Thursday, April 08, 2021

Homo sapiens species-internal-variation aka Taxonomic-diversity v. Sub-human Nightrunner-Witches and Sexual-orientations :- Uhuru's 'Brokeside Dairy Jacket' 'paid-pawns' 'Married But Gay' nightrunner-witches the quickie-prostitute and gay-dodo [substantiated] Locks-and-keys witch-hunting/threats, Manipulation of events, Swaying of minds; TV News shut 2 weeks+ now; Almost walking naked; Need washing-bathing barsoap bad. SOS; Lend 50%-interest payable soft loans now that IPOA and ODPP are processing my accident evidence-destruction case, to replace rags, dev. eCommerce/Adsense:- How Sadist, 'Penis Envy' [rd: Sexology] ICC-Indicted Bori/GLBTQ- Occultist Sissy-Uhuru's 'Brokeside Dairy Jacket' Paid-Pawns the Compulsive-Neurotic, Sex-Pervet, Dysfunctional 'Turpin' Witches Exploit The Either Wichcraftly-Acquired or Genetically-Inherited DMD For Their 'Married But Gay' Gender-Conformity Mandatory 'Mixed Orientation Marriage' Committments Ends: Molecular Phylogenetics v. Hominid Fossils

Dear Sir / Madam,                
                           Power blackouts are news in the
developed world cause they rarely happen unless the grids are
malfunctioned by catastrophies including hurricanes like happened in
the US lately. Contrarily in 'shit hole' third world Africa & Kenya
for that matter power blackouts are the norm since we're like three
centuries behind the developed world as regards advanced, complex,
civilizations with ref. to techno-evolution industrialization as
concerns growth from subsistence-farming rain-dependent economies to
manufacturing-export & capital-markets economies; not to mention
transitions to behavioral modernities or organizations of living
spaces... factoring-in stuff like prehistoric-descendant-cultures &
low IQ, primitive-strength, trousered-apes, feral savages. Indeed
stuff like zoning's unheard-of & most of the infrastructure such as
administrative buildings including State House, police stations, water
plants & sewarage systems are colonial relics worn-out with rust,
broken pipes, etc. In fact some constituencies are comparatively as barren as the
moon's surface or Mars's since US's NASA Rover & Ingenuity Helicopter
have of late begun active explorations [ NB: Third world Africa's
never lifted any satellite to space let alone rocketing to the moon or
jus' exploring outta space for that matter! ]. Back to the crux of the
matter which's electrical-power v. total darkness of the night & the
mythological subhuman creatures there-in. I wonder how many of you out
there have experienced such total darkness in a moonless night where
you can't see nothing ahead of you including anybody right before you
even if you were facing each other close to a whisper? You see,
anatomically-modern-humans are 99.9% genetically-homologous due to
their 'recent uniform-evolution' as they migrated from Africa to
spread within & globally replacing other Homo sapiens sub-species
along the way including H. sapiens nearndathalensis & H. sapiens
denisova outta competition struggles for the fittest, sheer-strength 
or intermarriages for which archaic-admixtures aka
derived-traits present in extant H. sapiens sapiens genotypes &
phenotype-traits, e.g. like the canine tooth of some Australian
Aborigines & the acutely strong 'Sense-of-smell aka Olfaction' in the
Mythological 'Nightrunner witches' still popular in Africa [
]. The mythological nightrunner is sub-human precisely because they
retained albeit facultatively that which became vestigial in the rest
of humanity, i.e. the strong, acute olfaction / sense-of-smell
crucially important for animals quadrupedals in either avoiding
predators or pursuing prey; as opposed to the 'enhanced field of
color-vision' provided-for with the rest of H. sapiens sapiens proper
per se since they took to Bipedalism as the defining-adaptation
effectuating the adoption of an erect-posture v. the
physiological-behavioral adaptive changes that followed suit! 
                             Hence when the sun sets & darkness 
falls in Africa particularly in those rural areas which have never
seen electricity, danger lurks as the mythological sub-humans are
spurred to metarmorphosize into animal nature switching-on their
olfactory receptor genes to life. Thus archetypical Luos are wont to
refer to themselves as 'Ondiek aka Otoyo' which's English for 'Hyena;'
of which whether the Luo Nightrunner witch shifts-shape to an hyena as
is known of the European Mythological 'Werewolf' is anybody's guess
since they only switch-on with the fall of darkness like the 'undead'
zombie-vampires who get outta their graves at night to hunt for human
blood and flesh. What's certain's that they run butt-naked like the
animal they're whether it's rainning hailstorm or it's snow-cold!
Apparently the sun's anathema to their physiology. Thus from the very
many recorded instances of this quickie-prostitute & the 'married but
gay'-dodo witches [ substantiated ] locking me indoors at night either
at their main-hse previously with the slasher-swords & and machetes 
ready-at-hand in one of the living room cabinets quitting
after I begun reporting their assaults at Migori Police Station like
recorded in previous blogs. I highlighted the most such recent
nightfall witch-hunt threat in the social media [
dining chamber lights-on this Tuesday 6th 2021 after starving
mepoorol'self the whole day till 1800hrs for the first meal-ration of
'matumbo' / cattle-intestines served sparingly cause like meat eaten
secretly & served in public once-in-a-blue-moon it's a leading
protein-nutrient which goes against their Uhuru's & co. sanctioned
growth-stunting under-&-malnutrition prehistoric-descendant-culture
zombie occultism. It's also recorded how these  nightrunner witch
'Turpins' stole stealthily at night to lock me indoors from outside
inside the 'Kenyatta-Animism' Uhuru-Ikenya-cop assigned sleeping
quarters which I subsequently reported at Migori Police Station for
'False imprisonment' yet they were left off the hook cause they'd turned to open the door from
outside before Migori Police Station could acertain the validity of
the charges since the Police Emergency no. 999 I'd called negligently
and / or incompetently never relayed the issue to Migori Police
Station at all: The phone records are there with CCK or NPS of which I
intend to follow-up the matter to its logical conclusions as regards
legal-proceedings with concerned authorities including IPOA once they
conclude my first formal complaint and / or I've been paid my accident
damages to avail resources for the logistics of my broad lawsuit [
night-runner witches have both indecently-exposed me their
vagina-&-penis respectively as they go around
incestuously-&-homosexually harassing me which the quickie-prostitute
& gay-dodo [ substantiated ] have been trying to reinforce in
mind-associating their filthy vagina-&-penis with my penis-or-buttocks
in their marktimming-tracking me to the pitlatrines both during the day & at night making me
nowadays pee behind the Kenyatta-Animism assigned quarters 'cept for
long calls when I have to use the pitlatrines: Kilifi constituency has
been in the news numerously for killing such witches unapologetically
in cold blood while Kisii's been known to burn their equivalents [
]. I also managed to inquire why such witches run at night as I jogged
training my razed accident kneecap to heal fully and the answers are
]. The food-poker physiology-witches have begun soiling all
meal-rations including yesterday's supper paltry greens for which I
slept half-hungry; and today's chapatis the gay-dodo tables when he
feels hungry having taken their first serving & the quickie-prostitute
[ substantiated ] left for town. I need washing-&-bathing bar soap bad
as I walk almost naked  in over sewn, worn-out rags-&-tatters whose threads come-off the more
with each wash; the slippers-&-shoes are worn-out beyond description.
Credit goes to the latest Incharge-of-Crime policewoman at Migori
Police Station who explained to me the status quo regarding my push
for charges of 'False imprisonment' vis-à-vis the incompetent
policeman stationed at the Police Emergency Line 999 who I think
oughtta be relieved of his duties pending investigations once I
formally file charges; the I-C policewoman told me the night-runner
witch step-parents I've Estranged / Disowned pending formal court
proceedings are the ones responsible for defamations of my image /
identity with the police and thus should be brought to account [ on
behalf of the police ]; an agenda I've been pursuing with my broad
lawsuit pending formal proceedings. Latest links [
] & [
html ]. 
                         Hence, humanity's extant species Homo sapiens sapiens
internal-variations include phenotype-trait as well as genetic-trait
differences such as sexual-orientations & genetic archaic-admixtures
which define our relationships. I'm straight & color-vision enhanced
anatomically-modern bipedal human being discriminated cause I won't be
GLBTQ or run at night. My prayers are for a speedy processing of my
first IPOA / ODPP case & the damages pertaining to it. Flashing
well-wishers for spare cash / soft loans to be repaid with a 50%
interest { +254723047863 or +254764087863 }. SOS. 
Thank you in advance for your considerations. 
Yours Faithfully, 
Erick Mango. 
{ Other prayers are in the email footnote signatures }. };

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