Solar System Media: Les Misérables Activists-Advocacy-Lobbyists and Consultants at Law.

Solar System Media: Les Misérables Activists-Advocacy-Lobbyists and Consultants at Law.
Solar System Media: Les Misérables Activists-Advocacy-Lobbyists and Consultants at Law-This is an Online-Jobs Entrepreneurship / Business Services-Provider, Social Media Marketing / Virtual Assistant (Administrative) and Retail-Goods Affiliate-Marketing involving: (1.)-Community Paralegals for Legal Document Assistant (LDA) / Legal Technician / Court Document Preparers / Court Forms Providers as far as Activism-and-Lobbying for Causes go concerning Human-Rights-Advocacy for suppressed voices and the tax-overburdened oppressed laity including dis-inherited widows, orphans and the destitute; (2.)-French, English, Swahili Translator / Interpreter / Teacher / Tour Guide; (3.)-Publisher for Affiliate Marketing in freelance writing, blogging, transcription and podcasting;

Sunday, October 22, 2017

Prosecuting Raila : Ex-Treason Convict and Serial Ritual Psychopath Murderer.

                   Hi...........The hominid ILIAC-BLADE / PELVIS-BONE fossil-record-evidence indicates a trend towards a shorter-and-wider iliac-blade resulting in a shorter-but-broad bowl-like pelvis, a prerequisite for keeping the center-of-gravity stable while walking; with a drawback of their birth-canals becoming increasingly smaller than of their quadrupedal-ancestors / cousins, though it widened comparatively to .........from Australopithecines to Primitive / Archaic / Early-modern-man permitting the passage of newborns due to encephalization ; though the vaginal-widening is limited to the upper-portion since further widening would hinder normal bipedal-movement. This effectively means early-bipedal-ancestral-hominid-fossil-species including Salenthropus tchadensis,Orrorin tugenensis and Ardipithecus ramidus / kaddaba species had birth-canal sizes same as quadrupedals like chimps, gorillas and orang-utans due to the long-iliac-blades and narrow-pelvises.
                  The becoming smaller of the birth-canal due to the shortening pelvis stimulated / enforced by a shortening-and-widening iliac-blade became an obstacle when encephalization begun in early humans which consequently prompted a shorter-gestation-period to accommodate / sustain or facilitate the passage of new-borns before the increase in prenatal   cranial size-and-volume became too much for the birth-canal to bear / sustain to pass-or-fit through; and the reason anatomically-modern-humans give birth to premature offspring unable to walk much before 12-months and got greater neoteny  compared to other primates motile at a much earlier age; which in turn effectively translated to mean  an increased-dependency of offspring on their mothers to close-the-gap on the completion of the increase post-natal-brain-growth-pattern in size-and-volume allowing for extended-periods of social-learning and language-acquisition in juvenile-humans; a phenomenon which in human-evolution had a big-effect upon the female-reproductive-cycle causing the evolutionary-adaptive-behavior of a more frequent appearance of monogamous-relationships in humans comparatively to other great-apes more deceitful and promiscuous as far as parental-investment goes due to the prolonged-infancy of offspring.
                   The anatomical/morphological and developmental-changes in the birth-canal becoming smaller due to the shortening-broadening bowl-like pelvis stimulated by evolutionary-pressure-conditions exerting forces shortening-and-widening the iliac-blade from its long-and-narrow length due to early-bipedal-ancestral-hominid-fossil-species ADAPTATION –OF-BIPEDALISM to keep the center-of-gravity stable while walking, a phenomenon characterizing human-evolution, in turn resulted in the adoption of delayed-human-sexual-maturity to allow for the optimization of maximum pelvis-bone and birth-canal sizes; a phenomenon which in turn again also led to the evolution-of-menopause; meaning once they begin giving birth / siring new-borns , the birth-canal and pelvis-bone stop growth- and-development stagnating at that size!
                     Now here’s the catch. The Turkana as televised in a documentary-broadcast not long ago still got some of their women-folk preferably give birth-at-home where according to custom-and-tradition, they’re captured revealing that such home-births OCCUR THROUGH-THE-REAR in a BOWED-POSITION/POSTURE, much like an ordinary animal anywhere on all-fours would ; whereby the newly born is supposed to kinda ‘DROP-WITH-a-THUD’ on ITS-BELLY mimicking the crawling-position on all-four-limbs. The logic is that jus’ like going for a long-call in a SQUATTING-POSITION facilitates the effectiveness-and-intensity of  EX CREATING-STOOLS / FECAL-MATTER, so does GIVING-BIRTH IN A SQUATTING-LIKE / BOWED-POSTURE INCREASE THE EFFECTIVENESS-and-INTENSITY of the processes of LABOR-and-GIVING BIRTH compounded by INTERNAL-VARIATIONS of the PELVIC-REGION-SIZES in anatomically-modern-humans Homo sapiens sapiens forcing some women to face the knife unnecessarily in CAESAREAN-OPERATIONS. The reason is that in a squatted-or-bowed position, that’s when the FEMUR/thigh-bone fits into its adaptively-evolved slightly more ANGULAR-POSITION to move the Center-of-Gravity into DIRECT-ALIGNMENT with the Geometric-Center-of-The Body which greatly reduces the MECHANICAL-and-PHYSICAL STRESSES associated with GIVING-BIRTH therefore optimizing the intensity-and-effectiveness of PASSAGE-of-NEWBORNS through the BIRTH-CANAL constrained by internal-variations of the pelvic-region in Homo sapiens sapiens. This is cause the fetal-head is naturally always in a transverse-position compared to the mother during entry into the birth-canal whereby it rotates about 90-degrees to face the mother upon exit ; which means that if the mother is in a squatted / bowed posture, rotating at about 90-degrees after entry into the birth-canal will leave the baby facing the opposite direction of the mother rendering both in a ‘ back-to-back’ positions requiring the baby to then customarily traditionally ‘land-on-its-belly’ on all-fours resembling the crawling-position.............The length-and-breadth of the point is the morphology of anatomically-modern-humans is naturally-adapted to give-birth through the REAR /  SQUATTING / BOWED-POSITIONS like the rest of the animal-planet-kingdom; and that the ‘frontal-legs-spread-wide-apart’ in a SITTING-POSITION is not only cumbersome but UNNATURAL-ALTOGETHER and is merely an innovated, adopted-posture; going by the self-evident / speaking evidence of THE MECHANICAL-and-PHYSICAL STRESSES involved! Thus Man should face the reality, embrace our animal-heritage and accommodate it in medical-procedures in standard-labor-practices in hospitals worldwide and celebrate nature-and-evolution. Period .  Later, logistics.

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Prosecuting Raila : Ex-Treason Convict and Serial Ritual Psychopath Murderer,

            Well, strong continuous complex changing evolutionary pressure conditions exert forces stimulating certain aspects of the evolution of a natural population of organism species  through either the accumulation of gene-loss- generated by inactivation- mutation duplications that have become non-functional pseudo genes a.k.a. inactive-copies of protein-coding genes; and/or through DNA segmental-duplications to generate new-alleles / genetic-information material in the process of MOLECULAR-BIOLOGY –EVOLUTION which contextually create new-primate-genes contributing to the shaping of human-genetic-variation / diversity which in-turn clear genetic / anatomic-constraints that bar or inhibit the path to the effectiveness of natural-selection and thus turning into a mechanism that increases the intensity-and-effectiveness of phenotype-traits  rather that create more phenotype-trait variation…… effectively selecting the optimum, upgraded, better-suited distinct-expression of beneficial-alleles’ phenotype-traits that provide selective, reproductive, survival-fitness performance / adaptive-values to the organism-species.
        Hence, strong continuous, complex, changing evolutionary-pressure-conditions exert forces stimulating certain aspects of the evolution of an organism-species population through the accumulation of gene-loss-inactivation-mutation duplications to clear genetic / anatomic-constraints that bar / inhibit the path to the effectiveness of natural-selection by  enhancing-selection through pressurizing cell-and-organisms to evolve by increasing the cutting-edge intensity-and-effectiveness of heritable phenotype-traits of beneficial-alleles rather than create new phenotypic-trait variation, like in , e.g. early-bipedal-ancestral-hominid-fossil-species’ continuous, complex, changing evolutionary-pressure-conditions to increase their mental-capacity / intelligence for COGNITION  to technologically-adapt the creation-and-use of advanced, elaborate food-processing technology-tools to simplify-and-make efficient hunting-and-processing of energy-rich  meat-and-plant food-products subsequently led to the hominid-dentition fossil-record-evidence trend of smaller-molars and tooth-sizes increasingly in the genus-Homo as one ancestral-hominid-fossil-species descended into the next-generation; concurrently with skull-expansion / encephalization facilitated by the accumulation of gene-loss inactivation-mutation duplications of the SARCOMERIC-MYOSIN-GENE a.k.a. MYH16-gene which in turn stimulated  developmental-changes in the morphology of SMALLER-MASTICATORY-MUSCLES and MUSCLE-ATTACHMENT to the SKULL into allowing more room for ENCEPHALIZATION, i.e. the continued expansion, increase in volume and the development of a LARGER-BRAIN-SIZE gradually, successively over time to the modern-form between 959-1800cc with a mean of 1330cc.
              Thus, the hominid-dentition fossil-record-evidence indicates that a DOMINANT-GENE for BIGGER,LARGER MASTICATORY/MANDIBLE-MUSCLES, i.e. the SARCOMERIC-MYOSIN-GENE a.k.a. MYH16-gene  was lost in the human-lineage due to accumulation of gene-loss inactivation-mutation duplications generating inactive-copies of its protein-coding DNA leading to the morphology of SMALLER-MASTICATORY-MUSCLES which acted as a CHANGED,STRONG,COMPLEX EVOLUTIONARY-PRESSURE-CONDITION ending-up in turn exerting a force  that stimulated the aspect of the evolution of the human-skull, cranium, brain-size and volume of the natural-population of the early-bipedal-ancestral-hominid-fossil-species lineage and therefore resulting in the period that followed to be  marked by a strong-increase in CRANIAL-CAPACITY, i.e. ENCEPHALIZATION through as well the SEGMENTAL-DUPLICATION of SRGAP2-gene which produced a more rapid wiring of the human FRONTAL-CORTEX  indicating that the MYH16-gene 2base-pair-deletion  gene-loss inactivation-mutation duplication removed thus the genetic-anatomic-constraint on brain-size and volume in the genus-Homos’ early-bipedal-ancestral-hominid-fossil-species lineage.
              Hence was encephalization directly tied to the  invention of the technological ‘DEVELOPMENT-of-ELABORATION’ of stone-tools including cutters, choppers, hunting/fishing-and-gathering tools; as well as tied to the subsequent increasing emphasis of meat in the diet…………all interpreted as signs-of-intelligence, a phenomenon  which in turn in itself again stimulated certain aspects of the evolution of the human-brain through SEGMENTAL-DUPLICATION of the SRGAP2-gene which produced a more rapid-wiring of the frontal-cortex equivalent to a rate of each descending-generation having acquired an additional 125000 neurons more than their parents in the FRONTAL-CORTEX! This was the time of transition of the Homo habillis brain, an early-bipedal-ancestral-hominid-fossil-species member of the genus Homo who evolved around 2.3m.y.a. and for whom there’s positive-evidence for the use of stone-tools and development of the OLDOWAN-LITHIC-TECHNOLOGY named after OLDUVAI-GORGE in TANZANIA. Homo habillis brain were more or less the same size as the brains of chimpanzees at approximately 400cc which then during the next million years underwent a process of evolution of the skull, cranial-capacity, brain-size and volume such that by the time of the arrival of the Homo erectus species in the fossil-record between 1.8-and-1.3m.y.a. [ at least as early as 1.85m.y.a. for Homo erectus georgicus of The Dmanisi-Skulls Georgia ] cranial-capacity had doubled to  850cc from an average of 400cc catapulting them to be the first  hominine to use FIRE-and-COMPLEX TOOLS; a feat which clearly indicates that  INTELLIGENCE increased as a response to increased-necessity for COGNITION, i.e. to solve important social-problems of survival-and-reproduction as human-society became more and more complex, civilized and advanced from pre-historic / pre-industrial to historic / industrial.
                    Thus is COGNITION, the set of all mental-faculties / processes composed of a FUNCTIONAL-STRUCTURE, THE-BRAIN who’s PHYSIOLOGICAL-FUNCTIONS carries-out the operations of these set of mental processes and just like other organs and the immune-system, the brain is ENCODED / DETERMINED by genes meaning it evolved by natural-selection and was thus acquired by gradation as has been showcased above in transitional-series from early-bipedal-ancestral-hominid-fossil-species a.k.a.  proto-humans including either Sahelanthropus tchadensis or Orrorin tugenensis or Ardipithecus ramidus / kaddaba  through to them Australopithecines to Homo habillis to Homo erectus to  primitive / archaic / early-modern-man to the Neanderthal-and-Denisovan hominins to anatomically-modern-humans; whereby in turn this ENCEPHALIZATION of the human-brain underpinned humanity’s technological-adaptations, his moral-sensibilities and pre-adaptation of speech [ i.e. language and literacy of which the world’s-languages diversity totals a number of 7000 languages so far ] following on rudimentary speech.
                   Thus, this is the summary of the MYH16-gene and SRGAP2-gene evolutionary-pressure-conditions that removed the genetic / anatomic-constraints inhibiting the path to the brains ENCEPHALIZATION. I’m next going to tackle the controversial OLFACTORY-RECEPTOR-GENE-FAMILY vis-à-vis COLOR-VISION though I will fast go through THE ADAPTATION OF BIPEDALISM as humanity’s basic defining ADAPTATION which stimulated an interesting suit of skeletal-changes necessitating the above developments and the controversies there-in as well as regards compelling evidence.

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Prosecuting Raila : Ex-Treason Convict and Serial Ritual Psychopath Murderer.

 Hi everybody, this is the background context as regards conman Charles Ooko. Later, logistics.

Dear Sir / Madam,
                               I would like as a rejoinder to implicate Charles Ooko a millionaire who's currently assigned his sister [ the step-mother ] a commercial/residential contract building somewhere in Uriri those sides of Stella-Oyani Migori who for the benefit of my ears I heard boasting of the hundreds of thousands she spends just on sand-harvesting and transportation as they discussed with the sly-father. Charles-Ooko is the Chaani-Mombasa businessman who refused to return my assortment of personal-belongings I'd temporarily left with him as mentioned in earlier blogs including:

-[1.]-Five plain long-sleeved 'BLAZER-SHIRTS,' five-pair of trousers, a pair of bed-sheets, a towel and a pair of slippers....... amongst others;

                                This is contrary to other relatives who handed me back my assortment of belongings I'd left with them in the same vein of 'good-relations' comparative to the good-neighborliness I experienced around allover Mombasa including George-Okoth driver of Mombasa County-Commissioner Nelson-Marwa who returned my French 'Becherelle-Fondamental' Belgium-souvenir besides other French-texts; as well as Bockenzie-Otieno,the Ukunda-cousin who safely returned my credentials, certificates and testimonials in good-faith and will like recorded in my evidence-submissions blog site.
                                  The last time Charles-Ooko was here and the issue arose, he claimed his staff transferred the items to his go-down [ warehouse ] which to my misfortune proceeded-on to catch fire and burn down in an arson-attack..then goes-on to propose restocking and sending me the lost-items by bus from MSA which due to hygienic and animism-witchcraft reasons, I decline instead preferring upfront cash-repayment  so I could do the purchases my self which he refuses to date with me promising to catch-up with him in the law-courts once I clear-up my accident-case and I'm free.
                                   This matriarch maternal-side of relations is clearly ill-motivated with ulterior-motives in my predicament reminiscent and akin to The Papua New-Guinea Fore-tribe cannibals who upon the demise of a relative have the maternal-kins embark on a  ritual obligation of dismembering the corpse dissecting it with the expertise of slaughter-house butchers. Remember as has been deductively-established in my excerpts with SAFARICOM ,they are PSYCHIC-CANNIBALS/VAMPIRES taking to the likes of 'KTN-Phillip-Onyancha' real life-time convict and self-confessed psychic blood-sucking vampire. Thus I appeal to Civil-Society-Groups so I bring Charles Ooko to book to face justice even as I my oversewn 'hand-me-downs' wear-and-tear turning into rugs.

                                   Last but not least I would like to add that The GoK through The HELB -0730692616 is still on my tracks calling me again last Friday 31st March 2017 inquiring the same which I quote the same reason of the culpable-duo Co-Defendants/  Respondents Uhuru and Raila being responsible for the demotivated/defeatist mindset from UoN reflected in the tampered-with late-delivered transcripts not to mention the subsequent Huruma Nairobi-break-ins and the licensed fire-arms holder GoK witch-doctor Omari abductions  and persecutions. Please intervene and assist me in these legal-tussles urgently please to release me from the arrested-development. Thank you in advance for your consideration, cooperation and assistance.

                                     Yours Faithfully,
                                      Erick Mango.

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Prosecuting Raila : Ex-Treason Convict and Serial Ritual Psychopath Murderer.

Hi . This are the latest. Later,logistics.
                                                            TO ALL CONCERNED
                                 This is a cry to the civilized-world and humanity including Learned Lords and Ladies, on bended-knees,senior-counsel,amicus-curiae,distinguished-readers and the public-at-large .....for your divine-interventions to set the wheels of justice in motion ; as concerns the crimes below and where it applies and / or concerns for Political-Asylum and Refuge as a matter of life and death please.

Dear Sir / Madam,
                                 I wish to call upon the divine-intervention of the authority of IPOA to investigate, arrest, detain, charge and arraign before the authority of an independent law court the characters mentioned below plus their accomplices for purposes of instituting sex-crimes criminal-proceedings against them vis-à-vis my person as largely demonstrated in my evidence-submissions blog site-platform [ ]; and which has cost me great psychological-trauma including anxiety and post-traumatic stress- as well as defamation as regards my public-image accruing from their systematic psychological, mental and emotional-abuses consistently over time to unfairly and improperly gain cheap-mileage / benefits through unjust, unwanted-but-unavoidable and offending criminal practices including undesired-sexual-misconduct-behaviors / advances upon my person geared to stimulate me to get involved with them sexually only for them to turn coats at the end of the day and reveal their true archetypal-identities of / as PSYCHIC-CANNIBAL-VAMPIRE GLBT-WITCHES tugging to haunt and feed on the MENTAL,PSYCHOLOGICAL and EMOTIONAL ENERGIES of unsuspecting innocent victims. These PRANK-CALLER, CARNIVOROUS-PLANT,WIDOW-SPIDER ‘POTIFAHS’ I wonna sue include Judy-Macharia,Emi-former intern with CLEAR-LAW-FIRM Mombasa and an Asian girl of Chinese-origin in Odipo-flats along Migori-Sirare highway.
                                 I would like their psychopath-trackings, set-ups as well as witch-huntings and witch-haunting with obvious ill   ulterior-motives / malicious-intentions to be put to a halt / stop once-and-for-all ; and for the characters to be kept away from continuously tracking me permanently. In the same length and breadth, I would like them investigated to see how many times   this Emi and ‘combination-groupie loo-loose morals Judy the-bat’ have been in Migori, where they stayed and the number of times they communicated / associated between themselves and including  this Chinese-girl as well as any of the other culprits of BORI YAN DAU CULT plus LAMU / BONDO-USENGE MIXED-0RIENTATION-MARRIAGE MARRIED-BUT-GAY GLBT SECRET-SOCIETY mentioned in my blog. Like submitted already in earlier blogs, Emi or atleast her double / look-alike  has been here in Migori spotted once marktimming-and-tracking me at the ‘convent-gardens’ near the POST-OFFICE BUILDING ; and thus like recorded courtesy of SAFARICOM, once let to complete my evidence-submissions uninterruptibly, I intend to showcase how Emi marktimmed-and-tracked me all over Mombasa and especially how she invited my good unsuspecting innocent self FOR SEXUAL-INTERCOURSE IN BROAD DAYLIGHT only to later renege on the same and pretend foul-play apparently after the cat got outta the bag.
                                   What is clearly emerging is that they are at the center of The GoK’s JINN-THEOCRACY continuous, systematic, consistent and widespread endless PERSECUTIONS on behalf and / or besides the chief-respondents of my lawsuit, the political-Siamese-twins Uhuru-and-Raila like their lives hang on it especially ‘animistic Judy-the-bat’ who acknowledgingly also introduces herself as ‘MPENZI-JINN’ a.k.a. FUNDI-WA-METER [rd: MITAA ] ; echoing the JINNS The GoK LICENSED FIREARMS –HOLDER and POWERFUL MERCEDES-BENZ MOTORIST GoK WITCHDOCTOR OMAR had me abducted-for courtesy of cops-in-blue in UHURU-GARDEDNS Mombasa claiming he was going to exorcise them; as well as Mombasa-Municipal cop animistically conveniently called IKENYA who also swore they weren’t going to allow me to engage in income-generating-activity / biz or fixed-income-employment till such a time they got satisfied they’d successfully exorcised their alleged, superstitious GoK JINNS ; and hence the prolonged arrested-development medically, socially and economically as well as being single as opposed to married not forgetting attempts to TRANSFORM-MY-GENDER………….rd: Eng. Emmanuel Edgra Sirma’s male-kisses at Nairobi’s CARNIVORE-CLUB and WANGARI’S BOOK ‘UNBOWED’ which speaks volumes; then add these-up to my orchestrated STARVATION-OF-THE-BASIC-NEED SEX which’ CENTRAL TO THE BASIC-NATURE of THE PSYCHOLOGY-OF-PERSONALITY [ which they’ve been tugging-and-stimulating to exploit-and-abuse akin to the ‘KTN UHURU-ONYANCHA REAL-TIME BLOOD-SUCKING VAMPIRE WHO EXPLOITS ESPECIALLY THE ENERGY-EMACIATED / FOOD-HUNGRY UNSUSPECTING-WOMEN AS EASY TARGETS’ ] including attempts to forcefully control, exploit and determine my dates / marriage.
                                  Thus ‘animistic Judy-the-bat’ a.k.a MPENZI-JINN / FUNDI-WA-MITAA, Emi and The Chinese-girl are PSYCHIC-CANNIBAL-VAMPIRE GLBT-WITCHES at the epicenter of The GoK’s JINN-THEOCRACY who are neurotically and sadistically hell-bent on SACRIFICING INNOCENT UNSUSPECTING HUMANS IN THEIR DEATH-CULT SECRET-SOCIETY OF ‘DEVIL-WORSHIP’ characterized by ELABORATE FUNERAL-WELFARE-ASSOCIATIONS and ZOMBIE-ARCHETYPE RITUALS / WITCHCRAFT whereby such UNSUSPECTING-VICTIMS DIE MYSTERIOUS-DEATHS and /or are KILLED / MURDERED IN COLD-BLOOD……….e.g. one Odipo the proprietor of ODIPO-FLATS along MIGORI-SIRARE highway where the Chinese-girl lives was in the news sometimes back following the mysterious-deaths of his wife, sister-in-law, their kids and others  after their car allegedly lost control and drove to submerge into a swamp killing all on board! I want for the above mentioned culprits cult-members alibis to be corroborated in time and space relative to me wherever I’ve been as well as for their historical-backgrounds to be checked as regards their ex-boyfriends and if any has died or become incapacitated ,for the circumstances under which they did to be investigated; for I’m not a sucker for dames neither do I entertain peeping-toms or tomboys for that matter; and so their ilk should stop prying on the gracious gentlemanhoodness of the psychology of sexually-starving / enthusiastic UNSUSPECTING INNOCENT PERSONS / VICTIMS. With regard to that let foreign lands beware of the unjust sexual-criminal-practices / customs of the above-mentioned and to keep tabs / eyes on them whenever they should come to their countries and to advice their respective innocent unsuspecting citizens to avoid them like the plague.
                           In any case my sexual-orientation is as detailed and my  role-model wife-materials are demonstrated as beyond-reproach ladies who value strong family traditions for which I find the above mentioned with special reference to ‘animistic Judy-the-bat’ as wanting and falling-beneath given that she don’t obviously fit-the-bill  of a ‘CAREER-WIFE’ and can as such only play-second-fiddle ; besides me thinking she is manifesting her sufferations  of GUILT from ‘GILTED-LOVE’ ever since I turned-down her  monkey-biz bonobo-promiscuity when she offered me sex in her cubicle in UoN as we made her bed saying she was cold…………….the result of which she even tracked me once to COSMOPOLITAN-EXOTIC EASTLEIGH as I made my rounds to one of the ‘maisons-tolerees’ / escort-agency [ but it was too late ] ; as well as when she tracked me to a bar in NAIROBI with one of her latest-catch then ………..and now she is ROOTED-IN-MIGORI. For example, the incumbent is on record in one of the many other such weirdo-clips for numerously always dodging Mombasa’s Governor Hon. Joho’s pleas for at least his coveted-handshake which in one last precedent-occasion , he allows the latter access to one of his function-rallies at long last though he withdraws his hand-instinctively from his arm-chair when the latter stands to speak miles away on the microphone commending him for that rare access after seeking his coveted-hand-for-ages ; which in turn makes the former completely coil-away from that day on  banning him from accessing his rallies and / or always following him all over for after all, in his own words, he whines that he- wasn’t-his-wife-anyway! Period. The reverse also applies to me truly in that I ain’t any of the above mentioned suspects’ husbands neither have I wanted or do I want anythings to do with them……….and as such they should come clear and defend their names in the public arena of the authority of an independent law court once criminal-proceedings ensue. Thus, cause of limited resources, I’ll relay later some of the associated text-evidence-submissions recorded c/o the infallible-courtesy of SAFARICOM including:
[ 1.]-Text dated 3rd October 2017 at 0922hrs,
[2.]-Text dated 24 September2017 at 2309hrs,
[3.]-Text dated 19th September 2017 at 0837hrs and
[4.]-Text dated28th November 2016 at 1126hrs.
                   Also please investigate and appropriately charge the prehistoric juvenile and the self-bleaching step-witch mother for indecent-exposures as well as sexual-and-incestuous sexual-harassments respectively; and the foster, witch, sly / poker-father and his son Victor for homosexual-harassments both as detailed in my evidence-submissions blog platform ; as well as the dysfunctional-family as a whole with their accomplices for always attempting to transform my gender through constant cyclic-patterns of  energy-emaciating food hunger-torture games including by peristalsis-triggering, gut-conditioning homosexual-selective-diets they then try to forcefully push down my throat and / or else through toxins-and-microbes contaminated foods-and-water geared to achieve the same; as well as to also maintain and perpetuate  the limb-girdle- muscular-dystrophy on the other hand…………resulting in the following gender / cultural-conflicts O.B.’s recorded in Migori-Police-Station as elaborated in the Complaints-File including:
[1.]- OB 38 / 16/2/2014
[2.]-OB 37 / 21/05/2014
[3.]-OB 62 / 11/12/2014 and Medical-form 86717 / 2014
[4.]-OB 49 / 16/5/2015
[5.]-OB 22 / 12/06/2015
[6.]-OB 28 / 4/12/2015
[7.]-OB 14 / 21/12/2015     
[8.]-OB 30 / 27/2/2016        and
[9.]-Text dated 10th October 2017 at 1430hrs
               Thank you in advance for your consideration, cooperation and assistance.
                Yours Faithfully,
                 Erick Mango. 

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354. Jealous, Married-But-Gay, "Penis Envy" (Rd. Sexology), Hausa-Bori / Lamu-Bondo-Usenge, Brokeside-Dairy-Jacket Uhuru, His Evil-Eyed Public-Toilet Loo-Bat Judy Macharia and Their Msa-JK Firearm TZ Witchdoctor Omar Assailants' Homosexual-Harassment Impunity; Estranged-Witches' Scavenger Tendencies Worthless Money In Rooftop Rain v. Piped Water and Widow-Spider Witch's Health-Hazard Filthy Dishes Amid Food-Sorcery / Poisoning Exploitation With Mostta The Eateries and Political-Legal-Pauperism-Abuse With Migori Police Station / ODPP Halted-Stalled Recorded OB Cases Inc. OB61/23/08/2021 and My Broad Lawsuit As A Whole Pending Resolve To Privately Prosecute and My Liberation "Constitutional-Merit and Statute-Administrative-Law" Civil Appeal Against The CAJ, ACC/OAG, Peninnah Ngondi Wawira Prosecution-Counsel/ODPP and Thief-President Ruto: Prayers for Political Asylum / Refuge, Humanitarian Visa, Self-Determination and Rule-of-Law from Ruto, Uhuru, Raila, co-conspirators and their Jinn-Theocracy GoK Sanctioned political-legal abuse, delayed-denied justice, outlawing, endless-persecution, rape-of-conscience, gaslighting, mandatory-systems-of-commitment and death. Prayers too for soft loans to draft, typeset, e-file and litigate my broad lawsuit. (NB: The above is solely meant for asylum-visa embassies and concerned civil-society-groups / authorities; the defendant dictator-state GoK and its agencies aren't party). Having gloomy Christmases / New Years in rags in continuous cyclic-ritual hunger-torture, stomach-constricting, muscular-dystrophy predisposing "Congenital Sucrase-Isomaltase Deficiency" starchy-sucrose diets' exploiting-starvations as witches' "Zombie/Child-Physique making-of-archetypes" prehistoric-descendant-culture Death-Cult's imposed penniless-pauperism wanes my virility in captivity unable to date-or-marry at 47yrs. SOS

8th Feb 2025 1045hrs: Estranged, jealous Hausa-Bori / Lamu-Bondo-Usenge witches continue homosexual harassment in cahoots with fellow marri...

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