Thursday, October 25, 2018

Nextranalysiscope : Genetic-Variations Across Human Sub-Lineages / Clusters / Groups aka Sub-Species and/or Morphological Sub-Types vis-a-vis IQ and The '3rd Sex' / 5th Sub-Lineage : Tabula Rasa Scripts.

These caucassian, asian, oriental & negroid Sub-Lineages / Clusters /
Groups aka Morphological Sub-Types or Sub-Species of the
anatomically-modern-human Homo sapiens sapiens Lineage vary
morphologically by Distinct Genetically-Expressed 'Typified
Anthropometric CranioFacial' Phenotype-Traits or by different {
protein-coding } pcDNA Sequences from each member. Thus the nature of
the genetic-structure variations across human sublineages / clusters
or groups, subspecies aka morphological subtypes on a
geographical-scale classifies the genus-Homo in the fossil-record into
different Species including pre-humans / proto-humans Sahelanthropus
tchadensis, Orrorin tugenensis & Ardipithecus ramidus / kaddaba
descending into them Australopithecines split into gracile-&-robust
branches before evolving into Homo habilis, Homo erectus georgicus /
Homo erectus ergaster / Homo erectus erectus ; then comes Archaic aka
Primitive or Early-Modern-Man including Homo sapiens heidelbergensis /
floresiensis / antecessor subtypes.>

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