Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Nextranalysiscope : Jurisdictions, Sovereignty and War : The Need For A New Sheriff In Town ; Why It's A High Time Sissy C-in-C Uhuru Got Impeached Or Kenya Had Its Map Re-Drawn.

Last time I checked we was with an old comrade turned
computer-programmer, Stanley shortened to 'Stan' after Eminem and the
E. African military data was that Kenya not only had more but an
advanced artillery as well not to mention by standards an
exceptionally well trained personel, 'cept perhaps for numbers. That's
what's baffling at the dismal performance when it comes to practical
action on the ground. Sissy C-in-C Uhuru's diaper-napkin KDF guys have
developed a trend of freezing & coiling their tails btw their legs
whenever they get accosted by their erstwhile Al Shabaab antagonists ;
who having bones to chew-with singled them out in El Ade in the maul.
The other day they were reported I think in Eldoret to have developed
cold feet locking themselves in a block opposite a lodge under ambush
by their antithesis as casualties were slain! Kenyan Teachers intend
to strike & I agitate them to highlight amongst their grieviences the
untenable slaughter of non-local teachers in The North Eastern

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