Solar System Media: Les Misérables Activists-Advocacy-Lobbyists and Consultants at Law.

Solar System Media: Les Misérables Activists-Advocacy-Lobbyists and Consultants at Law.
Solar System Media: Les Misérables Activists-Advocacy-Lobbyists and Consultants at Law-This is an Online-Jobs Entrepreneurship / Business Services-Provider, Social Media Marketing / Virtual Assistant (Administrative) and Retail-Goods Affiliate-Marketing involving: (1.)-Community Paralegals for Legal Document Assistant (LDA) / Legal Technician / Court Document Preparers / Court Forms Providers as far as Activism-and-Lobbying for Causes go concerning Human-Rights-Advocacy for suppressed voices and the tax-overburdened oppressed laity including dis-inherited widows, orphans and the destitute; (2.)-French, English, Swahili Translator / Interpreter / Teacher / Tour Guide; (3.)-Publisher for Affiliate Marketing in freelance writing, blogging, transcription and podcasting;

Thursday, January 18, 2018


around,picked me up & la nding me down in the livi ng room proceeded
to me rcilessly batter my tot's i nnocent set-up phallus wi th the
lateral-side of a sli pper you would think she was killing a snake;as
me wailed helplessly!The LGB T TRANSGENDER-WITCH CRAFT you can see was
premeditated.As detailed me grew-up with novels u pstairs at the
rooftops wi thdrawn mosta the time f rom them & the society a t large
socializing less oft en than not which was a witches strategy to rend
er me dumb like they tur ned a cousin PATRICIA d eaf jus' like the
IKUNU-KI AMBU rudimentary deaf/ dumb prototypes.The TU RPINS are
STANDOFFISH & their withdrawn-kids lo ok pale-skinned like they' d
never been frequenting the sun normally;as witne ssed by a neighbor.As
de tailed they'd wanted to s hackle me in RANDA-KIT EMBE TANZANIA at a
wi tchdoctors!As confided wi th The Migori DPP,they o nce cut-off the
bucket-ro pe to the well forcing me to rely on rainfally for 'b out
2weeks for my bathin g & washing;the heavens never failed me.>

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Yahoo Mail Team <>
Date: Thu, 18 Jan 2018 11:06:46 +0000 (UTC)

Before moving to GANJ ONI we lived in WIMPY ne ar the
'Elephant-Tusks' a cross Uhuru-Gardens & t hat's where the step-witc
h-mother caused me 'peni le-fracture' as a toddler when I'd jus'
learnt to sit & me wasn't even crawlin g yet.My phallus to date is
still bent like a banana to the left whether hangi ng-freely or at
full-mast & the reason I advocate f or the discriminalization &
legalization of 'medical-re creational marijuana' sinc e it gives me
back my full throatle! No VIAGRA,no nothing jus' WEED...period .I can
still remember as w e bathed with the step-w itch-mother bent-naked in
front of me spIashing wat er over herself from a ba sin while me poor
toddler sat behind waiting when me thinks cause of phero mones or
perfume prepla nted purposefully my phal lus at that tiny age sudde
nly rose like a forklift's c rane nodding & ready to gauge though
ofcourse m e poorly little tot didn't c omprehend a thing 'bout
neither sex nor erections; & with calculated expecta tions,the
witch-beast sud denly turned >

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