Solar System Media: Les Misérables Activists-Advocacy-Lobbyists and Consultants at Law.

Solar System Media: Les Misérables Activists-Advocacy-Lobbyists and Consultants at Law.
Solar System Media: Les Misérables Activists-Advocacy-Lobbyists and Consultants at Law-This is an Online-Jobs Entrepreneurship / Business Services-Provider, Social Media Marketing / Virtual Assistant (Administrative) and Retail-Goods Affiliate-Marketing involving: (1.)-Community Paralegals for Legal Document Assistant (LDA) / Legal Technician / Court Document Preparers / Court Forms Providers as far as Activism-and-Lobbying for Causes go concerning Human-Rights-Advocacy for suppressed voices and the tax-overburdened oppressed laity including dis-inherited widows, orphans and the destitute; (2.)-French, English, Swahili Translator / Interpreter / Teacher / Tour Guide; (3.)-Publisher for Affiliate Marketing in freelance writing, blogging, transcription and podcasting;

Friday, July 30, 2021

Uhuru, pawns hunger-torture impunity; Judiciary, IPOA compromise-revisits v. corruption. SOS: Lend soft loans of up to KShs. 50,000 to be repaid with a 50%- interest in one sweep since IPOA and ODPP are processing my Kihara Construction accident evidence-destruction/spoilation case, to replace rags, dev. eCommerce/Adsense and sustain existence: [ M-PESA +254723047863 or +254764087863 or Equity Bank, Migori Branch, Acc. no.: 1160168298894 ]; SOS:- How Sadist, ‘Penis Envy’ [rd: Sexology] Bori/GLBTQ aka Lamu/Bondo-Usenge ‘Mixed Orientation Marriage’ Compulsive- Neurotic, Sex-Pervet, Dysfunctional ‘Turpin’ Witches Exploit The Either Wichcraftly-Acquired or Genetically- Inherited DMD For Their ‘Married But Gay’ Gender-Conformity Mandatory ‘Mixed Orientation Marriage’ Committment Ends:- Molecular Phylogenetics v. Hominid Fossils analogy vis-à-vis Maternal Paternal DNA Testing v. ECGD/Step-Families’ Cultural Evidence [ Original Birth Certificate Name‘Henry’change

Sent: Saturday, July 31, 2021, 01:54:39 AM GMT+6

Dear Sir / Madam,  
                          ICC-Indicted Uhuru/GoK continue the
hunger-tortures proxy of his Brokeside-Dairy-Jacket witch-pawns:
Half-a-loaf/water by day and supper it's appr. 150ml milk while the
gay-witch takes bal. 350ml. They're dismantling any mass I may have
gained while constricting the stomach turning me to a zombie-child's
physique. Links showcase Uhuru's Judiciary revisits v. alleged
corruption and of IPOA. I pray interventions for my 10m+ in damages,
migration & soft loans. Need a shaves toothpaste/brush, shoes,
wardrobe, bathing/washing bar-soap. {

Tuesday, July 27, 2021

SOS: Prayers for political-asylum / refuge: - My 3D existence { since I ain't living } hangs on a string as Uhuru and his paid-pawns continue for 2nd day running extreme hunger-torture starvations of half-a-loaf and water for both breakfast and supper:- { Hello? :- The worsening hunger-torture starvations dehumanization by Uhuru and his ‘Brokeside Dairy Jacket’ pawns the gay-witch and quickie-prostitute [substantiated] has to do with the incriminating-evidence of my broad lawsuit including the 14+ OBs being obstructed for want of processing costs delayed by the injustice of my 9.1yrs Kihara-Construction accident and evidence-destruction damages amounting to now KShs 10m+ ; This was once clarified by ODPP Migori asking how I expected the same GoK I intended to sue to process my damages and facilitate the litigation in turn; quoting thus defense of the accused as did ICC-Indicted mass-murderer Uhuru in refusing to part with the incriminating phone-transcripts and telephone-records

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Jason Bourne <>
To: "" <>
Sent: Wednesday, July 28, 2021, 01:45:45 AM GMT+6
Subject: SOS: Prayers for political- asylum / refuge: - My 3D existence { since I ain't living } hangs on a string as Uhuru and his paid-pawns continue for 2nd day running extreme hunger-torture starvations of half-a-loaf and water for both breakfast and supper:- { Hello? :- The worsening hunger-torture starvations dehumanization by Uhuru and his 'Brokeside Dairy Jacket' pawns the gay-witch and quickie-prostitute [substantiated] has to do with the incriminating-evidence of my broad lawsuit including the 14+ OBs being obstructed for want of processing costs delayed by the injustice of my 9.1yrs Kihara-Construction accident and evidence-destruction damages amounting to now KShs 10m+ ; This was once clarified by ODPP Migori asking how I expected the same GoK I intended to sue to process my damages and facilitate the litigation in turn; quoting thus defense of the accused as did ICC-Indicted mass-murderer Uhuru in refusing to part with the incriminating phone-transcripts and telephone-records

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Astronaut Webb <>
Date: Wed, 28 Jul 2021 01:28:10 +0600
Subject: 4.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jason Bourne <>
Date: Wed, 28 Jul 2021 01:26:08 +0600
Subject: 3.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erick Mango <>
Date: Wed, 28 Jul 2021 01:23:40 +0600
Subject: 2.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Fugeez <>
Date: Tue, 27 Jul 2021 19:21:04 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: SOS: Prayers for political-asylum / refuge: - My 3D existence
{ since I ain't living } hangs on a string as Uhuru and his paid-pawns
continue for 2nd day running extreme hunger-torture starvations of
half-a-loaf and water for both breakfast and supper:- { Hello? :- The
worsening hunger-torture starvations dehumanization by Uhuru and his
'Brokeside Dairy Jacket' pawns the gay-witch and quickie-prostitute
[substantiated] has to do with the incriminating-evidence of my broad
lawsuit including the 14+ OBs being obstructed for want of processing
costs delayed by the injustice of my 9.1yrs Kihara-Construction
accident and evidence-destruction damages amounting to now KShs 10m+ ;
This was once clarified by ODPP Migori asking how I expected the same
GoK I intended to sue to process my damages and facilitate the
litigation in turn; quoting thus defense of the accused as did
ICC-Indicted mass-murderer Uhuru in refusing to part with the
incriminating phone-transcripts and telephone-records

Dear Sir / Madam,          For the 2nd day running it's half-a-loaf
and water ICC-Indicted mass-murderer Uhuru's Bori / GLBTQ Lamu /
Bondo-Usenge gay-witch occultist pawn insults me with in their extreme
hunger-torture starvations geared to exploit the muscular dystrophy in
under-&-malnutritions to effectuate a weakling and a child's physique
at 43yrs like the US Turpins. I gotta go for 2 rounds of 1.5l bottle
complementary piped water to survive the day & night. I'm writing this
lying cause the famishing won't let you sit-up up to news time. The
gay-witch locked himself to eat indoors in the main house before the
supplementary supper. Friends & well-wishers are compromised what with
I being a dissident fugitive or they're weary with the unseemingly
9.1yrs delayed 10m+ damages justice, thus I haven't received a dime.
Rags washing postponed indefinetely. If they kill me my WILL in
footnote signature holds. Find rltd links within. TYIA. EM {

CTA to put the wheels-of-justice into motion as concerns such
dehumanizations:- Cyclic-ritual, energy-emaciating, hunger-torture
starvations akin to Pastoralists cattle-bleeding for instantenous
energy-drinking rejuvanations; Rectum-Downing, Penis-Envy [ rd:
Sexology ], Contagion-Animists, 'Mixed Orientation
Marriage'-Occultists Lamu/Bondo-Usenge Raila and Bori/GLBTQ
ICC-Indicted Uhuru, Witch Sadists, plus the psychic-cannibal-vampires,
compulsive-neurotic, sex-pervet, dysfunctional Turpins:- Mud-slingings
'Outcasting/Outlawing/Golo/Kutolewa' Scheme-Strategies in 'The Making
of Archetypes' Amid Elaborate Funeral Death/Zombie Cults Cyclic-Ritual
Growth-Stunting Hunger-Tortures Under-and-Malnutrition
Forced-Dependency Food-Poker; Uhuru's AG's Kihara-Construction 9.1yrs
repayable-interest soft loans or spare cash for COVID-19 Reliefs /
eCommerce dev. can be sent to:- [ +254723047863 or +254764087863 or Equity
Bank, Migori Branch, Acc. No. 1160168298894 ] SOS. [

Les Misérables Activists Advocacy and Consultants:-Prayers for
migration for political-asylum / refuge from ICC-Indicted Uhuru's
GoK's political-legal abuses' endless persecution, rape of conscience
and mandatory systems of
committment. SOS.
Prayers as well for
legal assistance to 'Divorce,' Separate, Estrange, Disown and thus
Terminate an abusive, domestic violence, witchcraft, sex pervert,
dysfunctional, Bori / GLBTQ 'mixed marriage orientation'
incestuous-and-homosexual harassment step-family's anyway 'Dead'
kinship relationship. SOS.
NB:- In case Uhuru's GoK execute their death-threat to murder me
before paying my Kihara-Construction 8.8yrs punitive-and-actual
damages, let concerned authorities pay instead my bastard-descendant
70%, his married-mother 20% and destitutes 10%; & the kins are thus
barred from my funeral which I WILL to be outta Raila's Luo-Nyanza in
a public-cemetry! [ Info. on mother-and-bastard are with Alphonse
Bockenzie Otieno of South Coast, Ukunda, Diani. ] SOS.

Some of the reasons why:-{
}. Support human rights. SOS.


Monday, July 26, 2021

Jealousy gay witch escalates hunger torture starvations as he turns to Scheduled half-a-loaf and water for both breakfast and supper while he feasts on meat and ugali exploiting my penilessness:SOS. { Hello? Flashing friends and well-wishers hourly for soft loans/spare cash to reverse the dehumanization and supplement the hunger-torture starvations of half-a-loaf and water till supper of ugali and half-a-glass of fermented milk: four 'mandazis' go for 20/- while avocados go for 20/- each though if you walk some miles you can come across for 10/- each; I'll repay with a 50% interest in one sweep for loans up to KShs. 50,000 once ICC-Indicted mass-murderer Uhuru's GoK pays-up my now 9.1yrs Kihara Constructiion accident 'evidence destruction-and-spoilation' case adding to backlog statistics with corrupt-IPOA, ODPP and the compromised Judiciary in litigation damages amounting to KShs 10m+; SOS { +254723047863 or +254764087863 or Equity Bank, Migori Branch, Acc. no.: 1160168298894 }.

Saturday, July 24, 2021

Eaten nothing since morn. 'cept water as belly-full gay-witch opts for late breakfast while I'd to rush to Migori Market Matatus Stage to wait for a kin George Okoth coming from Mombasa who'd promised something small btw 1230hrs & 1300hrs though he's yet to arrive by now I guess cause the jealousy gay-dodo and his quickie-prostitute witches {substantiated} are calling the shots pulling strings from behind the scenes: Thus extreme hunger-tortures of half-a-loaf till supper hunger-torture starvations are 'bout to start beginning tomorrow Sunday while today I could stay hungry till tomorrow, SOS; My prayers are for your divine-interventions for my now 9.1yrs Kihara Construction accident damages and fast-tracking of the IPOA & ODPP accident-evidence destruction case both whose litigation damages threatened with embezzlement amid GoK death threats virtue of the Chiefs on the ground run to the tune of KShs. 10m+. SOS. NB:- Taken to now flashing well-wishers hourly as I keep fingers c

From: Ym2006 <>
Date: Sat, 24 Jul 2021 18:03:18 +0000 (UTC)

Dear Sir / Madam,    
                            The title summarizes it all. I returned empty handed so their intentions was jus' humiliation as Uhuru's GoK brood-sits pretty on my KShs. 10m+ damages in litigation adding to backlog statistics with IPOA & ODPP as I die miserably in Uhuru's GoK imposed pauperism-pennilessness as my virility withers still a bachelor at 43yrs for hindered datings. I've had sex only thrice since 2012 June cause I don't give a hoot 'bout Luo girls or jus' savages for that matter; unlike Nairobi & Mombasa where I could afford to have sex unhindered freely 24/7 with no jealousy nincompoop savages coming in-between. Thus today I depleted the last well-wishers spare cash so I pray your divine-interventions for sustainable nutrition cause it's set to be half-a-loaf and water
hunger-torture starvations till supper unless if there'll be something incorruptibly the gay-witch can't re-gurgle. I also pray you fast-track the speedy-processing of my 9.1yrs 10m+ damages. I've Disowned the
dysfunctional sex-pervert step-family pending formal Estrangement proceedings in tandem with the broad lawsuit against the GoK. If they kill me before hand the email signature prayers hold. 
Thank you in advance.
Yours Faithfully,
Erick Mango. 

NB: ICC-Indicted mass-murderer Uhuru's GoK's discriminating me along the lines of racial-hierarchy
caste-system like India and US which's jus' evolving into a more rationally-equitable society like
demonstrated by the recent voting along policy-issues for the rule-of-law and adoption by the Supreme
Court for a universal-health-insurance cover; Assist urgently get paid my 10m+ in damages amid the dehumanization and lurking death; My life, my wife, my kids, my family, my money, my biz / job, my way: Need a shave, bic-razor, toothpaste, toothbrush, wardrobe, shoes, washing and bathing bar-soap, antibiotics, emergency loperamide-hydrochloride tabs; SOS.


Monday, July 19, 2021

Cash token depleted: Morn.s I survived on 20/- 4-mandazis, half-loaf, water; supper on 10/- avocado and ugali 'cept for the s'times a glass-of-milk since Uhuru's paid-pawns the jealousy 'Brokeside Dairy Jacket' witche-pawns quickie-prostitute conveniently did a disappearing-act and the gay-dodo [substantiated] took over the kitchen for which as recorded he can't be trusted cause he usually disgustingly regurgles the meal-rations forcing you to leave him the filth [as if I'd asked to come to their abode]; SOS; The other night first week of July they sent one of their 2 murderer kins Joseph Olala who'd once threatened to kill me with his brother Paul Otieno aka Manuar in Rapogi Kanyamkago [of the TZ Randa-Kitembe witchdoctor conspiracy] to wonna come sleep-over at my quarters which I refused flat telling him to sleep at the main-house with his senders; Prayers are for interventions to fast-track my IPOA and ODPP accident evidence-destruction case; Lend spare cash/soft loans. SOS.

NB: Stop HELB [ 0111013533 ] they jus' called.
Date: Mon, 19 Jul 2021 05:53:28 -0700

Dear Sir / Madam,                
                            I'm soon going to make a formal complaint to Migori Police Station regarding the unbecoming
insulting-provocations from the gay-witch's Bori / GLBTQ aka Lamu / Bondo-Usenge witches-nest latest lined-up pawn the egg-seller in white overalls [ ] who're tugging me to wonna execute ICC-Indicted mass-murderer Uhuru's GoK's death threat as commissioned on their behalf by ex-Chief Amara who proclaimed they were going to kill me through all means
necessary including either a machete-hacking gang or food-poisoning through rat-poison. The link above opens to others including one giving an example of a resident in the vicinity hacked to death by just such a criminal gang for hire privy to the Chiefs as indicated by then Chief Amara. Thus Uhuru's GoK like in the 2007-PEV has the
criminal gang all organized and is now premeditating to execute its death threats by proxy of the GLBTQ+ homosexuals occult as highlighted in the AP cop Owino link within above while others therein link to the same powerful GLBTQ+ occults obstructing the due processing of homosexual harassment cases & another links to an
example of a food-poisoning case citing a Snr. Inspector cop's suspicious collapse-death coming from partying at a colleague's premises. When I next go to report these boiled-eggs nincompoop seller's insulting-provocations formal complaint at Migori Police Station I call upon the IG courtesy of civil society groups to ensure my safety lest the Snr. cops including two OCSs I've charged with IPOA & ODPP [ ] take out their grudges on me as they're oft known to [ ] SOS. Then there's ofcourse the AP cop Owino factor at the center of the Kakrao-Chamkombe witches-nest with accomplices ex-Chief Amara & current Onyango.
                        These precautions are fed by the underlying veiled-threat from one of the defamation & accident-P3 evidence-destruction incriminated OCSs that he thinks I shouldn't ever go back to the Migori Police Station
following his conclusion that my case only involved alleged homosexual harassment yet they're looking for concrete medically-examined evidence of sodomy [ ] suggesting I shouldn't be bothered 'bout the gay-witch's homosexual harassment but rather wait till he should suppossedly sodomize me [ ]. His accomplice Asst. Chief Onyango also once rudely retorted that I shouldn't be bothered if the gay-witch finger-fucked me given I'd a
trouser on, and jeans for that matter! Hence I reiterate the calls for the IG Mutyambei and concerned authorities to ensure my safety should I next go to complain at Migori Police Station. I already have 14+OBs rotting there for want of resources to process the same cause of Uhuru's GoK's fault and thus being the reason I urged CJ Maraga to extend the Statute of Limits as regards my cases [ ] My charges so far as regards this trousered-ape low-IQ egg-seller will include insults, homosexual-harassment and conspiracy to commit organized crime; plus any that may accrue from the AP cop Owino link above. Otherwise, my plans involved including all these interconnected cases with the gay-witch's of homosexual-harassment amid forced-dependency hunger-torture starvations once Uhuru's GoK pays-up my KSh. 10m+ in damages and I embark on litigating my broad lawsuit [ ] starting with cases whose jurisdiction fall within Migori. Another 6th or 7th HELB Auctioneer / Debt-Collector called me sometimes end of June or early July inquiry on remittances claims for which I updated them on the status-quo telling them to confirm with HELB being one of the party-defendants I intend to sue besides the GoK and UoN as per the soft-copy drafts of my petition circulated with all
stake holders including civil society groups for a ruling determining the loan defunct, null-and-void; 'cept perhaps for the principal which I may consider paying. In the meantime I urge the new CJ Martha Koome known for human rights support to issue a temporary injunction to stop any further interests accruing or HELB and / or their Auctioneer / Debt Collectors pestering me with unlawfull illegal calls till such a time my case is heard and determined in a competent court of law [ ] I've repeatedly reiterated that I don't give a hoot 'bout Uhuru's Jinn-Theocracy GoK jobs which I may consider only after they pay me my KShs. 10m+ in litigation damages. It's yesterday Sunday that the
primitive boiled-egg seller pawn mark-timmed me as I came from buying a 10/- bob avocado in town and threw-poured mopping-water in a basin from a new barber's as I passed climbing up the slope behind me; he's like the gays' witches-nest's [
]  6th or 7th pawn all low-IQ nincompoops tugging one oft starving fellow on imposed food-dependency hunger-tortures to get into a brawl-scuffle with their deficient mental-apparatus selves; my training discipline won't stoop that low, I'll bring the lot to book in due course sooner or later. If they're man-enough they can call for paid-for boxing-duels [ min. KShs. 20k ] after Uhuru's GoK pays my damages and all factors are equalized including 3 square meals+ a day jus' for a month as I regain my physique. The empty skulls are counting on their witches-nest back-up. Hence today the well-wishers spare cash depletes as I go to buy the final 10/- bob avocado for
today's supper of which starting tomorrow it's gonna be half-a-loaf hunger-torture starvations till supper of which if packaged milk the jealousy filthy gay-witch opens in one's presence at meal-ration times won't be there then I'm as good as dead for it'll mean hanging only on energy-emaciating, unsustainable, half-a-loaf and water every 24hrs while Uhuru's GoK sits pretty on my KShs. 10m+ in damages; and thus I pray your divine interventions while I'll be left flashing friends & well-wishers hourly in such a growth-stunting under-and-malnutrition scenario. I never asked to come here nor do I plan to work-or-live here in narcissisistic-godzilla Raila's Luo Nyanza. Support human rights for control of my life, my wife, my labors, my money, my kids, my family. Need a shave, a bic-razor, bathing-&-washing bar-soap, a wardrobe, shoes etc. Meanwhile I'm searching hard for a wife; haven't been successful with JK's grand-daughter though we're still Facebook friends so I spread my net wider hoping to catch some France demoiselles. Thank you in advance. 
Yours Faithfully. 

NB: Stop HELB [ 0111013533 ] they jus' called.

Friday, July 16, 2021

Vol. 3:- Dehumanization:- Britney Spears, 13 Turpin Kids v. Psychic-Vampire-Witches’ Embezzlement-Paganism Theft-Conmanship v. Estrangements-Separations:- [ Back to hourly-flashings having taken only 4-‘mandazis’ and water since morn. ]: Energy-emaciating growth-stunting hunger-tortures impunity go-on with quickie-prostitute serving paltry cabbage-ration meant for one the belly-full gay-dodo who serves larger share yet leaves it unfinished while I who’d been famished-starving since yesterday can’t have enough wiping the plate as illustrated; Spare cash bal. 20/-; SOS: Lend 50%-interest payable soft loans now that IPOA and ODPP are processing my accident evidence-destruction case, to replace rags, dev. eCommerce / AdSense:- How Sadist, ‘Penis Envy’ [ rd: Sexology] Bori / GLBTQ aka Lamu / Bondo-Usenge Mixed-Orientation-Marriage Compulsive-Neurotic, Sex-Pervert, Dysfunctional ‘Turpin’ Witches Exploit The Either Witchcraft-Acquired or Genetically-Inherited DMD For Their ‘Married But Gay’ Gender-Conformity Mandatory ‘Mixed Orientation Marriage’ Commitments Ends:- Molecular Phylogenetics v. Hominid Fossils analogy vis-à-vis Maternal Paternal DNA Testing v. ECGD / Step-Families’ Cultural Evidence [ Original Birth Certificate Name ‘Henry’ changed to ‘Erick’ ]; SOS.

Hello? This had begun as a by-the-way update on the GoK’s endless persecution hunger-torture-starvations but it’s picked-up momentum to highlight a comparative-analysis research on the developments of the #FreeBritney Conservatorship case dilemma: Watch this space.

Dear Sir / Madam,

ICC-Indicted mass-murderer Illegitimate President Uhuru’s GoK’s endless persecution sanctioned psychiatric-system abuse approach [ ] continues with impunity as the tittle entails and today it’s back again to scheduled 1-meal ration every 24hrs at supper of hunger-torture starvations for medical arrested development geared to effectuate a stunted / child’s physique. Will give full details in due course. I pray your divine interventions to fast-track the speedy-processing of my 9yrs damages and set me free like Britney Spears or the 13 Turpin kids who were literally shackled { }. Bathing postponed till after supper. { NB: 3rd finger of left palm swollen at the tip 5th day now debilitating further rags washing }. SOS.

Thank you in advance.

Yours Faithfully,

Erick Mango.

Other links as regards latest developments on the #FreeBritney Conservatorship include:-

{1.}- [ ];

{2.}- [ ];

{3.}- [ ]

{4.}- [ ]

{5.]- [ ]

{6.}- [ ]


ICMS e-filings
ICMS e-filings
Britney’s non-consensual disinformed forced drugging
Statute of Limitations v. Impunity
Free Britney: Stop the sanctioned abuse; stop the failed-enterprise pseudo-science; stop the hired psychiatrist-assassins; stop the cabbaging; stop the zoo-exhibit caging; stop the dehumanization…
Bori / GLBTQ+ aka Lamu / Bondo-Usenge Dysfunctional-Family including the “self-bleaching, indecent-exposure, quickie-prostitute,” & her “married but gay”-husband illustrating their homosexual-&-incestuous marktimming-tracking harassments plus her conman-thief brother Charles Ooko psychic-vampire-witches v. Phillip Ondari Onyancha the real lifetime blood-sucking vampire convict. The locks, keys and bolt demonstrate the several break-ins, lock-interferences and false imprisonment.
Jamie Spears [ family ] and Britney Spears psychic-vampire-witch-father [ akin to the Turpins ] unwittingly granted her Conservatorship before turning into a wolf-in-sheep’s-skin embezzlement-conman-thief bondage-master tick-parasite of her life & estate.
Newly sworn and 3rd CJ Martha Koome & family since my now Migori Police Station recorded 9yrs Kihara-Construction accident occured on 14th June 2012 after I lodged my advocates-complaints with the then Mungai’s AG’s portal subsequently when Uhuru the executive & economy-cartels cronies hadn’t yet threatened ex-CJ Mutunga into premature retirement-resignation to be succeeded by the outspoken CJ Maraga. Will CJ Koome deliver now that corrupt-IPOA & ODPP have taken-over the accident’s ‘evidence destruction-spoilation’ case since the US Sanctioned ex-AG Amos Wako, wife & son for the OAG’s inherent corruption including shielding the executive from prosecution?
Psychic vampire Turpins living-fossils of the European Witch Trials & their 13 kids shackled for eternity and who underwent hunger-torture starvations to medically effectuate an arrested-development physique even in the adult kids. Their’s a prehistoric-descendant-culture / zombie-occultism evolved into the psychiatric-system zoo-exhibit caging-abuse cabbaging akin to what Britney Spear’s been forced to undergo.
The swollen-and-normal left-&-right 3rd fingers since 25th June 2021 though it’s now somehow receding. ICC-Indicted Uhuru’s political-legal abuse’s imposed pennilessness-pauperism’s left me without health insurance cover amid the ravaging SARS nCoV2 not to mention the unhygienic, health-hazard often rotting, maggot-infested foodstuffs or unwashed in a mix of snails, cockroaches or soil; even as he brood-sits pretty on my now 9yrs KShs. 10m+ in accident and other charge-counts damages. I often gotta rely on over-the-counter tabs after double-guessing diagnoses unless a well-wisher’s spare cash coincides with an ailment. SOS.
David and Louise Turpin, the compulsive-neurotic psychic-vampire-witches of Riverside California were charged with 12 counts of torture; 12 counts of false imprisonment; 7 counts of abuse of a dependent adult; 6 counts of child abuse plus David received an additional charge of a lewd act on a child under 14. The living-fossils duo of the European-Witch-Trials witches’ prehistoric-descendant-culture zombie-occult now evolved into the Sanctioned Pseudoscience Psychiatric-System’s ‘Psychiatrist-Assassins for Hire’ were sentenced on April 19, 2019 to life imprisonment with a parole possibility after 25yrs. The occults engaged in swinging & Louise was reportedly obsessed with witchcraft, satanic rituals, Ouija boards and snake handlings. Their abuse & torture of the 13 kids was calculated and of a systematic nature involving years of imprisonment, beatings, stranglings and eatings / showerings once annually. Rescue cops thought they was all under 18 for the malnourishments yet 7 were 18yrs+!

The snapshots demonstrate like once narrated to the ODPP Migori when I sought interventions over my accident litigation progress hurdles in complaints over Owade / Mudeyi Advocates, how the calculating psychic-vampire-witches had cut the rope to the well forcing me to rely on rain water for 3 weeks for bathing/washing; now they changed that to oftenly confiscating the keys to the well usually hang on the tree for which to bath/wash I’d to search for them and ask for the keys before they could let me & if absent wait till they re-appeared! Restricted hygiene. Other scenarios illustrate the sex-pervert witches incestuous-&-homosexual marktimming-trackings harassments to the pit-latrines/bathrooms at day and night which increase with the hunger-tortures. The door showcases their numerous locks interferences. Above, the ODPP asked how I expected the same GoK I intended to sue to cooperate in processing my damages quoting defence akin to Uhuru’s refusal to hand-over ICC incriminating phone & finance record evidences

Britney's breakdown
What sparked Britney’s mental breakdown was correctly pinned by her early childhood-insiders to be her deeply troubled childhood having been born to an alcoholic dad till his 2004 quitting after treatment for alcohol addiction; a conduct that imprinted on Britney who’d to check into Malibu Alcohol and Drug Rehab Feb. 20 to March 20, 2007 exacerbated by ex-hubby filing for custody of their 2 sons which she eventually lost forcing her to barricade with the youngest before they forcefully detained her on a psychiatric-hold. Mourning her divorced-marriage, loss of love & kids custody made her shave her head and attack the paparazzi decrying the media’s mockery-fun of exaggerating her every move. Her parents filed for divorce in early 1980 but withdrew the papers in March 1980 before finally splitting 20yrs later in 2002; another mis-hap that imprinted on Britney’s life. Her childhood experience bore her witness to her parents rows & fights leaving her a bundle of nerves mistaken for energy or kicks. Relate Harry.

Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Under-malnutrition Hunger-Torture Starvation continue Amid Depleting Well-wisher's Spare-Cash as I Survive on Avocados: SOS:- Morn. 'was half-a-loaf at noon while supper I've slept hungry as Uhuru's paid-pawns the jealousy 'Brokeside Dairy Jacket' psychic-vampire, food-poker, physiology-witches quickie-prostitute [substantiated] conveniently does a disappearing-act and the gay-dodo [substantiated] takes over the kitchen for which as recorded he usually disgustingly regurgles the food forcing you to leave him the filth [ as if I'd asked to come to their abode ]; SOS; Thus hunger-torture starvations continue; SOS; The other night last week they sent one of their 2 murderer kins Joseph Olala who'd once threatened to kill me with his brother Paul Otieno aka Manuar in Rapogi Kanyamkago [ of the TZ Randa-Kitembe witchdoctor conspiracy ] to wonna come sleep-over at my quarters which I refused flat telling him to sleep at the main-house with his sender-pawns. SOS.: Prayers are for interventions to fast-track my IPOA & ODPP accident evidence-destruction case ; Spare cash and / or soft loans are welcome.

Dear Sir / Madam,
                       The title summarizes everything cause I'm so exhausted besides juggling a million things I don't know where to start or to end.  Today I might well sleep hungry again thanks to the conspiracies by ICC-Indicted Uhuru and his paid-pawns the 'Brokeside Dairy Jacket'  and co. 
The jealousy gay-witch is disgustingly filthy if he takes-over the kitchen unless it's solid food one better forget 'bout eating. My prayers are for your divine-interventions 
[b.]:- [  ] as I could be kicking my lasts outta either food-poisonings or a machete-hacking gang as had been commissioned by ex-Chief Amara  
[c.]:- [ Senior DCI officer collapses and dies at colleague party ]. Thus the gay-witch usually follows me all over jus' like Amara used to up to my eating places to try and manipulate the cooks / waiters as to wonna determine poisoning or filthy-foods or meager rations. Look at how they manipulated the neighborhood AP cop Owino, neighborhood-wives, and other fellows whom perhaps never saw the inside of a classroom and if they did they jus' peeped [ 

                     The idea is to undermine and dehumanize cause I've categorically stated there's nothing I'll be doing with a Luo girl 'cept for one-night-stands if they give a hoot; neither am I 'bout to mingle with feral-savage, low-IQ, primitive-strength, trousered-apes. The kiosk I fill complementary 1.5l bottle of piped water had two tall Kalenjin guys kins to the Sonia mentioned above who were in the habit of getting  touchy-touchy with an underage primary school who nonetheless is sexually active or is curiously interested to wonna influence me to join suit to which I've always responded by spitting whenever she would show comingly excited intentions to wonna mingle with megoodol'self; jus so as to repel her knowing she'd been sent. You know ever since I caught the nincompoop gay-witch pants-down with the underage primary school girl maid Achieng' he's been laying since lower primary he thinks I should join his feral-savage ranks and get laying a molten-brains kid like him and so the conspiracies and counter conspiracies.
                        The egg-seller in white overalls mentioned above still mark-times me same as Victor the farm-hand of cop Owino who after the scenarios cited above recently came back greeting me with intentions to re-formalize the irreconcilable defamation-compromising situations. I jus' disregard them all. Now if you check the link above and add-up the low-IQ savages insulting me with homosexual harassment for provocations including :-                
                  [1.]-the two 'manambas' chronicled then with Safaricom records,
                  [2.]-the taxi driver,
                  [3.]-the herdsman fellow [ probably ex-Chief Amara's herds-boy,
                  [4.]-the late egg-seller in white overalls
                  [5.]-the Kisii neighbors' mason who peed across the fence and his Humpty-                                    Dumpty's wife hireling ;
You'll realize they're quit a gang though a coward one they've lined-up to provoke mepoorol'self with homosexual harassment-insults for confrontations given I'm always on hunger-torture starvation. A law abiding fellow I've given my word like I always record any crime with Migori Police Station that I'll do the same and the AP cop Owino link above is the statement I'll download and present for all the conspiracies and counter conspiracies. Of course in case of any altercations I'll defend megoodol'self as an inherent right though going by the framing set-ups like is evident with the Free-Britney link above I would've fallen into their traps as sanctioned by ex-Chief Amara on behalf of Uhuru's Govt. of Kenya.
                          I've said my priority ladies are Europeans, European-Americans or descendant-African-Americans. So far a sweet French lady has made a connection and we're yet to formalize anything. I made an exception with Jomo Kenyatta's sweet grand-daughter and she's finally accepted mepoorol'self Facebook friendship thought she's yet to take it to the next level; would love to hold her in my arms. The footnote email signature prayers are constant to the bitter end. SOS.
                          Thank you in advance.
                          Yours Faithfully,
                          Erick Mango.

NB:- Some of the related links I forgot as regards a recent murder case in the vicinity of Migori Kakrao Chamkombe Village where I reside temporarily pending payment of my damages  titled in the news as 'Migori Residents Fearful After Missing Teacher Found Murdered' and the 'Powerful Bori / GLBT Occult Obstructing homosexual harassment / assault cases' are listed here below :-

                       Otherwise, need a shave, toothpaste, Bic-razor and shoes. In the past two months I managed to squeeze the well-wishers spare-cash to buy-replace three of the worn-out rags-and-tatters jeans trousers plus a pair of trousers though the three jerseys have also begun wearing-out and tearing thus also needing replacing. I pray your divine-interventions to fast-track pay of my 9yrs Kihara-Construction damages to free me from the handicapping bondage and allow me to take control of my life, kick-start my stalled biz, start dating, marry and settle down; as well as pursue due processing litigation of my broad law suit. Surviving on 10/- bob avocados plus ugali and if fortunate a  glass-of- fermented-milk at night to avoid the jealousy gay-witch's disgusting re-gurgling of meal-rations while during the day it's 4-'mandazis' at 20/- plus half-a-loaf the gay-witch avails. SOS.
                        Thank you in advance.
                        Yours Faithfully,
                        Erick Mango.

Monday, July 12, 2021

Dehumanization, Undermining, Starvations continue: SOS:- Morn. 'was half-a-loaf at noon while supper I've slept hungry as Uhuru's paid-pawns the jealousy 'Brokeside Dairy Jacket' psychic-vampire, food-poker, physiology-witches quickie-prostitute [substantiated] conveniently does a disappearing-act and the gay-dodo [substantiated] takes over the kitchen for which as recorded he usually disgustingly regurgles the food forcing you to leave him the filth [ as if I'd asked to come to their abode ]; SOS; Thus hunger-torture starvations continue; SOS; The other night last week they sent one of their 2 murderer kins Joseph Olala who'd once threatened to kill me with his brother Paul Otieno aka Manuar in Rapogi Kanyamkago [ of the TZ Randa-Kitembe witchdoctor conspiracy ] to wonna come sleep-over at my quarters which I refused flat telling him to sleep at the main-house with his sender-pawns. SOS.: Prayers are for interventions to fast-track my IPOA & ODPP accident evidence-destruction case ; Spare cash and / or soft loans are welcome.

Sent: Monday, July 12, 2021, 06:39:49 AM 

Dear Sir / Madam,
                       The title summarizes everything cause I'm so exhausted besides juggling a million things I don't know where to start or to end.  Today I might well sleep hungry again thanks to the conspiracies by ICC-Indicted Uhuru and his paid-pawns the 'Brokeside Dairy Jacket'  and co. [    ].         
 The jealousy gay-witch is disgustingly filthy if he takes-over the kitchen unless it's solid food one better forget 'bout eating. My prayers are for your divine-interventions [  ] as I could be kicking my lasts outta either food-poisonings or a machete-hacking gang as had been commissioned by ex-Chief Amara  [ ]. Thus the gay-witch usually follows me all over jus' like Amara used to up to my eating places to try and manipulate the cooks / waiters as to wonna determine poisoning or filthy-foods or meagre rations. Look at how they manipulated the neighborhood AP cop Owino, neighborhood-wives, and other fellows whom perhaps never saw the inside of a classroom and if they did they jus' peeped [ 
                       The idea is to undermine and dehumanize cause I've categorically stated there's nothing I'll be doing with a Luo girl 'cept for one-night-stands if they give a hoot; neither am I 'bout to mingle with feral-savage, low-IQ, primitive-strength, trousered-apes. The kiosk I fill complementary 1.5l bottle of piped water had two tall Kalenjin guys kins to the Sonia mentioned above who were in the habit of getting  touchy-touchy with an underage primary school who nonetheless is sexually active or is curiously interested to wonna influence me to join suit to which I've always responded by spitting whenever she would show comingly excited intentions to wonna mingle with megoodol'self; jus so as to repel her knowing she'd been sent. You know ever since I caught the nincopoomp gay-witch pants-down with the underage primary school girl maid Achieng' he's been laying since lower primary he thinks I should join his feral-savage ranks and get laying a molten-brains kid like him and so the conspiracies and counter conspiracies.
                        The egg-seller in white overalls mentioned above still mark-times me same as Victor the farm-hand of cop Owino who after the scenarios cited above recently came back greeting me with intentions to re-formalize the irreconcilable defamations-compromising situations. I jus' disregard them all. Now if you check the link above and add-up the low-IQ savages insulting me with homosexual harassments for provocations including :- 
                 [1.]-the two 'manambas' chronicled then with Safaricom records,
                  [2.]-the taxi driver,
                  [3.]-the herdsman fellow [ probably ex-Chief Amara's herdsboy,
                  [4.]-the late egg-seller in white overalls
                  [5.]-the Kisii neighbors' mason who peed across the fence and his Hump-Dumpty's wife hireling
you'll realize they're quit a gang though a coward one they've lined-up to provoke mepoorol'self with homosexual harassment-insults for confrontations given I'm always on hunger-torture starvations. A law abiding fellow I've given my word like I always record any crime with Migori Police Station that I'll do the same and the AP cop Owino link above is the statement I'll download and present for all the conspiracies and counter conspiracies. Of course in case of any altercations I'll defend megoodol'self as an inherent right though going by the framing set-ups like is evident with the Free-Britney link above I would've fallen into their traps as sanctioned by ex-Chief Amara on behalf of Uhuru's Govt. of Kenya.
                          I've said my priority ladies are Europeans, European-Americans or descendant-African-Americans. So far a sweet French lady has made a connection and we're yet to formalize anything. I made an exception with Jomo Kenyatta's sweet grand-daughter and she's finally accepted mepoorol'self Facebook friendship thought she's yet to take it to the next level; would love to hold her in my arms. The footnote email signature prayers are constant to the bitter end. SOS.
                          Thank you in advance.
                          Yours Faithfully,
                          Erick Mango.

CTA to put the wheels-of-justice into motion as concerns such
dehumanization:- Cyclic-ritual, energy-emaciating, hunger-torture
starvations akin to Pastoralists cattle-bleeding for instantaneous
energy-drinking rejuvenations; Rectum-Downing, Penis-Envy [ rd:
Sexology ], Contagion-Animists, 'Mixed Orientation
Marriage'-Occultists Lamu / Bondo-Usenge Raila and Bori/GLBTQ
ICC-Indicted Uhuru, Witch Sadists, plus the psychic-cannibal-vampires,
compulsive-neurotic, sex-pervet, dysfunctional Turpin:- Mud-slinging
'Outcasting / Outlawing / Golo / Kutolewa' Scheme-Strategies in 'The Making
of Archetypes' Amid Elaborate Funeral Death/Zombie Cults Cyclic-Ritual
Growth-Stunting Hunger-Tortures Under-and-Malnutrition
Forced-Dependency Food-Poker; Uhuru's AG's Kihara-Construction 8.8yrs
repayable-interest soft loans or spare cash for COVID-19 Reliefs /
eCommerce dev. can be sent to:- [ +254723047863 or +254764087863 or Equity
Bank, Migori Branch, Acc. No. 1160168298894 ] SOS. [ ].

Les Misérables Activists Advocacy and Consultants:- Aid put in motion
the wheels of justice as concerns: Rectum-Downing Penis-Envy [rd:
Sexology] Bori/GLBTQ-Occultist, Contagion-Animist-Witch, Sadist
ICC-Indicted Uhuru of the 'Ikenya-cop/Kenyatta-Animism'
masonic-assigned-sleeping-quarters sits-pretty on my damages in
cahoots with fellow psychic vampires his loo-bat and extended
Jewish-kith, and his 'Brokeside Dairy Jacket'-'paid pawns'
compulsive-neurotic, sex-pervet, dysfunctional Turpin:- Mud-slinging
'Out-casting /Outlawing / Golo / Kutolewa' Scheme-Strategies in 'The
Making of Archetypes' Amid Elaborate Funeral Death/Zombie Cults
Cyclic-Ritual Growth-Stunting Hunger-Tortures Under-and-Malnutrition
Forced Dependency Food-Poker: Uhuru's AG's Kihara-Construction 8.4yrs
50% repayable-interest soft loans or spare cash for COVID-19 Reliefs /
eCommerce dev. can be sent to :- [ +254723047863 or +254764087863 or
Equity Bank, Migori Branch, Acc. No. 1160168298894 ] SOS. [ ].
CTA rally-up drum-support for
a NOW 8.4yrs Kihara-Construction Accident punitive-and-actual damages
case plus the broader Political-Asylum / Refuge Criminal-&-Civil Lawsuit against
Raila-Uhuru Jinn-Theocracy's GoK's
Political-Legal Abuses'
Endless-Persecution, Sanctioned Arrested-Development, Mandatory
Systems Of Committment & Rape Of Conscience still at 42yrs curtaling
my dates & marriage.
{ Single-ladies who value
strong family traditions & would love to settle down avail yourselves
& give me a hand }. Support human rights and turn an imposed
passive-male 3D-existence back to track on life.         AG-phones &
Amicus Curiae :-{ }; {
}; {
]. SOS.

Prayers for migration for political-asylum / refuge from ICC-Indicted Uhuru's
GoK's political-legal abuses' endless persecution, rape of conscience
and mandatory systems of committment. SOS.
Prayers as well for legal assistance to 'Divorce,' Separate, Estrange,
Disown and thus Terminate Uhuru's 'Brokeside Dairy Jacket'-'paid
pawns' abusive, domestic violence, witchcraft, dysfunctional, Bori /
GLBTQ 'mixed marriage orientation' homosexual-and-incestuous
harassment step-family's anyway 'Dead' kinship relationship. SOS.
Some of the reasons why:-{
}. Support human rights. SOS.

 Les Misérables Activists Advocacy and Consultants:- Aid put in motion the wheels of justice as concerns: Rectum-Downing Penis-Envy [rd: Sexology] Bori/GLBTQ-Occultist, Contagion-Animist-Witch, Sadist ICC-Indicted Uhuru of the 'Ikenya-cop/Kenyatta-Animism' masonic-assigned-sleeping-quarters sits-pretty on my damages in cahoots with fellow psychic vampires his loo-bat and extended Jewish-kith, and his 'Brokeside Dairy Jacket'-'paid pawns' compulsive-neurotic, sex-pervet, dysfunctional Turpins:- Mud-slingings 'Outcasting/Outlawing/Golo/Kutolewa' Scheme-Strategies in 'The Making of Archetypes' Amid Elaborate Funeral Death/Zombie Cults Cyclic-Ritual Growth-Stunting Hunger-Tortures Under-and-Malnutrition Forced Dependency Food-Poker: Uhuru's AG's Kihara-Construction 8.4yrs 50% repayable-interest soft loans or spare cash for COVID-19 Reliefs/eCommerce dev. can be sent to :- [ +254723047863 or +254764087863 or Equity Bank, Migori Branch, Acc. No. 1160168298894 ] SOS. [ ].                   CTA rally-up drum-support for a NOW 8.4yrs Kihara-Construction Accident punitive-and-actual damages case plus The broader Political-Asylum / Refuge Criminal-&-Civil Lawsuit against Raila-Uhuru Jinn-Theocracy's GoK's Political-Legal Abuses' Endless-Persecution, Sanctioned Arrested-Development, Mandatory Systems Of Commitment & Rape Of Conscience still at 42yrs curtailing my dates & marriage. 
{ Single-ladies who value strong family traditions & would love to settle down avail yourselves & give me a hand }. Support human rights and turn an imposed passive-male 3D-existence back to track on life.         AG-phones & Amicus Curiae :-{ }; { }; { ]. SOS.

Prayers for migration for political-asylum / refuge from ICC-Indicted Uhuru's GoK's political-legal abuses' endless persecution, rape of conscience and mandatory systems of commitment. SOS.  Prayers as well for legal assistance to 'Divorce,' Separate, Estrange, Disown and thus Terminate Uhuru's 'Brokeside Dairy Jacket'-'paid pawns' abusive, domestic violence, witchcraft, dysfunctional, Bori / GLBTQ 'mixed marriage orientation' homosexual-and-incestuous harassment step-family's anyway 'Dead' kinship relationship. SOS.        Some of the reasons why:-{ }. Support human rights. SOS.

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