Solar System Media: Les Misérables Activists-Advocacy-Lobbyists and Consultants at Law.

Solar System Media: Les Misérables Activists-Advocacy-Lobbyists and Consultants at Law.
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Thursday, October 19, 2017

Prosecuting Raila : Ex-Treason Convict and Serial Ritual Psychopath Murderer,

            Well, strong continuous complex changing evolutionary pressure conditions exert forces stimulating certain aspects of the evolution of a natural population of organism species  through either the accumulation of gene-loss- generated by inactivation- mutation duplications that have become non-functional pseudo genes a.k.a. inactive-copies of protein-coding genes; and/or through DNA segmental-duplications to generate new-alleles / genetic-information material in the process of MOLECULAR-BIOLOGY –EVOLUTION which contextually create new-primate-genes contributing to the shaping of human-genetic-variation / diversity which in-turn clear genetic / anatomic-constraints that bar or inhibit the path to the effectiveness of natural-selection and thus turning into a mechanism that increases the intensity-and-effectiveness of phenotype-traits  rather that create more phenotype-trait variation…… effectively selecting the optimum, upgraded, better-suited distinct-expression of beneficial-alleles’ phenotype-traits that provide selective, reproductive, survival-fitness performance / adaptive-values to the organism-species.
        Hence, strong continuous, complex, changing evolutionary-pressure-conditions exert forces stimulating certain aspects of the evolution of an organism-species population through the accumulation of gene-loss-inactivation-mutation duplications to clear genetic / anatomic-constraints that bar / inhibit the path to the effectiveness of natural-selection by  enhancing-selection through pressurizing cell-and-organisms to evolve by increasing the cutting-edge intensity-and-effectiveness of heritable phenotype-traits of beneficial-alleles rather than create new phenotypic-trait variation, like in , e.g. early-bipedal-ancestral-hominid-fossil-species’ continuous, complex, changing evolutionary-pressure-conditions to increase their mental-capacity / intelligence for COGNITION  to technologically-adapt the creation-and-use of advanced, elaborate food-processing technology-tools to simplify-and-make efficient hunting-and-processing of energy-rich  meat-and-plant food-products subsequently led to the hominid-dentition fossil-record-evidence trend of smaller-molars and tooth-sizes increasingly in the genus-Homo as one ancestral-hominid-fossil-species descended into the next-generation; concurrently with skull-expansion / encephalization facilitated by the accumulation of gene-loss inactivation-mutation duplications of the SARCOMERIC-MYOSIN-GENE a.k.a. MYH16-gene which in turn stimulated  developmental-changes in the morphology of SMALLER-MASTICATORY-MUSCLES and MUSCLE-ATTACHMENT to the SKULL into allowing more room for ENCEPHALIZATION, i.e. the continued expansion, increase in volume and the development of a LARGER-BRAIN-SIZE gradually, successively over time to the modern-form between 959-1800cc with a mean of 1330cc.
              Thus, the hominid-dentition fossil-record-evidence indicates that a DOMINANT-GENE for BIGGER,LARGER MASTICATORY/MANDIBLE-MUSCLES, i.e. the SARCOMERIC-MYOSIN-GENE a.k.a. MYH16-gene  was lost in the human-lineage due to accumulation of gene-loss inactivation-mutation duplications generating inactive-copies of its protein-coding DNA leading to the morphology of SMALLER-MASTICATORY-MUSCLES which acted as a CHANGED,STRONG,COMPLEX EVOLUTIONARY-PRESSURE-CONDITION ending-up in turn exerting a force  that stimulated the aspect of the evolution of the human-skull, cranium, brain-size and volume of the natural-population of the early-bipedal-ancestral-hominid-fossil-species lineage and therefore resulting in the period that followed to be  marked by a strong-increase in CRANIAL-CAPACITY, i.e. ENCEPHALIZATION through as well the SEGMENTAL-DUPLICATION of SRGAP2-gene which produced a more rapid wiring of the human FRONTAL-CORTEX  indicating that the MYH16-gene 2base-pair-deletion  gene-loss inactivation-mutation duplication removed thus the genetic-anatomic-constraint on brain-size and volume in the genus-Homos’ early-bipedal-ancestral-hominid-fossil-species lineage.
              Hence was encephalization directly tied to the  invention of the technological ‘DEVELOPMENT-of-ELABORATION’ of stone-tools including cutters, choppers, hunting/fishing-and-gathering tools; as well as tied to the subsequent increasing emphasis of meat in the diet…………all interpreted as signs-of-intelligence, a phenomenon  which in turn in itself again stimulated certain aspects of the evolution of the human-brain through SEGMENTAL-DUPLICATION of the SRGAP2-gene which produced a more rapid-wiring of the frontal-cortex equivalent to a rate of each descending-generation having acquired an additional 125000 neurons more than their parents in the FRONTAL-CORTEX! This was the time of transition of the Homo habillis brain, an early-bipedal-ancestral-hominid-fossil-species member of the genus Homo who evolved around 2.3m.y.a. and for whom there’s positive-evidence for the use of stone-tools and development of the OLDOWAN-LITHIC-TECHNOLOGY named after OLDUVAI-GORGE in TANZANIA. Homo habillis brain were more or less the same size as the brains of chimpanzees at approximately 400cc which then during the next million years underwent a process of evolution of the skull, cranial-capacity, brain-size and volume such that by the time of the arrival of the Homo erectus species in the fossil-record between 1.8-and-1.3m.y.a. [ at least as early as 1.85m.y.a. for Homo erectus georgicus of The Dmanisi-Skulls Georgia ] cranial-capacity had doubled to  850cc from an average of 400cc catapulting them to be the first  hominine to use FIRE-and-COMPLEX TOOLS; a feat which clearly indicates that  INTELLIGENCE increased as a response to increased-necessity for COGNITION, i.e. to solve important social-problems of survival-and-reproduction as human-society became more and more complex, civilized and advanced from pre-historic / pre-industrial to historic / industrial.
                    Thus is COGNITION, the set of all mental-faculties / processes composed of a FUNCTIONAL-STRUCTURE, THE-BRAIN who’s PHYSIOLOGICAL-FUNCTIONS carries-out the operations of these set of mental processes and just like other organs and the immune-system, the brain is ENCODED / DETERMINED by genes meaning it evolved by natural-selection and was thus acquired by gradation as has been showcased above in transitional-series from early-bipedal-ancestral-hominid-fossil-species a.k.a.  proto-humans including either Sahelanthropus tchadensis or Orrorin tugenensis or Ardipithecus ramidus / kaddaba  through to them Australopithecines to Homo habillis to Homo erectus to  primitive / archaic / early-modern-man to the Neanderthal-and-Denisovan hominins to anatomically-modern-humans; whereby in turn this ENCEPHALIZATION of the human-brain underpinned humanity’s technological-adaptations, his moral-sensibilities and pre-adaptation of speech [ i.e. language and literacy of which the world’s-languages diversity totals a number of 7000 languages so far ] following on rudimentary speech.
                   Thus, this is the summary of the MYH16-gene and SRGAP2-gene evolutionary-pressure-conditions that removed the genetic / anatomic-constraints inhibiting the path to the brains ENCEPHALIZATION. I’m next going to tackle the controversial OLFACTORY-RECEPTOR-GENE-FAMILY vis-à-vis COLOR-VISION though I will fast go through THE ADAPTATION OF BIPEDALISM as humanity’s basic defining ADAPTATION which stimulated an interesting suit of skeletal-changes necessitating the above developments and the controversies there-in as well as regards compelling evidence.

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