Solar System Media: Les Misérables Activists-Advocacy-Lobbyists and Consultants at Law.

Solar System Media: Les Misérables Activists-Advocacy-Lobbyists and Consultants at Law.
Solar System Media: Les Misérables Activists-Advocacy-Lobbyists and Consultants at Law-This is an Online-Jobs Entrepreneurship / Business Services-Provider, Social Media Marketing / Virtual Assistant (Administrative) and Retail-Goods Affiliate-Marketing involving: (1.)-Community Paralegals for Legal Document Assistant (LDA) / Legal Technician / Court Document Preparers / Court Forms Providers as far as Activism-and-Lobbying for Causes go concerning Human-Rights-Advocacy for suppressed voices and the tax-overburdened oppressed laity including dis-inherited widows, orphans and the destitute; (2.)-French, English, Swahili Translator / Interpreter / Teacher / Tour Guide; (3.)-Publisher for Affiliate Marketing in freelance writing, blogging, transcription and podcasting;

Monday, December 22, 2014

Prosecuting Raila : Ex-Treason Convict and Serial Ritual Psychopath Murderer.

Hi everybody. Got assaulted again cause of protesting against the homosexual and incestuous sexual harassment by the parents of my siblings and their primary school-girl house helps. It was on the 11th of December 2014 and the O.B. at Migori police station is OB62 / 11 / 12 / 2014. Will clarify later for now let me make a rush on the back-log of events that I have been reporting to The HRW and The RNC. -[1.]-Hi RNC.I plan to next copy the The Press-Campaign Plea Portfolio to The ICC cause I can not take it anymore.Thank you in advance.-2/10/2014 at 1555hours. -[2.]-Hi HRW.I have copied The Press-Campaign Plea Portfolio to The ICC to clear the air on any doubts that I can substantiate for every word of the petition before a court of law and that it is seriously a matter of life and death.Thank you in advance.-6/10/2014 at 0946hours. -[3.]-Hi HRW.Hunger games on high alert.Two days break-fast cut-off,lunch/super rationed;then today breakfast rationed and lunch denied.Found the male criminal clearing his meal.Put on a hunger regime and energy-emaciation.Thank you in advance.-7/10/2014 at 1315hours. -[4.]-Hi HRW.The female criminal still stalking me to insult me at the coach with her disgusting bend-over posture.Thank you in advance.-11/10/2014 at 1815hours. -[5.]-Hi HRW.Something seems to be in the offing.Second day running black-out.Cousin brother came visiting from Mombasa and now switched phones off since 2230hours in main house with the parents siblings and tell-tale signs feels like there could be undercover cops or something due to the sensitivity of the petition.Thank you in advance.-15/10/201 4 at 0007hours. -[6.]-Hi HRW.Trust restored albeit temporarily after the cousin returned though fear and panic on high alert since death threats have come from different sources of the Raila Luo Community at large.I am also vigilante and on high alert trusting on reason and instinct and taking no chances fake or real.Thank you in advance.-15/10/201 at 0100hrs. -]7.]-Hi HRW.The animal-husbandry and zero-grazing treatment is very humiliating.The cousin brother was under instructions to spend money on me: a shave,a cobbler's shoe-repair,drinks and a commercial sex-girl;all paid for without being allowed to touch the money intended to create an impression of a SLAVE/TRUMP in BONDAGE.I appeal for my accident compensation.Thank you in advance.-19/10/2014 at 1852hrs. -[8.]-Hi HRW.I realize the accident compensation and other reported-cases Complaints File was not sent/relayed as shown in the mail box to the devolved Migori Office of The DPP.Hence I plan to hand-deliver hard copies of the above for a speedy recourse of the same in due time to set me free from this bondage threatened with death.Thank you in advance.-28/10/2014 at 1640hrs. -[9.]-Hi HRW.I am currently on my way to The Office of The DPP Migori County.Thank you in advance for your assistance.- 29/10/2014 at 1234hrs. -[10.]-Hi HRW.I have delivered the hard copies to The DPP and The Rep. has told me to wait for feed-back.Thank you in advance.-29/10/2014 at 1343hrs. -[11.]-Hi HRW.Still diarrhea ring,twice from morning and four times last night. Soliciting for money from well-wishers and friends to seek medical attention in case symptoms persist and to cure the prevailing situation.Thank you in advance.-1/11/2014 at 1253hrs. -[12.]-Hi HRW.Got salvaged by a comrade-friend indeed.Taken Eno for starters and yet to take a prescribed dosage of four tabs at night after meals.Thank you in advance.-1/11/2014 at 1707hrs. -]13.]-Hi HRW.Woke-up with a slight fever and mild stomach-ache and took tabs yesterday night and today morning.Think its the illness wearing-off.The male sex-pervert criminal still on my heels trying to associate my sexuality with his homosexuality;this time pretending to be working right behind the bathroom coinciding with my bath-time schedule.So I tell him to stop his psychological games and take a retreat to wait for him to finish.Thank you in advance.-10/11/2014 at 0922hrs. -[14]-Hi HRW.I am soliciting again for money from friends and well-wishers to go for a clinical diagnosis because I now experience body and joint-pains besides the other persisting symptoms.Unless otherwise.Thank you in advance.-10/11/2014 at 1324hrs. -[15.]-Hi HRW.Fever and cold rising bad.In all clothes/coat sleeping in sun.Tinizadole ,Agisecnizadole,and Comet-tabs since 28/10/2014 to no avail.If they kill me before aid,please,My Will.Thank you in advance.-10/11/2014 at 1719hrs. -Also copied to The RNC ON 10/11/2014 at 1736hrs. -[16.]-Hi HRW.In need of clinical diagnosis for effective treatment since the fever,cold and illness is persisting.Ready to let friends and well-wishers handle the cost of diagnosis directly with Migori District Hospital please for purposes of accountability and transparency.I have please asked them to let me know if they could cost-share.Thank you in advance.-11/11/2014 at 2101hrs. -Also copied to The RNC on 11/11/2014 at 2105hrs. -[17.]-Hi HRW.Finally got some cash-aid and I am on my way to The Mig. District Hosp. for the clinical diagnosis and effective treatment.Thank you in advance.-17/11/2014 at 1312hrs. -[18.]-Hi HRW.Finally got diagnosed with Amoeba and Malaria;available drugs cost 250/- and sent to chemists for remaining drugs.Thus soliciting again to complete the prescribed dosage.Thank you in advance.-17/11/2014 at 1747hrs. NB:-It is interesting to note here that The Mig. Hosp. two sachets of drugs happened to be Panadol and the other's name can't remember but the pharmacist reading the prescription corrected The Hosp. saying it should be taken once-twice a day AND NOT two-twice a day as initially instructed....[ rd: govt. hand of intentional/purposeful negligence instructions. ] :-Secondly,the two remaining packs of drugs sent to the chemists-for happened to be the prescriptions meant for Amoeba and Malaria [who's names I will provide later] who's cash I got on the 20/11/2014 ,three days late after the Hosp. sachets [yet I was to supposed to take them together] due to lack of funds and I got cured speedily on the 21/11/2014 after two days of the four prescription-combination dosage-pack. -[19.]-Hi HRW.Hunger/torture food poisoning games in high gear.The male criminal traveled since Sunday 22/11/2014 and I spent the last cash on food yesterday;now soliciting for more from friends and well-wishers especially since I am recovering from the bout of Amoeba and Malaria.Chief Amara snooping and hovering around.Thank you in advance.-26/11/2014 at 0916hrs. -[20.]-The male and female criminals are still sexually harassing and abusing the basic nature of my personality as is of every human being.Sexually,they have substituted themselves with under-age primary school-girls at their house-help service.Since I am sexually starved,they premeditate I may lust and turn pedophile.Also the female criminal once smeared her perfume on the zip-section of my yellow trousers reflecting her bleached thighs/groins and I rebuked her.This is the second time she has had that zip destroyed and now while waiting for repair money.I can't tuck-in my shirt knowing they are targeting my nakedness.I live with beasts.Thank you in advance .-1/12/2014 at 2026hrs. Later logistics.

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