Solar System Media: Les Misérables Activists-Advocacy-Lobbyists and Consultants at Law.

Solar System Media: Les Misérables Activists-Advocacy-Lobbyists and Consultants at Law.
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Sunday, October 22, 2017

Prosecuting Raila : Ex-Treason Convict and Serial Ritual Psychopath Murderer.

                   Hi...........The hominid ILIAC-BLADE / PELVIS-BONE fossil-record-evidence indicates a trend towards a shorter-and-wider iliac-blade resulting in a shorter-but-broad bowl-like pelvis, a prerequisite for keeping the center-of-gravity stable while walking; with a drawback of their birth-canals becoming increasingly smaller than of their quadrupedal-ancestors / cousins, though it widened comparatively to .........from Australopithecines to Primitive / Archaic / Early-modern-man permitting the passage of newborns due to encephalization ; though the vaginal-widening is limited to the upper-portion since further widening would hinder normal bipedal-movement. This effectively means early-bipedal-ancestral-hominid-fossil-species including Salenthropus tchadensis,Orrorin tugenensis and Ardipithecus ramidus / kaddaba species had birth-canal sizes same as quadrupedals like chimps, gorillas and orang-utans due to the long-iliac-blades and narrow-pelvises.
                  The becoming smaller of the birth-canal due to the shortening pelvis stimulated / enforced by a shortening-and-widening iliac-blade became an obstacle when encephalization begun in early humans which consequently prompted a shorter-gestation-period to accommodate / sustain or facilitate the passage of new-borns before the increase in prenatal   cranial size-and-volume became too much for the birth-canal to bear / sustain to pass-or-fit through; and the reason anatomically-modern-humans give birth to premature offspring unable to walk much before 12-months and got greater neoteny  compared to other primates motile at a much earlier age; which in turn effectively translated to mean  an increased-dependency of offspring on their mothers to close-the-gap on the completion of the increase post-natal-brain-growth-pattern in size-and-volume allowing for extended-periods of social-learning and language-acquisition in juvenile-humans; a phenomenon which in human-evolution had a big-effect upon the female-reproductive-cycle causing the evolutionary-adaptive-behavior of a more frequent appearance of monogamous-relationships in humans comparatively to other great-apes more deceitful and promiscuous as far as parental-investment goes due to the prolonged-infancy of offspring.
                   The anatomical/morphological and developmental-changes in the birth-canal becoming smaller due to the shortening-broadening bowl-like pelvis stimulated by evolutionary-pressure-conditions exerting forces shortening-and-widening the iliac-blade from its long-and-narrow length due to early-bipedal-ancestral-hominid-fossil-species ADAPTATION –OF-BIPEDALISM to keep the center-of-gravity stable while walking, a phenomenon characterizing human-evolution, in turn resulted in the adoption of delayed-human-sexual-maturity to allow for the optimization of maximum pelvis-bone and birth-canal sizes; a phenomenon which in turn again also led to the evolution-of-menopause; meaning once they begin giving birth / siring new-borns , the birth-canal and pelvis-bone stop growth- and-development stagnating at that size!
                     Now here’s the catch. The Turkana as televised in a documentary-broadcast not long ago still got some of their women-folk preferably give birth-at-home where according to custom-and-tradition, they’re captured revealing that such home-births OCCUR THROUGH-THE-REAR in a BOWED-POSITION/POSTURE, much like an ordinary animal anywhere on all-fours would ; whereby the newly born is supposed to kinda ‘DROP-WITH-a-THUD’ on ITS-BELLY mimicking the crawling-position on all-four-limbs. The logic is that jus’ like going for a long-call in a SQUATTING-POSITION facilitates the effectiveness-and-intensity of  EX CREATING-STOOLS / FECAL-MATTER, so does GIVING-BIRTH IN A SQUATTING-LIKE / BOWED-POSTURE INCREASE THE EFFECTIVENESS-and-INTENSITY of the processes of LABOR-and-GIVING BIRTH compounded by INTERNAL-VARIATIONS of the PELVIC-REGION-SIZES in anatomically-modern-humans Homo sapiens sapiens forcing some women to face the knife unnecessarily in CAESAREAN-OPERATIONS. The reason is that in a squatted-or-bowed position, that’s when the FEMUR/thigh-bone fits into its adaptively-evolved slightly more ANGULAR-POSITION to move the Center-of-Gravity into DIRECT-ALIGNMENT with the Geometric-Center-of-The Body which greatly reduces the MECHANICAL-and-PHYSICAL STRESSES associated with GIVING-BIRTH therefore optimizing the intensity-and-effectiveness of PASSAGE-of-NEWBORNS through the BIRTH-CANAL constrained by internal-variations of the pelvic-region in Homo sapiens sapiens. This is cause the fetal-head is naturally always in a transverse-position compared to the mother during entry into the birth-canal whereby it rotates about 90-degrees to face the mother upon exit ; which means that if the mother is in a squatted / bowed posture, rotating at about 90-degrees after entry into the birth-canal will leave the baby facing the opposite direction of the mother rendering both in a ‘ back-to-back’ positions requiring the baby to then customarily traditionally ‘land-on-its-belly’ on all-fours resembling the crawling-position.............The length-and-breadth of the point is the morphology of anatomically-modern-humans is naturally-adapted to give-birth through the REAR /  SQUATTING / BOWED-POSITIONS like the rest of the animal-planet-kingdom; and that the ‘frontal-legs-spread-wide-apart’ in a SITTING-POSITION is not only cumbersome but UNNATURAL-ALTOGETHER and is merely an innovated, adopted-posture; going by the self-evident / speaking evidence of THE MECHANICAL-and-PHYSICAL STRESSES involved! Thus Man should face the reality, embrace our animal-heritage and accommodate it in medical-procedures in standard-labor-practices in hospitals worldwide and celebrate nature-and-evolution. Period .  Later, logistics.

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