Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Nextranalysiscope : The Need For A New Sheriff In Town ; Teachers Strike ; It's A High Time Sissy C-in-C Uhuru Got Impeached Or Kenya's Map Got Re-Drawn...

Well, the stark reality's that the much hype there's been 'bout Kenya
having the best military & academy around these sides happens to be
all hot air. It doesn't fit the bill practically from the observations
on the ground. Diaper-napkin KDF-guys got chided by The AMISOM
Commander for the maul they took-in & were even retorted to that
'they'd come there 1st and foremost to fight', as if they were on a
fair! They couldn't comprehend neither 'why the other 'camps' didn't
come to their aid', as if they were aid workers! Then the fully
beard-shaving men cried on the arms of a waiting Defense Secretary on
their return. Sissy C-in-C Uhuru's diaper-napkin KDF-guys froze again
in S. Sudan as Aid-Workers they was suppossed to guard a-camp-across
were raped before being shot dead with males. They got dismissed by
The UN! Around 14 or 24 non-local teachers were killed in Mandera last
time plus this recents 2. There's a caliphate in North Eastern, it's
not Kenyan jurisdiction. KDF is a ceremonious-DF. Uhuru must go....

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