Solar System Media: Les Misérables Activists-Advocacy-Lobbyists and Consultants at Law.

Solar System Media: Les Misérables Activists-Advocacy-Lobbyists and Consultants at Law.
Solar System Media: Les Misérables Activists-Advocacy-Lobbyists and Consultants at Law-This is an Online-Jobs Entrepreneurship / Business Services-Provider, Social Media Marketing / Virtual Assistant (Administrative) and Retail-Goods Affiliate-Marketing involving: (1.)-Community Paralegals for Legal Document Assistant (LDA) / Legal Technician / Court Document Preparers / Court Forms Providers as far as Activism-and-Lobbying for Causes go concerning Human-Rights-Advocacy for suppressed voices and the tax-overburdened oppressed laity including dis-inherited widows, orphans and the destitute; (2.)-French, English, Swahili Translator / Interpreter / Teacher / Tour Guide; (3.)-Publisher for Affiliate Marketing in freelance writing, blogging, transcription and podcasting;

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Prosecuting Raila : Ex-Treason Convict and Serial Ritual Psychopath Murderer.

Hi everybody.Allow me to present backlog evidence as regards the texts and excerpts that I have been relaying to The HRW-and-The RNC since December last year.It is spilling with witchcraft as illustrated in the excerpts of witchcraft Trials of Salem of 1600:- [1.]-Hi HRW.The savage primitive ape-like sex criminals are sexually harassing me full-gear.It is the second time the female sub-human is sending the barely 10yr old primary school girl to flaunt her vagina urinating in the verandah;First time as I was coming to the main house and now as I sit by the door to the verandah;not to mention that they still mark-time me at bath times all three of them.She still sputrs urine like a horse-pipe.Thank you in advance as the insults go on. 11/12/2014 at 1515hours. [2.]-Hi HRW.The savages have attacked me again and I am going to Migori police station to report.I am bleeding on the right palm.Thank you in advance for your assistance.- 11/12/2014 at 1845hrs. -Also copied to The RNC same date at 1846hrs. [3.]-Hi HRW.Been treated and told to go for P3-forms tomorrow.Plan to charge / sue them except The DR. witness will need KShs. 1,000 fees,thus another assault backlog perhaps till I get my accident compensation which I plan to press for at The Office of The DPP.Thank you in advance for your assistance as the torture goes-on.-11/12/2014 at 2120hrs. -Also copied to The RNC same date at 2122hrs. [4.]-Hi HRW.The Migori Police have told me to go look for The P3-fee and The 1st P3,bring them together to be filled-in together for purposes of convenience before they can proceed with The Law.So I have to wait for The DPP's alert regarding the accident compensation again.Thank you in advance for your assistance.-12/12/2014 at 1515hrs. -Also copied to The RNC same date at 1520hrs. [5.]-Hi HRW.It is an observational fact that there are still living human beings with features of Ancestral-Hominid Fossil-species including archaic large-inch molars/dentition,behavior and culture.Raila,Uhuru and their criminal savages are sitting on my accident compensation and re-enacting death rituals on me.Thank you in advance dated 14/12/2014 at 1229hrs. [6.]-Hi HRW.Hunger/torture,food-poisoning games on high-gear.The male criminal savage has conveniently gone to Mombsasa leaving food matters hanging susceptible.Spent last coin on food and now left exposed to abuse of the psychology of the basic nature of my personality including the dependency on food.Thank you in advance as the torture goes-on. -15/12/2014 at 1811hrs. [7.]-Hi HRW.Periodic-Table / Food-Issues resolved temporarily.Planning Paleo-anthropology career.Lots of scientific development since graduation and hence on the prospectus trail soliciting for money from friends and well-wishers to track application-correspondence feed-back,download research-updates in preparation for foreseeable interviews.I reported the last assault to The DPP who vowed to bring the Complaints-File to attention.Thank you in advance as the arrested development and torture goes-on.-19/12/2014 at 1228hrs.-Also copied to The RNC at 1433hrs. [8.]-Hi HRW.The criminal sex-perverts are still harassing me sending the underage primary school girl to go sit watch TV but with her dress facing me [with one leg raised over the coach] at obscene angles till I rebuke her.Thank you in advance as the beasts go-on.-20/12/2014 at 1659hrs. [9.]-Hi HRW.Savage sex-pervert criminals monkey-biz.Had pushed table closing gap at cupboard where the female usually postures a bend-over hoping I brush her bottom like one of her house-help school-girls once brushed her behind upon my shoulders as she pretending mopped the floor.It is a push-and-pull affair ac cumulatively spilling into the reported assaults.Thank you in advance as the abuses go-on.-21/12/2014 at 1705hrs. [10.]-Hi HRW.I met The Migori Judiciary mouth-piece driver on Monday 23rd Dec. 2014 and I reiterated to him my fears and suspicions of him and The Raila Luo community's Mon-archetypal-Content Projections of their Unconscious Archaic / Primitive regards my Accident-Compensation,Arrested-Development and The Abuse of The Basic Nature of The Psychology of My Personality.Then I saw a repeat scene of him talking to medical-nurses like when Owade Advocates wanted to raise issue with their Secretary Josephine; [ they later told me Josephine passed away just like that leaving me wondering whether it was a gimmick or they were just retracing-and-hiding their tracks. ] They are animistic-ally which-hunting me as Chief Amara made CLEAR.I reiterate that I abdicate any kinship relationships with the immediate family of the parents of my siblings and their extended families respectively.Thank you in advance, 26/12/2014 at 1020hrs.-Also copied to The RNC at 1623hrs. [11.]-Hi HRW.The female criminal has begun to suspiciously time me again along the corridor from drinking water in the yellow trouser eying the unmended zip area.The table-pushing on;last time had pushed it back in time when she postured and I had to go spit; [ spitting is a Chinese counter-measure against the evil-eye of witches,wizards and their witchcraft. ] Thank you in advance as the abuse goes-on.-27/12/2014 at 1949hrs. [12.]-Hi HRW.Hunger/torture games new twist/strategy.The parents of the siblings take early breakfast then leave,eat out and come back in the evening.The rest of the house-hold;maids,grandson and daughter serve and eat their ratios from the kitchen while I am left hanging.Thank you in advance as the torture goes-on.-3/1/2015 at 1825hrs. [13.]-Hi HRW.There's some degree of incest between some of my siblings and their parents as a whole in proportion to The Secret Cultural Fertility Reproductive Cults they are following and have been trying to induct me into.The last daughter on holiday like her elder sister is also into DVD's with nudity,strong language and sex-scenes watched part-time and through-out the night.The two and their father are too close and free with regards to reservations as far as standards and norms go;with their father frequenting their rooms only in a loose kikoi.Their mother is still on my heels mark-timing me at the bath and pits.Thank you in advance as the abuse goes-on.-5/1/2015 at 0847hrs. [14.]-Hi HRW.The sorcerer sex-pervert female criminal still incestuously sexually harassing me now searching to sit next to me on the sofa she'd made me shift to surrounded by her photo frames [ with one emphasizing her bleached-legs. ] They are provocatively disgusting.Thank you in advance as the abuse goes-on.-8/1/2015 at 1445hrs. [15.]-Hi HRW.Homosexual harassment by The Luo Homosexual and/or Married-But-Gay Secret-Society on high alert.After I exposed Chief Amara's prank-call via the neighborhood motorcycle mechanic on 2nd,yesterday as I hang in the hood at the barber's where a group gathered to entertain a film on a mini-DVD monitor,a fellow with gay tendencies came to stand right behind me pretending to stretch his neck for a peep but only to excuse his dorso-ventral contact encounter.More or less like the Abala shoe-shiner or both parents of my siblings who've been mark-timing and stalking me with intentions to sexually rub/brush themselves against me in a move to mentally associate their Fertility-Reproductive Homosexual-and-Incestuous Cults with me.Having copulated only 3-times since June 2012,I would say the parties involved are torturing/frustrating me for want to join their sexual-orientations.-5/2/2015 at 1614hrs. [16.]-Hi HRW.I am surrounded by The Luo Fertility-Reproductive Cult Homosexual Secret-Society led by the likes of Chief Amara on the ground and Judiciary-Driver at Migori Law-Courts all associated to Ikenya and the 'axis-of-evil' mentioned in my blog.I am provoked beyond extremes.I am forced to the existence of a 'Passive-Male' comparable to a 'Death-Row' inmate as this cult undertakes to alienate me from the society even as they carry-out the ritual of 'GOLO/ OUT-CASTING/KUTOLEWA.Thank you in advance as the rot goes-on.-5/2/2015 at 1958hrs. [17.]-Hi HRW.Food-insecurity,hunger/torture games in high gear.The male criminal has escaped to Mombasa once again in their hunger food-poisoning game strategies.I am left hanging not knowing when I will next eat amidst the cholera-outbreak in Migori.Please help press for my Accident-Compensation even as I resort to soliciting 'money-for-survival' once again from friends and well-wishers.Thank you in advance as the torture goes-on.-11/2/2015 at 1952hrs. -Also copied to The RNC same date at 1953hrs. [18.]-Hi HRW.Food-Insecurity,poisoning hunger/torture games.strategies in high gear.The male criminal leaves early hours and comes late forcing me to leave food untouched till he returns or if kids partake of it.This is intended to interfere with my study preparations for potential professional-career ,job-prospectus interviews in Evolutionary-Anthropology of which I am already corresponding with a potential Research-Institute employer.They are projecting the evil-jealousies of their archetypal-unconsciousness.Please help press for my Accident-Compensation.Thank you in advance as the torture goes-on.-18/2/2015 at 1635hrs.-Also copied to The RNC AT 1659hrs -NB :- I would like to make a point-of-correction to the effect that I am into Evolutionary Anthropology proper and not 'Paleo-anthropology' as stated earlier because as a matter-of-fact,for purposes of enlightenment as far as superstitious-mystified religion goes;Evolutionary-anthropology illustrates and confirms evolution by its central context of Scientific-Investigative Comparative-Interdisciplinary Study-Analysis of the evolution of human-physiology and human-behavior as regards the relationship between past-and-present hominid-primates and non-hominid primates. Later,logistics.

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Prosecuting Raila : Ex-Treason Convict and Serial Ritual Psychopath Murderer.

Hi everybody. Given that my Law-Suite Petition-Case is built upon grounds largely arising from the adversely-mentioned culpable duo of Rail-and-Uhuru's myopic,primitive,retrogressive,lay,superstitious faith-belief practice in the world of witchcraft,sorcery,animism,voodoo and jinns which have made them commit and still hold-on to commit gross crimes against my human-nature and atrocities against my personality,my person and my life as illustrated in my blog-site and the associated Campaign-Plea Portfolio,Complaints-File and The Charge-Sheet; I wish to reiterate my Learned Lords and Ladies,Members of The Bar and Members of The Bench,Senio Counsel,Esquires,Distinguished-Guests and the public-at-large that as the cocks come home to roost,as regards my case coming to a close;that the paramount eminent witchcraft circumnavigating my Blog's Law-Suite / Petition-Case is evident chiefly by means of Animism as orchestrated by the Chief-Agents including Emi-and-Omondi of The Clear Law-Firm Jubilee-Building, Moi-Avenue Mombasa through 'Victorian-Animism' and 'Lake-Victoria Animism respectively. The point as stated in earlier blogs above is that Emi-and-Omondi are hirelings of Judy [ Uhurus's Kin Animistic-ally manipulating The Judiciary ] courtesy of The Government-of-Kenya's State-Agencies on behalf of the adversely-mentioned duo of Raila-and-Uhuru.This point tries to highlight the fact stated in earlier blogs that the infamous 'Empire of Great Britain' which was said to stretch over so may lands that the sun was viewed to never set in it is that England,the center of The Empire was grossly bedeviled in faith,belief and practices of witchcraft as is show-cased by the 'Trials of Witchcraft of / in Salem of 1600' during the era of Queen Victoria;and that's why if you may excuse me I have been categorical right from the start that Emi-and-Omondi are not only Lawyers dealing in Law but are also a 'professional witch-and-wizard as far as 'Victorian-Animism and Lake-Victoria Animism' goes. Period. Thus see for yourselves my dear audience and distinguished guests at large including all protocol,the adverse witchcraft that the Lead-Agents Emi-and-Omondi courtesy of their Lords of darkness have been and are still visiting upon my person,my personality and my life with the evil aim of killing through the witchcraft of mainly Animism,by murder-and-assassination attempts;or with the equal evil-aim of permanently maiming me to a wheel-chair as is already clearly demonstrated in earlier blogs above. In fact this notorious secret-society of witches-and-wizards is so large spread that some localities like historic Salem and present day Migori including other strategic-central localities have evolved to become known as witches nests.Thus the witches -and-wizards thronging different witches-nest hoods include in my case 'the axis-of-evil' namely 'Judy,Emi,Ema,Emanuel,Benjamin;The Portreitz Public-Health Psychiatrist criminals;the two witch-doctors of Jomvukuu Omari-infame and Migori;the incestuous -and-homosexual sex-pervert criminals of the family of my siblings;and last but not least Chiefs Amara-and-Odira in as far as their council sanctioned and carried-out the attempted mob-gang attack and attempted food-poisoning murders in Amoeba infection and so forth and so on.The list is endless and the witches and wizards come complete with the evil-eye capable of afflicting by casting to send forth a malefic-venom including malignant-particles that are ejected from the evil-eye of the witch-wizards into the bewitched.The Kisii of Kenya simple burn them to death,no trials whatsoever. The witches-and-wizards are dangerous for they are capable of causing dreadful calamities,loss,illness and death by witchcraft and their night-runner versions like vampires with regards to the incestuous female sex-pervert criminal also are prone to perform acts of mischievous and mysterious nakedness as illustrated in The Witchcraft Trials of Salem of 1600. Later,logistics.

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Prosecuting Raila : Ex-Treason Convict and Serial Ritual Psychopath Murderer.

Hi everybody,Learned Lords and Ladies,Members of The Bar and of The Bench,Senior Counsel,Distinguished Guests and The Public at Large.I wish to present my Charge-Sheet summary overview of the gross crimes and atrocities on and upon my person,my personality and my life against the adversely mentioned duo in my Blog Law-Suite / Petition;former Prime Minister Raila and Uhuru, current head of State and Government of Kenya as conveyed to The Law-Network initially at first following feasible correspondence,and then subsequently to all The other Institutions of Law and The related Civil Society Groups that I have been corresponding with all along since I begun filling this evidence soon after the early demise of Karl Marx under obviously suspicious circumstances [ rd: Periodic-Table,Ras Emmanuel and Nobel Laureate Professor Wangari Maathai's UNBOWED ] which catapulted me into action after recognizing with hindsight that The Government of Kenya courtesy of the adversely mentioned duo of Raila-and-Uhuru was tracking me seeing a pattern in Karl Marx's trail-tracks up to his sacrificial dispatch-ceremony at his grass-roots ancestral descendants rural-lands,mark you specifically with the names of 'Raila' in his lips as he breathed his last between New-Year's eve December 31st 2012 and January 1st 2013 [ May The Good-Lord up Above rest his Soul in Peace ] as reported by the media. Well, I just wish to point-out that the 'print-paste' below is the original-copy version of 'The Charge-Sheet' which captures the spirit of the moment and the reality on the ground as initially presented at first because the subsequent presentation was edited in a kind of hurry since I've noticed that the majority share-holder of Kenya Power and Lighting Company,one of the adversely-mentioned duo courtesy of The Government of Kenya has developed a notoriety for puppeteering black-out power interruptions at the cyber-cafes I frequent [ rd: Judy,Uhuru's-Kin and Emanuel Eli's 'Delivered From The Powers of Darkness's' ] whenever I go there forcing me to present evidence helter-skelter squeezing-in time for meager limited resources when the manipulated-cyber s have to turn to the generator which costs twice as much,i.e. Kshs. 2 bob per minute.On this occasion it was just too much for barely 5-minutes into opening my yahoo-account,clicking compose,copying and pasting the original charge-sheet so I can begin editing and sending to the various Civil Society Groups does the power go-off [ rd: power interrupted behind the scenes. ] So power resumes after like 4-minutes of waiting whenst the process above of power interruptions is repeated and this happens like 3-or-4 times till the attendant switches on to the generator and before I realized the toll had clocked 35-minutes with me having done nothing substantial and now with the generator raking-in twice as much,it's a run for the money whereby under the pressuring-circumstances and with limited resources,one's left with no choice other than top quickly highlight and delete as fast as possible words and sentences that don't fit into the context before wholesomely bulk-mailing to the recipients.Shame on the adversely-mentioned duo of Raila-and-Uhuru for they wont even let me present evidence against them in peace.They are guilty all the way. Otherwise,the edit of the subsequent-presentation was just in the beginning-and-ending remarks in the first-and-last paragraphs,otherwise repeat the content of the matter is the same;and so I hope The Institutions-of-Law and The related Civil-Society-Groups will excuse me for the edit-technicality in the subsequent-presentation of The Charge-Sheet copy-version.This is a precaution-measure lest I be misinterpreted like the adversely-mentioned duo of Raila-and-Uhuru manipulating electric-supply in the cyber cafes I frequently wherever I go intend it to be knowing they have me in financial-tantrums.The point I am trying to clarify is that "I AM AN INNOCENT CONDEMNED-FUGITIVE WHO'S LIFE IS ON THE EDGE HANGED ON A STRING," as stated in the original copy-version of the Charge-Sheet below. Period. Another factor I would like to high-light here is that amiss in both the original-and-subsequent copy-version of The Charge-Sheet my Learned Lords and Ladies is that besides The Government-of-Kenya's witch-doctor Omari being a licensed 'fire-arms holder,' Raila's personal body-guard like Uhuru's 'Animistic' Ikenya Career Body-Guard Mombasa Municipal-cop came-over to Omari's haven where he piles his trade of witchcraft [ rd / google: Witchcraft-Trials of Salem of 1600, ] in Jomvukuu whereby I had the occasion to be introduced to him by Omari identifying him as Raila's 'Personal Body-Guard,' [ rd: gov. cop body-guard and Uhuru-Garden cops in blue. ] Thus, the adversely-mentioned duo of Raila-and-Uhuru, like Siamese-twins are conjoined in premeditated, coordinated,organized,orchestrated crime as relates to their common interest goal of removing what one-of-them refers to as "jinn" and the obvious other refers to as "something." Thus below is the original copy-version of The Charge-Sheet. Dear Sir / Madam, I Erick Otieno Mango,after keenly reassessing and inquiring reflectively on your correspondence has come to the conclusion that your majestic Office has in many words pledged to assist an innocent condemned fugitive who's life is on the edge hanged on a string.Thus I take and welcome with open-arms and uplifted-spirits this heaven-sent opportunity of a life-time to state that I wish to beseech your honorable learned Lordships,Ladies, Senior-Counsel and Esquires to intervene and assist me to press-charges for the purposes of suing the two-main adversely mentioned culpable brotherly-antithesis nemesis-duo of the persons of Raila [ former Prime-Minister ]and Uhuru, the current Head-of-State and Government [ and immediate-former suspect at The I.C.C. for crimes against humanity and atrocities ] including as well as their associate accomplice-agents on behalf of The State of The Republic-and-Government of Kenya so as to access legal-remedy of The Law-and-Justice for gross crimes committed and still being committed against my humane-nature and accompanying atrocities upon my person,my personality and my life;as illustrated in my Blog's Campaign-Plea Portfolio Law-Suite / Petition for Political Asylum / Refuge,and the related-associated Complaints-File gathering dust at The Migori Police-Station;both of which largely arise founded upon the culpable duo's myopic,primitive,retrogressive,lay,imaginary and superstitious faith-and-belief in the world of witchcraft,sorcery,animism,voodoo,jinns and magic. I also wish to state categorically my Learned Esquires that I am enthusiastically looking forward, ready and willing to substantiate and account for every single word in The Blog's Petition / Law-Suite and The related associated Complaints-File.In the same length,breadth and vein,I also wish to take leave and state categorically that I seek legal-remedy intervention before The Majestic Equality of The Law,courtesy of your humane Office over my grossly infringed civil-liberties as well as human-rights to resolve the accruing / piling legal disputes against the government of Kenya restricting my freedom to a democratic-life as far as The Constitution,The United-Nation's enshrined declaration on Human-Rights and Public International Law goes.Hence,below is the implicit and explicit over-view grounds on which my case is built-upon accruing from my blog's Campaign-Plea Portfolio and The Complaints-File of which I would then wish to beseech your honorable Lords,Ladies and Esquires to add any and / or other gross crimes,atrocities and infringements that may catch your trained-eyes if it may escape the eyes of an untrained-and-strained victim :- [1.]-I seek legal-remedy on the above adversely mentioned for compounding on my personal property as the Animism-Witchcraft entails-and-details in the Nairobi-Huruma break-in clean-sweep saga as well as in other localities including Mombasa's Mtongwe Kenya Navy Barracks break-in clean-sweep.. [2.]-I seek legal-remedy for democratic freedom to support and vote for election into office any political representative of any political party of my free-will choice as opposed to the myopic impositions and manipulations of Raila and his O.D.M. party. [3.]-I seek legal-remedy under Administrative-Law to hold the adversely-mentioned duo of Raila-and-Uhuru and their accomplice-agents on behalf of The Government-of-Kenya and vice-versa as an ordinary and continuously persecuted victim member of the public to account for Judicial-Review of actions by the government's State Branch -Agencies to ensure that The State complies with The Law as regards equality and access to Justice;and that the government observed due procedure. [ rd: Uhuru-na-Kazi Mombasa Provincial Head-Quarters and The Portreitz-Hospital Saga. ] [4.]-I seek legal-remedy like every other foreigner's right to relocate and migrate to another new Sovereign-State, [ rd: I feel like an illegal-immigrant in Kenya ] to live and work in that new Sovereign-State and to subsequently acquire its citizenship; i.e. in other words, I seek legal-remedy to the right of Political-Asylum and Refuge following my endless persecution,psychological-torture,murder-assassination attempts and intentions by The Government-of-Kenya on behalf of the brotherly0duo of Raila-and-Uhuru [ rd: Chiefs Amara-and-Odira in the Complaints-File and The Mombasa / Mtongwe Kenya Navy Barracks Muggings. ] [5.]-I seek legal-remedy by extension to bind The Government of Kenya's State-Agencies of The Executive including The Judiciary,by Constitutional-Law as well as The Doctrine-of-Precedent as far as Exiles,Immigrants and condemned innocent Fugitives on the run to save their endangered-lives are concerned;and also as far as the complaints in my Complaints-File especially the case to do with my 'Accident-Victim-Compensation' is concerned so that I can have the dire necessary finances to take care of the other booked-cases. [6.]-I seek legal-remedy for the 'Freedom-of-Expression' to be heard before a Court-of-Law and to be treated with fairness as regards Justice before "The Majestic-Equality of The Law" to therefor allow me the chance to implicitly-and-explicitly present my evidence to the close / end, so that the persecution,psychological-torture,abuse, exploitation and manipulations by the duo of Raila-and-Uhuru stops. [7.]-I seek legal-remedy to stop the duo of Raila-and-Uhuru from treating a Democratic-State as if it were a Communist-State as far as the duo have been exerting various forms of vested-interest animistic-influences on The Judiciary [ rd: Judy and The Migori Judiciary mouth-piece driver ] as regards my disputes with them with the goal of ending bias,arbitrariness and gross injustice in The Government-of-Kenya's State-Agencies as detailed in The C.P.P.-and-The C.F. of unresolved cases gathering dust at The Migori Police Station. [8.]-I seek legal-remedy to the right for assistance of a Barrister in a Court-of-Law proceedings pending my successful application to sue them, the duo of Raila-and-Uhuru and their Accomplice-Agents with all the charges mentioned here and others accruing from my C.P.P. Law-Suite / Petition and The C.F. gathering dust as I rot at The Migori Police Station. This emanates from my unsuccessful applications for Justice to all relevant Institutions-of-Law in Kenya,in vain due to what appears to be an "Insufficiently-Autonomous and corrupted or prejudiced Legal-Profession Will" to invoke The Authority of an Independent-Judiciary due to vested-interests. [9.]-I seek legal-remedy against prejudicial-decrees,exploitations,abuses,torture and persecution so as to be protected from the imaginary,superstitious,myopic,primitive,retrogressive,imposed and lay binding-customs of witchcraft,sorcery,animism,voodoo,jinns and magic practices,faith-and-belief of the duo of Raila-and-Uhuru and their Accomplice-Agents associates in The State-Agencies and the community at large as detailed in my Blog's C.P.P.-and-C.F. gathering dust at The Migori Police Station. This follows the prejudicial framed-charges,arrest,Shimo-La-Tewa Prison detention before deportation to Migori by the Ikenya career body-guard Mombasa Municipal-Cop;and before that,the arrest by cops-in-blue at Uhuru Gardens Mombasa and the subsequent abduction into a Benz belonging to a government witchdoctor called Omari who also is a licensed firearms-holder,before being taken to Jomvukuu for a two-weeks incarceration-period whenst my phone was cut-off Network and put on the 'Emergency-Hold' whilst I was held incommunicado as the Omari government witchdoctor piled his trade. The Migori Ikenya Witchcraft-Animism is still holding me incarcerated in Raila's home-turf strong-hold threatening to dispatch me to the land-of-the-dead. [ rd: Chiefs Amara-and-Odira Sanctions ] [10.]-I seek legal-remedy against defamation on my person,my personality and my life following the Illuminati Freemason's duo of Rail-and-Uhuru's imposed inferiority-complexes of false mirror-image impressions-and- intentions;mechanically and technically organized to achieve and/ or result in an Inverse-Cor relativity as well as Direct-Proportionality as far as the myopic-superstitious duo of Raila-and-Uhuru are concerned vis-a-vis my person with regards or in relation to the alleged "Jinn / Something" that apparently is Government-of-Kenya property and crucially important for the adversely mentioned duo of Raila-and-Uhuru's political successes [ rd: The Portreitz Hospital Saga. ] The above technical-strategies have damaged my reputation and continue doing-so as long as the status-quo prevails. Thus The Public-Health-Psychiatrists at Portreitz-Hospital Mombasa carried-out a crime in their 'Approach-and-Concept' of the framed-alleged illness the official-diagnosis of which I am yet to be acquainted-with since the arrest,detention and subsequent two-weeks hospital-isolation amidst real mentally-ill patients resulted from family-conflicts which are still on-going as is reflected by The Complaints-File gathering dust at The Migori Police Station. Furthermore the two-weeks incarceration-period both with the licensed firearms Benz witch-doctor and The Portreitz-Hospital Criminal Public Health Psychiatrists is suspect in terms of goals,Imposed, Inferiority-Complex, False Mirror-Image Impressions-and-Intentions with regards to removing the "Jinn / Something." The Portreitz Public Health Psychiatrist Criminals Approach-and-Concept were, like of these two witchdoctors , both a " Vicious-Mendacious-Rhetoric,"organized and designed by these agent Psychiatrist-and-Witchdoctor Criminals so that they can torture,persecute and murder both the soul and body simply cause Raila-and-Uhuru feel insecure with my person,my personality and my life ;as regards their political successes with regards to the "Jinn / Something" they are dying to remove. Hence The Portreitz Hospital Public-Health-Psychiatrists and These two-witchdoctors in Mombasa-Jomvukuu and Migori executed and still execute their Vicious-Mendacious-Rhetoric crimes as political-weapons [ rd: Matiba et al ] geared to incapacitate by intending to paralyze my body [ rd: spinal-chord ] short of killing me. [11.]-I seek legal-remedy against sexual-harassment including of 'homosexual-and-incestuous nature' by the duo of Raila-and-Uhuru including their accomplice-agents associates in the community at large to align,coerce or force me to change my straight sexual-orientation to theirs of 'Married-But-Gay.' [12.]-I seek legal-remedy to mine as everybody's else's rights to Social-Security as well as Family-Law as far as freedom to date-and-marry whosoever I choose, or whosoever I agree to enter into a mutual social-contract of a "Concurrency-of-Wills or Consensus" with, or whosoever I choose to enter into an "Agreement-of-Minds" with is concerned or goes. This is in view of Raila's "Descendant-Cultures" Community's coercion to a forced customary-marriage before they pay me my 'Accident-Victim-Compensation' dues as clearly-voiced by The Migori Judiciary Mouth-Piece Driver who in-turn seems to be animistic ally related to Judy,Uhuru's kin. [13.]-I seek legal-remedy as a Cosmopolitan Global-Citizen of The World of The United Nations to abdicate and disgorge from any forced or coerced communal-ties to primitive,retrogressive,imposed and lay "Descendant-Cultures" as viewed of the irrational-and-misinformed Prehistoric-Community of Raila's O.D.M. and with special reference to his Luo-Nyanza Community entrenched in his strong-hold / home-turf. [14.]-I seek legal-remedy for the psychological-shock,trauma and suffering which I underwent following graduation at The University-of-Nairobi in the year 2002 when its Patron,The Government-of-Kenya courtesy of Raila-and- Uhuru posthumously awarded me a "PASS"-Grade;a disgraceful phenomenon which I discovered with hindsight [ a dozen years down the line ] as illustrated in The Kenyan-Media with regards to Ethics-and-Corruption at The U.o.N that the awarding of certificates is commercialized besides being pegged to political allegiances,passion and / or whims,becks and calls. Besides,furthermore,imagine I'd to search for the willing Probono Services of a former the-late Comrade-Lawyer before The U.o.N. could release and issue my Transcripts;a fact pointing-out the rot in Ethics-and- Corruption with regards to transparency-and-accountability at The U.o.N. Indeed the issue is now included in my up-dated Curriculum-Vitae as a matter of accountability to the missing-links / gaps in time-preoccupation. [15.]-I seek legal-remedy to allow me The Freedom of Thought,Knowledge,Belief,Cultural-Practice and / or Opinion as far as Evolution is concerned with regards to Superstitious-Religion which is based on dogmatic,irrational, fictitious and mythological,myopic Blind Faith-and-Belief. [16.]-I seek legal-remedy to guarantee me like everybody else basic Civil Human-Rights,including access to all Freedoms-and-Entitlements as laid down and Enshrined in Codes such as The Universal Declaration of Human Rights so that I may access The Justice of a Fair Trial and Hearing. Thank you in advance my dear Honorable and Learned Lords,Ladies,Senior-Counsel,Barristers, Advocates, Solicitors and Esquires for your consideration,cooperation and assistance. Yours Faithfully, Erick Otieno.

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Prosecuting Raila : Ex-Treason Convict and Serial Ritual Psychopath Murderer.

Hi everybody.I just want to quickly take you through the back-log texts I have been recording with The HRW and The RNC but I guess I will have to just first and foremost at least paste you the latest developments as regards the cases at the Migori Police-Station.After that you will please excuse me for lack of resources limiting the presentation of evidence against my Petition / Law-suite which I plan to deal with the matter pertaining to Evolution and Special-Creation before I revert to summarize this final quarter of the same.Thus below is the latest development on my complaints-file : Dear Sir / Madam, I wish to enjoin the aid of your Media-Offices in asking for transparency and accountability in the speedy-recourse of my several cases as mentioned-above and below amidst the government threats to summarily clump on the same.Thus below is a copy of the correspondences I have been holding with various civil-society groups : I Erick Otieno Mango aged thirty-six years old has a case saga spanning the last eight years and which has now culminated into two latest sub-cases condensed into : [1.]-Causing disturbance reported as assault at The Migori Police Station; O.B. 38 /16/2/2014 and [2.]-Threat to life O.B. 37 /21/05/2014. The above "assault" and threat to life cases primarily derive from a cultural conflict whereby the parents of my siblings have been trying to coerce and force me into their "married but gay" lifestyle with homosexual harassment from the male parent and incestuous sexual harassment from the female parent akin to the recent case going on at The Makadara Law Courts Nairobi between a Pastor and her two daughters one of whom he ended-up impregnating successfully. Many other such incestuous sexual crimes / offenses are recorded in The Kenyan press as your offices would be readily cognizant of.The Chamkombe Chief one Mr. Amara and The Migori cops decline taking statements from the reported sex pervert criminals decrying lack of substantial evidence due to lack of willing witnesses.In one instance I took The Chief to task asking him whether since I could not get successfully impregnated ,that should I wait for the physical tangible evidence of "sperm" to prove my case?There are only three of us in that house of the parents of my siblings with the rest of the siblings in Nairobi and Mombasa. Now interestingly enough the case has been inevitably brought forward to your offices because as The Migori cops operate their investigations,it becomes again inevitable not to mention Raila [the head of O.D.M.] and by extension Uhuru [ the current occupant of of The Highest office on land and suspect of crimes against humanity and atrocities at The ICC ] given that the the genesis of the reported latest condensed sub-cases accrues from the larger case-saga deriving from the Mombasa deportation for purposes of "removing that something /jinn" by a witch-doctor which leads to an accident the following day which has kept me waiting for the compensation proceeds to date of which as a result the assault [ causing disturbance as corrected by a Migori Judiciary staff ] and the threat to my life.The accident case was reported at The Migori Police Station ; [3.]-O.B. 28 /14/06//2012 and later re-modified to ; O.B. 12 /17/9/2012. Thus have I decided to preempt the status-quo of the constant-continuum with regards to all the above cases for I am crying for justice and would like the law to be let to take its course at least as stipulated in the "new constitutional dispensation order" in letter and spirit as demonstrated in The Judiciary Marches Week countrywide.This is after exhausting all the preliminary legal channels to no avail including first of all alerting relatives before reporting to The Migori Police Station when ambushed and threatened with death in the first two cases mentioned above.Hence going by the advice of The Migori Judiciary staff have I decided to adjoin and engage your offices including : [a.]-The office of The Attorney General, [b.]-The office of The Director of Public Prosecution and [c.]-The office of The State Counsel. Otherwise the status-quo will prevail at my torturous/abusive emotional and psychological expense not to mention the physical threat to my life by machete-hacking or food poisoning.Indeed regarding the long overdue accident case,I communicated to the L.S.K. and The Judiciary who told me to wait promising to communicate back to me in due course. Again,indeed last but not least,concerning the case-saga spanning over the last eight years and resulting into this damaging irreversible emotional,psychological and physical torture/abuse,I have been forced by this inhumane circumstances to apply for political asylum/refuge at The UNHCR and The I.O.M. as advised by the very humane person being The Royal Consulate of The Netherlands.Indeed as such my Learned Good Friends,I lodged a petition-file blog-site for purposes of submitting evidence to substantiate for my application for political asylum / refuge, namely : entitled : Prosecuting Raila : Ex-Treason Convict and Serial Ritual Psychopath Murderer. Thank you in advance for you consideration,assistance and cooperation. NB : I would like to add that so far the saga keeps unraveling and I was attacked by a mob-gang apparently connected to The Chiefs Amara and Odira at Bells-Pub along Resort-Club Street which I reported at The Migori Police Station : [4.]-OB 22 / 18 / 6 /14 whereby I was issued with a P3-Form for purposes of discharging the due course of The Law subject to raising the required Dr.'s Witness-fees of KShs. 1800 and completing a treatment fee balance of KShs. 300. I have not been able to raise the required amounts and indeed have been left with the only alternative of having to wait for my Accident Victim Compensation Case to proceed with the unresolved cases. I plea to your now devolved office at The Migori-County hoping for a speedy recourse of all the cases affecting me. Thank you in advance for your consideration,assistance and cooperation. Yours Faithfully, Erick Otieno. NB : Hi Office of The DPP.I would like to say that I was assaulted again on the 11th of December 2014 which I reported to The Migori Police Station OB NUMBER : [5.]-OB62 / 11 /12 /2014. This was prompted by the accumulation of the continuous abuse of the basic nature of the psychology of my personality by the incessant homosexual-and-incestuous sexual harassment by the parents of my siblings who are criminal sex perverts.They have taken to intermixing the sexual harassment with under-age primary school girls doubling as their house-helps.Now every time I open my mouth to protest they attack me.Please, I request your office to press for my Accident Compensation because any further stay in that house puts my life at great risk of the death threats I have received from the parents of my siblings and Chief Amara Council.Chief Amara proclaimed that they have all the rights to kill me through any means necessary including the use of rat-poison and/or the use of a mob-gang attack using machetes. I conspicuously fell-ill with Amoeba and Malaria from the 28th of October 2014 to the 21st of November 2014 and was duly informed by physicians that amoeba is contracted from contaminated-food! So I am conclusively threatened with death sanctioned by Chief Amara and further stays in Migori due to the delay of my Accident-Compensation puts me at high death/murder risks/susceptibilities.Thank you in advance for your consideration,assistance and cooperation. Yours Faithfully, Erick Otieno. Then the last part which concerns the Accident appears as thus : To Dear Sir/Madam, I Erick Otieno Mango seek to file a complaint with your office regarding an accident I got on the 14th of June 2012 involving a Kihara Construction canter of number plate KAS 536K in Migori County opposite The Kenya Commercial Bank. I subsequently referred the case to Owade and Company Advocates and Commissioner for Oaths situated in Migori County.Up to the end of last year December 2013, we'd managed to fill-in the prerequisite medical examination report.police P3 forms,X-ray radiography report e.t.c.All that remains is the towing of the said canter for the traffic police abstract forms.The base traffic commander and and the office assigned the case left us with the notice to stay vigilante and report the canter for towing once we sight it.It was traced to Rongo by 1 of the legal assistants and the matter rested there. This is where the bone of contention arises for the legal assistants now say the case has hit a snag,has collapsed,is closed since it is proving quiet difficult to impound the canter vehicle above.Thus I take this opportunity to to beseech your office to intervene and help us including Owade and Co. Advocates and/or the traffic police to impound this vehicle since I have not spotted it all this time for one and secondly the accident affected my right knee-cap which makes me limp if I walk long distance and last but not least ,since Owade and Co. Advocates have surreptitiously as well asked me to pay them back their file charges as well as service fees incurred so far in various technicalities before the file can be transferred to another party for purposes of continuing the accident case proceedings should the status-quo prevail.Hence in regard to that I wonder whether your office would kindly arrange for Owade and Co. Advocates to complete the extra mile on my behalf or otherwise since my financial circumstances can not afford the necessary fares when I am required at the office most of the times. I hope your efforts will be reflected in spirit and letter of the new constitution as was exemplified during the country wide Judiciary Marches Week.Thank you in advance for your consideration,cooperation and assistance. Yours Faithfully, Erick Mango. NB: Dear Sir/Madam, Please, I wish to clarify for matters of expediency and for setting the record straight that the number-plate registration of the Kihara Construction canter involved in the accident is KAS-535K AND NOT KAS-536K .Please excuse me the former was a 'typing-error' given that all the details and paper-work of the accident have been with Owade and Co. Advocates since June, 2012.I confirmed the registration on my diary.Sorry for any inconveniences caused. Thank you in advance for your consideration,cooperation and assistance. Yours Faithfully, Erick Mango. Thus,the above is the full Complaints-File as hard-copy hand-delivered to The Devolved Office of The DPP Migori-County. I would like to add that I just met one of the legal assistants with Owade and Co. at The Migori Bus-Stage Market where I access the cheap affordable cyber-cafe and he said they have not received any communique from The above Office and that besides,the cops refused to cooperate in the impounding of the aforementioned canter and that it looks like my case is kind-of running out-of-time.So he tells me to see them in their office in two weeks time so they can set the way-ahead.In other words it means the government of Kenya is sitting square on my accident compensation and thus perpetrating the "Arrested-Development" and the incessant abuse of the basic nature of the psychological of my personality.. NB: I wish to add that the homosexual and incestuous-sexual harassment is still on high with the criminal sexual perverts now trying to take me back to the the instance when the female flaunted her private-parts up to my face.They for the second instance now want to adopt a strategy of forcing me to be following the keys to the well in the kitchen which provokes the instance when the female-criminal flaunted her private-parts to me again.The keys always stay by the well and I adamantly refuse to follow the female sex-pervert into the kitchen provoking again a verbal brush-off with the male criminal threatening once again to chop me in to pieces.I went to record the "verbal threat to my life" at The Migori Police Station and they refused to take any statements resulting with the In-Charge asking me again to give the same Chief-Amara who'd already sanctioned my death his phone number so they can communicate.Isn't that sarcastic?Thank you in advance. Yours Faithfully, Erick Otieno. Later,logistics.

Monday, February 02, 2015

Prosecuting Raila : Ex-Treason Convict and Serial Ritual Psychopath Murderer.

Hi everybody. Let me take this opportunity to conclude on the matter regarding the deep-rot of corruption in ethics and morals by the Establishment / The gov. of Kenya in their duty and responsibility in the administration of affairs of The Queen's-College,U.O.N in running the operations of its colleges and faculties ,the parts making the whole of the system by saying the corruption must come to a stop if Kenya must advance into international standards/bench- marks and criteria of Industrialization,development and civilization. I would like to say that academic certifications must stop being pegged-on politics or political loyalties/ allegiances,/persuasions,ethnicity,tribalism religion and controversial/conflicting theories or schools of thought [ rd: the late Professor Ali Mazrui and Wangari Maathai.May their souls rest in Peace. ] Instead the U.O.N should revert to Traditional Scientific-Rigor of reflecting grade quality assessment based on Independent Performance and Professionalism.For more on morals, ethics and corruption at the Queen's-College/U.o.N get the shocker on the Kenya media. As demonstrated in my earlier blogs,I had to seek the volunteered probono services of one the late Kalama [May his soul rest in Peace ,] a former Park lands comrade Advocate who'd just managed to set sail with his "Kalama and Co. Advocates" biz gaining mileage and momentum before his early demise.........before the Queen's-College a.k.a. The U.o.N could release my transcripts.Lots of question-marks criss-crossed my mind back-then but I couldn't make much neither of heads or tails of what was happening to my unsuspecting "poor-old-self," victim; till I'd gathered/converged enough statistics by advantage of hind-sight demonstrating rising and falling graph-patterns of crime in themes and goals as indicated by part of the title of the Law-suite / Petition above, i.e. "Serial,Ritual,Psychopath Murderer." I still got to check over my shoulder sometimes/some-places, having developed out of necessity a "precautious-mode" consciousness now that I realize my days are numbered-and-counted;that bad things are scheduled to happen to me [ rd: X- Files/organized crime/the 5 O.B.'s,Chiefs Amara-and-Odira. ] Also,still as regards the matter pertaining to ethics and corruption at the Queen's-College U.o.N. by The Est./ GoK its patron,I would like to quote other victims who have fallen prey to the exploitations of the Kenya-African-Billy- Goat, George Or well's Animal-Farm species Est./GoK.First and foremost I beg to begin with Kethi Kilonzo who wanted to contest the the Senatorial-Seat his late father Mutula Kilonzo had left vacant following his demise under suspicious-cicumstances [ May his soul Rest in Peace .] They used a technicality to disqualify her claiming she'd presented fake Masters Certification which the U.o.N hadn't issued/awarded her. Then again there was the case of Obama-Senior,the late father [ May his Soul Rest in Peace. ] of the now President of the most powerful Nation in The Milky Way Galaxy these sides of The Solar-System.In one of his books, either "Dreams From My Father" or its sequel of which I've forgotten the tittle,The President of The U.S. of A. tells us how his father , Obama-Senior having been one of the former late Tom Mboya [ May His Soul Rest in Peace ] air-lift Scholarship beneficiaries amongst those enlisted in The Pan-African Program mes targeted to spear-head the dreams of civilization and Industrialization back home in the continent where Africa was fast gaining Independence from colonialism everywhere ; he quotes how having come-back with a highly accredited degree in Economics and having been employed by the GoK probably in the ministry of Economic-Development and Planning or Finance,he one day for one reason or the other [ I think musta' been coming from pursuing his Masters in The US ] fall-out of a job and the GOK curtails all his efforts to get a job till after quiet some good time comes to pass,before the Est./GoK changes its mind/approach and decides to let him earn a life.Some ironies are just unforgettable! Then there's the late Nobel-Laureate Professor Wangari Maathai and her book "UNBOWED" which we mentioned in earlier blogs.Then again I had a high school teacher come join us when we was like 3years into college for his Masters in Commerce and he confided in me more-or-less as a by the way one day as we chatted strolling to the lecture-theaters that the newly-introduced Private/parallel Self-Sponsored Program mes in Public Universities were like being marketed-and- promoted by wholesomely-and-summarily awarding competitive grades and degrees for after all the private/parallel program-mes were highly remunerating and "rewarding."Then last but not least there's the case of Karl Marx and Professor Ali Mazrui which we've already discussed in earlier blogs. Well, I would like to say that we'd already been told during first-year orientations that to be "accredited a Pass-grade" would be the worst thing that could befall anyone cause the "pass-grade" ain't much even worth the paper its printed-on.So somebody can imagine the shock I went through when going to collect my degree-certificate only to realize "they'd" posthumously awarded me the dreaded pass-grade .......mentioned somewhere towards the bottom of the document!My heart sank and I died and rose-again with the degree still in my hands in the office at The I.A.S. I got dumbstruck for a moment as I quickly deliberated the implications of that "PASS" as far as the job-markets were concerned and I subconsciously knew that I was done,Kaput,cooked to brew.I swallowed-hard but there was no saliva to moisten my larynx.It was like being told all your efforts had been in vain ; that it was like you'd and/or some-one had just poured 4-years of toiling, hard academic-endeavors down the drain.It was like being told you'd been sleep-walking all along,across the college to get out on the other-end after 4-years of invested efforts.Anthropology collapsed and died that day of "mind-attack" [rd: brain-intelligence or heart-attack.]I couldn't take it.It was not only calculated cold-sarcasm;it was a cold-blank insult of my sound-knowledge,intelligence,analytical,conceptual, research and/or investigative science studies / learning abilities and capabilities,..........not to mention experience. It wasn't any different to telling somebody they had a "deficient- mind." That's why I'd tried changing careers by venturing into other fields like Diplomacy at "The Institute of Diplomacy and International Studies" and "Human Resource Management" at JKUAT. Though I would like to say I kept in good touch with some of them lecturers and after I'd gone to Mombasa following the Huruma break-in and clean-sweep,I met another lecturer coming from his Post Graduate-Diploma overseas who'd shifted to Mombasa teaching at the "Kenya-Medical-Training-Institute" as well as The Government-Training- Institute who uplifted my spirits a little telling me not to loose hope that eventually even "Pass-Graders" get absorbed into them job-markets given that there was quiet a good bunch of them in the Public Service Commission Civil-Service as well as the private sector. Thus it is only now once again with revamped,uplifted spirits following the revelation of the truth converged by advantage of hind-sight indicating patterns of crime in themes and goals revolving around the Law-suite/Petition that I now take-on back-again with dynamism and all the enthusiasm along the path of a job-career I;d long resigned-on. -NB: Below are the Amoeba and Malaria medicine which cured me and sent me on the path to quick recovery: [1.]-Benagyl-DF / Pan-Amoebicide / Diloxxanide Furoate and Metronizadole tablets, [2.]-Artemether 20mg -and- Lumefantrine 120mg tablets. Later Logistics.

Friday, January 23, 2015

Prosecuting Raila : Ex-Treason Convict and Serial Ritual Psychopath Murderer.

Hi everybody.There are lots of backlogs but allow me to just take you through short continuation of the last blog for clarification purposes. Let me begin by saying that I am a person of Principle and Substance,Honor and Valor,Dignity,Courtesy and etiquette not to mention Protocol. I would like to say that from a Primatology point-of-view, Man, Human-beings, The Hominid-species is as wide- ranging in behavior as the Non-Human Hominid-species with whom we descend-with from a Common-Ancestor.I would also like in addition to observe the fact that Homosexuality in Nature and The Human-species has been recorded in all Cultural-societies that have been scientifically investigated / studied across time as they evolved into more advanced civilized forms. Thus I would like to tell my persecutors on behalf of their agents including Ikenya career body-guard,Judy,Emi, Ema,Emanuel-Benjamin axis-of-evil that I have no interests whatsoever to change from my straight sexual-orientation to join their married-but-gay sexual orientation.Please,just live and let live. The similarities in behavior between the Non-Human Primates of the super-family Hominoidea including the Hylobatidae,the sub-family ponginae of the great-apes chimpanzees,gorillas,orangutans and Human Primates of the sub-family Homininae of the Genus Homo sapiens sapiens proves the trends in Primate-Evolution which demonstrates that the living members of the Order-Primates can be arranged in a series leading through "Monkeys-and-Apes" to Humans whereby the Genetic-Distance between the chimps-and-humans is closer than between chimps-and-gorillas indicating that humans-and-chimps shared a last common ancestor who was the closest Near-Hominid Ancestral-Fossil-species with a mixture of traits,features,processes.structures and characteristics between those of early-archaic-ancient-primitive ape-like Hominid-creatures and those of late-advanced-modern-human Hominid-species. What I am trying to say in other words is that there's no need for blame-games or embarrassments when it comes to human sexual-orientations or morals for it is comprehensible from a Population-Genetics view-point that a person's biology is tied,connected, and/or directly proportional to their Genetic-Code which makes certain Behaviors Prevalent and which in turn Pre-dispose those individuals to such morals and/or sexual-orientations ranging between those of the other Non-Human Primates and Them Human-Primates.Thus Evolution shows that Behavior is substantially Genetic up to between 31%-and-74%. Thus below is a brief of the Behavior of the Non-Human Primate member-species of the Super-Family Hominoidea in their Natural-Environments which is highly social-and-ripe with the intrigues of Ego-Domination Contest- Wars and/or Power-Plays demonstrating a Sharply-Varying Social-Structure as follows : -[1.]-Gibbons are monogamous,territorial pair-bonders, -[2.]-Orangutans are solitary, -[3.]-Gorillas live in small-troops with a single adult male-leader, -[4.]-Chimpanzees live in large troops, while -[5.]-Bonobos exhibit Promiscuous Sexual-Behavior. Hence, conclusively I would like to say that this Scientific Observation of similarities in behavior of Non-Human Primates and Human Primates indicate the Mechanisms of Genetic-Memory in Molecular-Biology and Common-Descent in Trait-Inheritance which in turn validate the Theory-of-Evolution proving that the Living-Organism, Man evolved Naturally from Natural Causes inferring a process of Incremental-Graduation in-Descent with Modifications-to-New-Forms through Natural-Selection as Genetic-Potential interacts with Environmental-Conditions/Pressures. Later,Logistics.

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Prosecuting Raila : Ex-Treason Convict and Serial Ritual Psychopath Murderer.

Hi everybody. I just shortly want to explain the offensive-tone of some blogs.It got everything to do with the homosexual married-but-gay sexual orientation.You see after Ikenya welcomed me to the house of the parents of my siblings with a "Karibu Lamu" note then followed the homosexual-incestuous sexual harassment s connected with their secret society at large [ rd: the Abala Shoe-Shiner trials. ]The plan as explained by Ikenya was that after their witch-doctor would have satisfactorily exorcised the "jinn/something" of The Est./Gov. of Kenya out of me, then and only then was the Gov. of Kenya going to recruit me in The Municipal County of Mombasa under the department of one Mr. Hongo;then comes the unfathomable part...., that Ikenya was going to make arrangements for my rent and choose for me a fellow male employee to co-habit with!Here I am trying hard under the limited circumstances to find a decent lady-spouse for marriage and somebody is trying to orient me through a forced "come-we-stay" arrangement with another male.Ikenya whom I shared a mattress with before he left the following day also is a touchy-touchy fellow when conversing even when you are just shoulders-apart lying in bed which made me jump-off rising-out of bed earlier than him to avoid any contagious effects of homosexuality.Later,logistics.Then,pessimistically, you can see Judy [ kins with Uhuru ] in the Migori Judiciary mouth-piece driver trying to impose the primitive customary-marriage.This is fury of Pottifa,Pharaoh's wife who framed charges against Joseph for not realigning with her.

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