Thursday, October 18, 2018

Nextranalysiscope : Jurisdictions, Sovereignity and War-Budgets / Public-Debts : Why It's A High Time Sissy C-in-C Uhuru Got Impeached Or Kenya Had Its Map Re-Drawn.

You know it's a really funny world how Sissy C-in-C Uhuru was yapping
hotair jibberish the other day 'bout how he'll ensure there's no
caliphate created along N. Eastern Kenya or The Indian Ocean Coast
Line for that matter basing the reason why diaper-napkin KDF-guys were
missioned to pitch tent in El Ade where they suffered a randown
massacre of 250+ guys! Yet the caliphate has managed to entrench
itself & the jurisdiction of its regulations and administration along
N. Eeastern Kenya to the dread of KDF-guys & cops plus their 4-wheels
who are ltd to using a longer murram path for fear of their consorts
along Mandera-Lafey-Nrb highway lest they be magazined & their
4-wheels seized or razed. Fully grown, beard-shaving men talking!
Uhuru must come down to earth and reason about the practical reality
on the ground 'bout over-budgeting to accomodate his economy-cartel
cronies' & allies' spending then overburdening the peasantry / laity
with taxes for public-debts minus service. Thus your insurged as you

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