Friday, October 26, 2018

Nextranalysiscope : Genetic-Variations Across Homo sapiens sapiens Sub-Lineages / Clusters / Groups aka Morphological Sub-Types or Sub-Species vis-a-vis IQ and The '3rd Sex' / 5th Sub-Lineage ; Tabula Rasa Scripts.

Thus the human-evolutionary-process leading to the emergence of
anatomically-modern-humans Homo sapiens sapiens subspecies /
sublineage right from after the 'early bipedal ancestral
hominid-fossil species' pre-humans including Sahelanthropus
tchadensis, Orrorin tugenensis & Ardipithecus ramidus / kaddaba
branched from the chimpanzee-lineage 4.8mya is hence composed of
different-species each with subspecies & their respective lineages all
with categorical, distinct, genetically-expressed anthropometric
'typified craniofacial phenotype-trait' differences distinguishing
their lineage-cluster populations including 'mandibular-jaw-&-dental'
features basing fundamental major developmental-changes throughout
human-ape hominid-evolution ; environmentally-induced by the
type-&-processing of foods eaten of which the jaw's-evolution in turn
underpinned encephalization, speech & chin-formation, another
human-feature distinguishing them from archaic / primitive-forms ; as
indicated in the hominid-dentition fossil-record.

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