Thursday, October 18, 2018

Nextranalysiscope : Jurisdictions, Sovereignity and War-Budgets : The Need For A New Sheriff In Town ; Why Sissy C-in-C Uhuru Gotta Be Impeached Or Else The Map of Kenya Be Re-Drawn.

Kenya is a 'failed state' by many standards one being the inability &
incapacity to defend its territorial sovereignty ; the result of
which's been for ambitious 'enemy states' to hive on-&-off miles,
chunks & strips of constituent territories akin to gerrymandering
including imposing their alien jurisdictions & regulations. Thus has
the Somali warlord caliphate crowned itself North Eearsten Kenya while
circumnavigating Lamu in Boni-Forest for the same ends ; then there's
dear old comrade M7 & disputed Migingo Island which he imposes-on
regulations & administration as a matter of course ; not to mention
The Mombasa Republican Council's claim to the 10mile coastal-strip.
All this while & Sissy C-in-C Uhuru can still afford to ironically sit
pretty evolving diaper-napkin KDF-guys into an dysfunctional-artillery
museum. The state is broke & can't afford to sustain coastly war with
its insurging rich neighbors like UG who afforded an SGR electric
train unlike our diesel one. Overburdenning tax, public-debt, etc

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