Friday, October 26, 2018

Nextranalysiscope : Genetic-Variations Across Homo sapiens sapiens 'Hybrid-Populations' aka Morphological Sub-Types, Sub-Species or Sub-Lineages vis-a-vis IQ and The '3rd Sex' / 5th Sub-Lineage : Tabula Rasa Scripts.

Hence the distribution of genetic-structure variations of Homo
sapiens sapiens across geographical-scales classifies this
anatomically-modern-human lineage into 4 basic sublineages / clusters
including : 1.) Homo sapiens sapiens caucassian, 2.) H. sapiens
sapiens asian, 3.) H. sapiens sapiens arabid / semitic, & 4.) H.
sapiens sapiens negroid ; each subspecies / morphological subtype
with defining, categorical, distinct, genetically-expressed 'typified
anthropometric craniofacial phenotype-traits' including
'mandibular-jaw-dental' features incorporating nose-&-brain sizes,
volumes and more importantly structures which're inversely-correlative
& directly-proportional to IQ for the noses-&-brains respectively ; in
ascending-order as you move across the spectrum from the negroid to
the caucassian subspecies prototypes aka 'Hybrid Populations'! Their
genetic-variations are caused by natural-selection, genetic-drift /
draft, mutations, migrations & artficial-selection including
hybridization for admixtures.

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