Solar System Media: Les Misérables Activists-Advocacy-Lobbyists and Consultants at Law.

Solar System Media: Les Misérables Activists-Advocacy-Lobbyists and Consultants at Law.
Solar System Media: Les Misérables Activists-Advocacy-Lobbyists and Consultants at Law-This is an Online-Jobs Entrepreneurship / Business Services-Provider, Social Media Marketing / Virtual Assistant (Administrative) and Retail-Goods Affiliate-Marketing involving: (1.)-Community Paralegals for Legal Document Assistant (LDA) / Legal Technician / Court Document Preparers / Court Forms Providers as far as Activism-and-Lobbying for Causes go concerning Human-Rights-Advocacy for suppressed voices and the tax-overburdened oppressed laity including dis-inherited widows, orphans and the destitute; (2.)-French, English, Swahili Translator / Interpreter / Teacher / Tour Guide; (3.)-Publisher for Affiliate Marketing in freelance writing, blogging, transcription and podcasting;

Tuesday, November 03, 2020

The Wheels of Justice for the Suppressed-Voices of the Oppressed-Laity Are Finally Set To Start Rolling as Kisumu's IPOA Complaints Management Officer Engages Me on First Call : Thank you to all concerned civilized world for your divine-interventions and committments which I pray you keep constant as I embark on the first steps of my broad lawsuit for long overdue delayed justice. SOS.

Dear Sir / Madam, 
                            I wish to express my gratitudes for
your divine-interventions for justice since some positive outcomes
have begun trickling-in with regards to IPOA Kisumu's Regional
Headquarter's Complaints Management Officer engaging with an email
response on 27th October 2020 though I came to learn of it yesterday
2nd November 2020 cause I'm juggling a myriad balls at the same time
as I lay the infrastructure for my ecommerce endeavors including audio
& video podcasts plus pay TV subscription services ; SMM / VA ; French
tour guiding, translations, teaching ; private medical genetics
contracting, counselling / consulting ; ebook & hard-cover book
publishing on evolution scientific investigations etc. not to mention
preparations for my broad lawsuit [
]. The attached photos oughtta start with the documentary evidences
which I'll sort for the re-arrangements have been in trials to fix the
                         Hence, I pray more your divine-interventions to compel the forces at
play to follow the law in letter & spirit consistently with the
constitution to the latter & set the wheels of justice in motion and
prosecute my first formal IPOA case [
] ; since with regards to ICC-Indicted Uhuru's political-legal abuses,
I'm afraid the same retrogressive, primitive-strength savage impunity
dynamics with the reknown corrupt Kenya Police [ ] or [
] may be at play at other echelons of Uhuru's Jinn-Theocracy GoK. I'm
almost walking bare feet and naked in over-sewn, worn-out shoes plus
rags-&-tatters' last 3 trousers though the jerseys are still threaded.
Thus I need a wardrobe not to mention urgently toothpaste and a
bicrazor. I'm drinking the last 5/- bob juice sachet today & so my
pleas for restocking the same. Your money won't be in vain for being a man of
substance, principle & integrity who keeps their word, I'm bound to
repay you as stated in the footer / signatures. [ NB: The IPOA
Complaints Management Officer Kisumu jus' called me now on the phone
and reassured to call me back later again for follow-ups detailing he
was settling in his office yet. Perhaps IPOA's been devolving & the
reason its portal and system shut for s'time; or he's newly deployed.
Thank you to all concerned civil society groups ]. 
                    Otherwise, Uhuru's sanctioned political legal abuses has imposed me pauperism curtailing
my dates & marriage still at 42yrs. SOS. Hence, I need at least an
Android smartphone if not an iPhone & a laptop to reinforce on
establishing my eCommerce endeavors infrastructures since my current
device's a Symbian Techno T432 who's unupgraded browser's no match for
the markets. The quickie-prostitute-witch [substantiated] still
prepares soiled dagaa / omena deteriorating my dentology. 
                    Thank you in advance.
                    Yours Faithfully, 
                    Erick Mango.

Prayers for migration for political-asylum / refuge from ICC-Indicted Uhuru's
GoK's political-legal abuses' endless persecution, rape of
conscience and mandatory systems of
committment. SOS. Prayers as well for
legal assistance to 'Divorce,' Separate, Estrange, Disown and
thus Terminate Uhuru's 'Brokeside Dairy Jacket'-'paid pawns' abusive,
domestic violence, witchcraft, dysfunctional, Bori / GLBTQ 'mixed
marriage orientation' homosexual-and-incestuous harassment
step-family's anyway 'Dead' kinship
relationship. SOS.

CTA rally-up drum-support for a NOW 8.4yrs Kihara-Construction
Accident punitive-and-actual damages case plus
The broader Political-Asylum / Refuge Criminal-&-Civil Lawsuit against
Raila-Uhuru Jinn-Theocracy's GoK's
Political-Legal Abuses'
Endless-Persecution, Sanctioned Arrested-Development, Mandatory
Systems Of Committment & Rape Of Conscience still at 42yrs curtaling
my dates & marriage.
{ Single-ladies who value
strong family traditions & would love to settle down avail yourselves
& give me a hand }. Support human rights and turn an imposed
passive-male 3D-existence back to track on life. AG-phones &
Amicus Curiae :-{ }; {
}; {
]. SOS.

Some of the reasons why:-{
}. Support human rights. SOS.

Some of the reasons why:-{
}. Support human rights. SOS.

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