Solar System Media: Les Misérables Activists-Advocacy-Lobbyists and Consultants at Law.

Solar System Media: Les Misérables Activists-Advocacy-Lobbyists and Consultants at Law.
Solar System Media: Les Misérables Activists-Advocacy-Lobbyists and Consultants at Law-This is an Online-Jobs Entrepreneurship / Business Services-Provider, Social Media Marketing / Virtual Assistant (Administrative) and Retail-Goods Affiliate-Marketing involving: (1.)-Community Paralegals for Legal Document Assistant (LDA) / Legal Technician / Court Document Preparers / Court Forms Providers as far as Activism-and-Lobbying for Causes go concerning Human-Rights-Advocacy for suppressed voices and the tax-overburdened oppressed laity including dis-inherited widows, orphans and the destitute; (2.)-French, English, Swahili Translator / Interpreter / Teacher / Tour Guide; (3.)-Publisher for Affiliate Marketing in freelance writing, blogging, transcription and podcasting;

Friday, April 19, 2013

THE LAW : Prosecuting Raila, Ex-Treason Convict and Serial Ritual Pschopath Murderer.

Hi audience, I would first and foremost like to highlight and jog-down/refresh the memories of any doubting Thomas on the reality of witchcraft/sorcery as an age-old practice by unraveling what the secret membership club of Raila's ODM's witchdoctors akin/similar to Victorian Era witchcraft/sorcery England have been spinning along the proportions, line of the Nazi German/American medical criminals by laying it bare in broad daylight. Let me begin by saying that I have noted that witchcraft/sorcery is practiced at 2 levels: 1.- the ordinary/illusion trickster magic performed at fairies and circuses and; 2.- the out-of-the-ordinary eerie, paranormal, extra-terrestrial telepathic supernatural sorcery to satisfy and meet the demands,dreams and wishes of those still living/relying in the superstitious world as compared to those relying on the scientific cultivation of the faculties of the mind. Such is the background that defines the ever escalating rampant cases of wanton mysterious disappearances, murders,deaths,abductions,kidnappings and the resultant cutting of vital body parts including the eyes,tongues and reproductive organs for use in rituals/orgies by those seeking power and wealth through the forces of darkness es. The Christian scriptures showcases the practice of witchcraft in terms/aspects of controlling legions of evil spirits/jinns whose king is 1 BEELZEBUB represented/symbolized by the common house old fly who has been with Man since time immemorial when He was still undergoing the vulgaries of evolution. The Islamic scriptures/hadith attest/mention the grand encyclopaedia/book of witchcraft/sorcery containing spells,formula es and recipes which was recalled by god in the heavens up-above for the escalating rampant cases of horror-terror and had to be fought-over by angel and Satan ultimately resulting in only just 1 page being torn as the angel was entering the 7/9 heaven being the abode of god and returned back to earth albeit heroically by Mr. Lucifer and that this 1 page encapsulated all the witchcraft/sorcery that is being practiced on earth today. Then we have the horoscopes published on the daily newspapers and magazines based on the 12 signs of the zodiac where-by the eye-brow raising, eye-catching stars { heavenly bodies } are namely the Orion [ northern star-sign-of-the-cross ] and Canis Major [ sign of the dog ] constellations and ultimately what there-of lies between them: the star SIRIUS { rd: the Dogon of Mali }. In present day witchcraft parlance, this takes the shape/form/proportion of the Harry Porter/Nigerian movies sorcery series where-by it is usually the high and mighty of the society who for necessity disguise/act/carry themselves with an air of holier-than-thou,appearing most honest,innocent and most meek during the day whilst at night in reality they are indeed wolves in sheep skins. We have the like of Reinhard Bonke, an evangelist trickster who [ unless I'm mistaken ] did a stint of time for his blind-folding sins in Kenya when he was found-out;then there is bishop Deya of the " miracle babies fame who's wife did time in jail on behalf of the husband when caught trying to traffic stolen infants from Kenyan hospitals and to cap it all there is 1 Emanuel Eli who jotted it all down in his book " Delivered From The Powers of Darkness es ." Thus is the background forming the contours of the archaic thought processes of the pretender-to-the-throne, Raila's uncultivated medulla oblangata belief-in/indulgence and practice of witchcraft/sorcery being simply a factor of the manifestations of his selfish,power greed-motivated serial psychopathy for the dreams and wishes of ascending/marching/free-riding to the state-house throne reigns of power where-by in the process he ridicules,derides,overlooks,ignores and belittles his political peers, the discipline of statistics to his own peril and derail. Thence amidst all these escalating rampant cases mentioned above did the former 2nd president,popularly then referred to as 'professor of politics and the political giraffe, " his former " His Excellency " have the occasion to find it urgent,untenable,horrific,life-threatening,mind-boggling,horrendous,unforgivable,despicable...prudent and inevitably wise to INSTIGATE,CONSTITUTE AND FORM A COMMISSION OF INQUIRY TO INVESTIGATE DEVIL WORSHIP IN KENYA. At the moment, Raila's ODM secret society wing membership have managed to close-in on me and currently put me under what in witchcraft/sorcery parlance would be termed performing a zero-grazing/animal husbandry on my person,i.e the aforementioned customary ritual dependency on my person for they have { according to their ill program me } pushed/thronged me to the station of a cabbage/zombie/zoo-zoo. Hence, I would like to categorically state that I have all the incriminating evidence at hand which I can only publish as fast as funds are available but I can't since I am being muzzled. Thus I would like to take this short-lived squeezed opportunity to appeal to all civilized, progressive people of the good lord above, the engineer-creator,people of the forces of good and all those who have had a taste of what such evil minds are capable of doing to please avail funds for purposes of bringing to light what has been hidden in the dark through my phone contacts:- otherwise please bear with me if I take a-little-bit-of-forever to publish the evidence.

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