Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Nextranalysiscope : Human-Evolution, Human-Evolutionary-History, Species, Sub-Species / Morphological Sub-Types vis-a-vis The 3rd-Sex, Human-Variation / Differences, IQ ; Reading From Different Scripts.

Yer, the binomial-name for the taxonomic-species of the
anatomically-modern-human population is 'Homo sapiens' categorized
into sub-species in human-evolutionary-history each with defining,
derived, morphological sub-types distinguished by minor
phenotype-traits / physical-characteristics including 'typified
craniofacial traits / features in anthropometry. Homo sapiens emerged
as a distinct lineage-product of human-evolution whose
hominid-fossil-record showcases a taxonomic-diversity intrigued by
transitional-intermixing-intermediate-overlapping- successive
phenotype-trait order-series to its development. Thus, the genus-Homo
is composed of varying species each with different sub-species aka
lineages with defining morphological-variations including typified
cranial-facial traits such as 'mandibular & dental-features'
incorporating nose-&-brain sizes, volumes and more importantly
structures which're inversely-corelative & directly-proportional to IQ
for the latter-&-former respectively. Morphological subtypes

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