Thursday, April 08, 2021

Uhuru's GoK spells death as pawns quickie-prostitute and gay-dodo witches [substantiated] having eaten secretly serve supper the belching latter feeds to the dog and goes to sleep; SOS. TV News shut 2 weeks+ now; Almost walking naked; Need washing- bathing barsoap bad. SOS; Lend 50%-interest payable soft loans now that IPOA and ODPP are processing my accident evidence-destruction case, to replace rags, dev. eCommerce/Adsense:- How Sadist, 'Penis Envy' [rd: Sexology] ICC-Indicted Bori/GLBTQ- Occultist Sissy-Uhuru's 'Brokeside Dairy Jacket' Paid-Pawns the Compulsive-Neurotic, Sex-Pervet, Dysfunctional 'Turpin' Witches Exploit The Either Wichcraftly-Acquired or Genetically-Inherited DMD For Their 'Married But Gay' Gender-Conformity Mandatory 'Mixed Orientation Marriage' Committments Ends: Molecular Phylogenetics v. Hominid Fossils analogy vis-à-vis Maternal Paternal DNA Testing v. ECGD/Step-Families' Cultural Evidence [Original Birth Certificate Name 'Henry' changed to 'Erick' ]

Dear Sir / Madam,               
                            Could be I'm kicking my lasts; that
I'm on my death bed sanctioned by sadist, 'penis envy' [ rd: Sexology
] 'man hater' sissy-Uhuru cause I refuse to change my straight
sexual-orientation to join theirs of 'married but gay' 'mixed
orientation marriages;' besides not submitting to their
prehistoric-descendant-culture of night-runner-witches [
]. Thus Uhuru's imposing the extreme hunger-torture starvations of
1-meal-ration-a-day, i.e. once every 24hrs either at morn. or supper
of which today 'twas in the morn. for supper went to the dog as
described in the title. Thus having fed secretly as usual the
quickie-prostitute [substantiated] served the bit-soiled greens for
supper which the gay-witch after serving his portion fed it to the dog
meaning it wasn't fit for human consumption. I went to bed hungry amid
the cold & rain and neither do I know what they're holding up their
sleeves for  tomorrow. S'body put yourselves in my shoes. Prayers as stated in
links are recurrent. Spare cash / soft loans will be repaid a 50%
interest once Uhuru's GoK pays my 8.9yrs damages. 
Thank you in advance. 
Yours Faithfully,      
Erick Mango. };

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