Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Nextranalysiscope : Jurisdictions and Sovereignty : The Need For A New Sheriff In Town ; Why It's A High Time Sissy C-in-C Uhuru Got Impeached Or The Map of Kenya Got Re-Drawn.

Yes, the inescapable reality's that N. Eastern Kenya is ruled by a
caliphate, a development of The War Lords that wrecked Somali where-in
they've entrenched Sharia Law in some parts. The very fact that police
& military 4-wheels can't venture in the main Mandera-Lafaye-Nrb
highway for fear of ambushes, capture & deaths demonstrates in whose
administration the length & breadth of the highway falls. Sissy C-in-C
Uhuru should let those 'who the cap fit' take over. What does it take
to implement the jurisdictional authority of Kenya's constitution to
administer & regulate N. E Kenya? War is expensive & Kenya's only been
to peace-keeping missions, 'cept during the 'emergency for
independence' making diaper-napkin KDF a 'regional academy fair
warehouse storing ceremonious relics'. Kenya wouldn't stand an all-out
war with hard-core M7 over Migingo and though she may re-establish
law-&-order in N. Eastern, the prerequisite policing-&-military
resources may be outlasted within a year. Kenya's indebted. Uhuru must

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