Monday, October 22, 2018

Nextranalysiscope : Human-Evolution, Human Evolutionary History, Species, Sub-Species / Morphological Sub-Types vis-a-vis The 3rd-Sex, Human-Variation / Differences, IQ...

Paleontological-trends indicate there's a successive-order to the
development of life demonstrating that life in its diverse, ingenuous,
myriad forms including the evolutionary process leading to the
emergence of anatomically-modern-humans, arose independently on earth
originating naturally from natural causes in adaptive-radiation from a
common-ancestor illustrated by sequence-homology & analogous-traits in
the 'biological taxonomical classification' of living things denoting
evolution ; the self-organizing, upgrading, optimization,
incremental-graduation process that realizes the descending of one
type of an advanced organism-species from another type of a primitive
form so as to effectively & intensly-so survive, adapt and thrive in a
'competition-struggle survival for the fittest' in a continuous,
complex, changing, global-conditions / pressures. The binomial-name
for the taxonomic-species of the anatomically-modern-human population
is 'Homo sapiens' in the genus-Homo categorized into sub-species in

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