Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Nextranalysiscope : Reading From Different Scripts { rd : Tabula Rasa } : Human Evolution, Human-Evolutionary-History, Species, Sub-Species / Morphological Sub-Types vis-a-vis 'The 3rd-Sex' : Human-Variations v. IQ.

Thus, minor 'typified craniofacial phenotype-traits' distinguishing
morphological subtypes aka lineages of the species-organism Homo
sapiens in anthropometry such as mandibular & dental features
incorporating nose-&-brain sizes, volumes and most importantly
structures are 'Distinct Genetically Expressed Phenotype Traits' ; of
which others include eyes, skin & hair colors showcasing the nature of
human-clusters' / groups' genetic-structure variation / differences
across geographical-scales. Otherwise, human-ape hominids are
higly-homogenous genetically as a result of their relatively-recent
uniform evolution as a population of organism-species sharing a
last-common-ancestor. Human-ape hominid morphological subtypes' /
subspecies' Environmentally-Induced 'Adaptive Evolution
Phenotype-Traits' include the internal physiological-condition of
Acclimatization, i.e. the natural-manifest evolutionary
adaptation-ability to to breath more efficiently at higher altitudes &
Sicklemia over others with normal haemoglobin.

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