pauperism I rarely
study consistently & thus PTO

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jason Bourne <>
Date: Sat, 4 Apr 2020 15:08:44 +0600
Subject: 'Evil eyes,' 'penis envy' [ rd : Sexology ] ICC-Indicted
Uhuru's 'Brokeside Dairy Jacket' 'paid pawns' cooked-chaos [
exploiting SARS nCoV2 Pandemic's civilized-world eclipse ] finally
readying to erupt as 'married but gay' dodo pimp throws obscene insult
saying, "Ibirochamo meru," meaning more-or-less, "You'll eat your
mother-f%¤#er"! : Prayers for CRB blacklisting clearence and / or
7.9yrs Kihara-Construction damages ; e-Commerce and survival 50%
interest repayable soft loans / spare cash contacts as provided within
links. SOS.

Rally-up drum support-call for a NOW 7.7yrs accident-damages case &
The broader Political Asylum / Refuge Criminal-&-Civil Lawsuit against
Raila-Uhuru Jinn-Theocracy's GoK Political-Legal Abuses'
Endless-Persecution, Sanctioned Arrested-Development, Involuntary
Systems Of Committment & Rape Of Conscience still at 42yrs curtaling
my dates & marriage. E-Commerce development & survival spare cash /
soft loans to be repaid with a 50% interest once Uhuru's AG pays-up my
Kihara-Construction punitive & actual damages : +254723047863 &
+254764087863. Turn a passive-male ebbing existence back to track on
life. { Single-ladies who value strong family traditions ready to
settle-down, avail yourselves }. AG-phones & Amicus Curiae :-{ }; {
}; {
}. SOS.

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