---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jason Bourne <jbournd007@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, 10 Sep 2019 20:22:38 +0600
Subject: Moody 'Incharge of Crime' Explodes In Allignement With
'ex-Invalid OCS' Over Last Time's Move To OCPD As She and co. Send Me
Back ToThe Stereotyped Prejudiced Nincompoop Asst. Chief : Uhuru's
Organized-Crime Economy-Cartels Trousered-Apes Monkey-Biz Subversion
of Justice Circus ; Prayers For Migration For Political-Asylum /
Refuge From Endless-Persecution / Rape of Conscience and Mandatory
Systems of Committment. SOS.
To: erickmango4521@gmail.com
the 2 P3s & Medical Forms incriminating the dysfunctional sex-pervet
Turpins. I asked to be allowed to go there tomorrow given the fatigue
of the distances and the fact the office would've been locked by now.
Thus I pray you ask the Asst. Chief to check his cool & stop being
emotional in threatening me with 'pointing fingers.' Also ask him to
use logic & reason reason therefore in sticking objectively to the
facts. Ask him to write the required letter to arrest, book & arraign
the dysfunctional sex-pervet Turpins for Migori Police Station to 'set
the rule of law' rolling vis-à-vis his stereotypes & prejudices. Thank
you in advance. Yours Faithfully, Erick Mango.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jason Bourne <jbournd007@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, 10 Sep 2019 20:11:08 +0600
Subject: Fwd: Moody 'Incharge of Crime' Explodes In Allignement With
'ex-Invalid OCS' Over Last Times Move To OCPD As She and co. Send Me
Back ToThe Stereotyped Prejudiced Nincompoop Asst. Chief : Uhuru's
Organized-Crime Economy-Cartels Trousered-Apes Monkey-Biz Subversion
of Justice Circus ; Prayers For Migration For Political-Asylum /
Refuge From Endless-Persecution / Rape of Conscience and Mandatory
Systems of Committment. SOS.
To: jbournd007@gmail.com
I move up the ladder to the next Office which happened to be the
OCPD's. She didn't wait to hear that the stereotyped, prejudiced,
nincompoop Asst. Chief had sent me again to the OCS & that I was only
enquiring of his whereabouts with a whole new charge. Nontheless, she
directed me with another cop to the 'Statements Office' where I
explained to the gentleman the circumstances surrounding the scenario
to his comprehension before he asked whether I had the Asst. Chief's
no. which on giving him he called & they conversed over the phone
before finally directing me to go back to the Asst. Chief whom he said
will assist me. I didn't forget to tell him of the Asst. Chief's
insulting views that I 'shouldn't bother 'bout getting 'finger-f%&k<d
since I was wearing jeans.' Him & the 'IC' had said if there were any
arrests to be made the Asst. Chief had to write a formal letter & that
my issue was a 'family matter' unless they were dealing with assault
involving P3s & Medical Forms which in effect means I'll present PTO
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jason Bourne <jbournd007@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, 10 Sep 2019 19:54:23 +0600
Subject: Moody 'Incharge of Crime' Explodes In Allignement With
'ex-Invalid OCS' Over Last Times Move To OCPD As She and co. Send Me
Back ToThe Stereotyped Prejudiced Nincompoop Asst. Chief : Uhuru's
Organized-Crime Economy-Cartels Trousered-Apes Monkey-Biz Subversion
of Justice Circus ; Prayers For Migration For Political-Asylum /
Refuge From Endless-Persecution / Rape of Conscience and Mandatory
Systems of Committment. SOS.
To: jbournd007@gmail.com
Dear Sir / Madam, I pray your civilized-interventions
for the due procedure & rule of law to be observed as stuff get
murkier with the 'Incharge of Crime' exploding when I found the OCS's
Office locked and I inquired after him in her next door Office to
which she first exclaims, "It's you again" and goes on beratting
mepoorol'self 'bout how the matter was presumably suppossed to be
settled by the Asst. Chief who'd been there last time. She goes-on to
disprove of me that I shouldn't have gone to the OCPD in the first
place since 'Hao wakubwa hawatakusaidia,' i.e. 'Those big people won't
help you'. Now if the 'ex-invalid OCS' had refused the feedback he'd
sent me for & called me an idiot adding that I was disturbing him in
his Station and threatened to arrest me as he pushed me away;
literally therefore outlawing & outcasting me from the precincts of
the rule of law, where was I suppossed to go to? Turn into an 'ascetic
wanderer & go to the forests? I think due protocol necessitated
that... PTO
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jason Bourne <jbournd007@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, 9 Sep 2019 12:28:53 +0600
Subject: Circus
To: jbournd007@gmail.com
Rally-Up Drum Support-Call For A NOW 6yrs 11months Accident-Damages
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Against Raila-Uhuru's Jinn-Theocracy GoK's Political-Legal Abuses'
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Tuesday, September 10, 2019
Moody 'Incharge of Crime' Explodes In Allignement With 'ex-Invalid OCS' Over Last Time's Move To OCPD As She and co. Send Me Back ToThe Stereotyped Prejudiced Nincompoop Asst. Chief : Uhuru's Organized-Crime Economy-Cartels Trousered-Apes Monkey-Biz Subversion of Justice Circus ; Prayers For Migration For Political-Asylum / Refuge From Endless-Persecution / Rape of Conscience and Mandatory Systems of Committment. SOS.

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