Solar System Media: Les Misérables Activists-Advocacy-Lobbyists and Consultants at Law.

Solar System Media: Les Misérables Activists-Advocacy-Lobbyists and Consultants at Law.
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Saturday, April 18, 2015

Prosecuting Raila : Ex-Treason Convict and Serial Ritual Psychopath Murderer.

Hi everybody,Learned Lords and Ladies,Members of The Bar and of The Bench,Senior Counsel,Distinguished Guests and The Public at Large.I wish to present my Charge-Sheet summary overview of the gross crimes and atrocities on and upon my person,my personality and my life against the adversely mentioned duo in my Blog Law-Suite / Petition;former Prime Minister Raila and Uhuru, current head of State and Government of Kenya as conveyed to The Law-Network initially at first following feasible correspondence,and then subsequently to all The other Institutions of Law and The related Civil Society Groups that I have been corresponding with all along since I begun filling this evidence soon after the early demise of Karl Marx under obviously suspicious circumstances [ rd: Periodic-Table,Ras Emmanuel and Nobel Laureate Professor Wangari Maathai's UNBOWED ] which catapulted me into action after recognizing with hindsight that The Government of Kenya courtesy of the adversely mentioned duo of Raila-and-Uhuru was tracking me seeing a pattern in Karl Marx's trail-tracks up to his sacrificial dispatch-ceremony at his grass-roots ancestral descendants rural-lands,mark you specifically with the names of 'Raila' in his lips as he breathed his last between New-Year's eve December 31st 2012 and January 1st 2013 [ May The Good-Lord up Above rest his Soul in Peace ] as reported by the media. Well, I just wish to point-out that the 'print-paste' below is the original-copy version of 'The Charge-Sheet' which captures the spirit of the moment and the reality on the ground as initially presented at first because the subsequent presentation was edited in a kind of hurry since I've noticed that the majority share-holder of Kenya Power and Lighting Company,one of the adversely-mentioned duo courtesy of The Government of Kenya has developed a notoriety for puppeteering black-out power interruptions at the cyber-cafes I frequent [ rd: Judy,Uhuru's-Kin and Emanuel Eli's 'Delivered From The Powers of Darkness's' ] whenever I go there forcing me to present evidence helter-skelter squeezing-in time for meager limited resources when the manipulated-cyber s have to turn to the generator which costs twice as much,i.e. Kshs. 2 bob per minute.On this occasion it was just too much for barely 5-minutes into opening my yahoo-account,clicking compose,copying and pasting the original charge-sheet so I can begin editing and sending to the various Civil Society Groups does the power go-off [ rd: power interrupted behind the scenes. ] So power resumes after like 4-minutes of waiting whenst the process above of power interruptions is repeated and this happens like 3-or-4 times till the attendant switches on to the generator and before I realized the toll had clocked 35-minutes with me having done nothing substantial and now with the generator raking-in twice as much,it's a run for the money whereby under the pressuring-circumstances and with limited resources,one's left with no choice other than top quickly highlight and delete as fast as possible words and sentences that don't fit into the context before wholesomely bulk-mailing to the recipients.Shame on the adversely-mentioned duo of Raila-and-Uhuru for they wont even let me present evidence against them in peace.They are guilty all the way. Otherwise,the edit of the subsequent-presentation was just in the beginning-and-ending remarks in the first-and-last paragraphs,otherwise repeat the content of the matter is the same;and so I hope The Institutions-of-Law and The related Civil-Society-Groups will excuse me for the edit-technicality in the subsequent-presentation of The Charge-Sheet copy-version.This is a precaution-measure lest I be misinterpreted like the adversely-mentioned duo of Raila-and-Uhuru manipulating electric-supply in the cyber cafes I frequently wherever I go intend it to be knowing they have me in financial-tantrums.The point I am trying to clarify is that "I AM AN INNOCENT CONDEMNED-FUGITIVE WHO'S LIFE IS ON THE EDGE HANGED ON A STRING," as stated in the original copy-version of the Charge-Sheet below. Period. Another factor I would like to high-light here is that amiss in both the original-and-subsequent copy-version of The Charge-Sheet my Learned Lords and Ladies is that besides The Government-of-Kenya's witch-doctor Omari being a licensed 'fire-arms holder,' Raila's personal body-guard like Uhuru's 'Animistic' Ikenya Career Body-Guard Mombasa Municipal-cop came-over to Omari's haven where he piles his trade of witchcraft [ rd / google: Witchcraft-Trials of Salem of 1600, ] in Jomvukuu whereby I had the occasion to be introduced to him by Omari identifying him as Raila's 'Personal Body-Guard,' [ rd: gov. cop body-guard and Uhuru-Garden cops in blue. ] Thus, the adversely-mentioned duo of Raila-and-Uhuru, like Siamese-twins are conjoined in premeditated, coordinated,organized,orchestrated crime as relates to their common interest goal of removing what one-of-them refers to as "jinn" and the obvious other refers to as "something." Thus below is the original copy-version of The Charge-Sheet. Dear Sir / Madam, I Erick Otieno Mango,after keenly reassessing and inquiring reflectively on your correspondence has come to the conclusion that your majestic Office has in many words pledged to assist an innocent condemned fugitive who's life is on the edge hanged on a string.Thus I take and welcome with open-arms and uplifted-spirits this heaven-sent opportunity of a life-time to state that I wish to beseech your honorable learned Lordships,Ladies, Senior-Counsel and Esquires to intervene and assist me to press-charges for the purposes of suing the two-main adversely mentioned culpable brotherly-antithesis nemesis-duo of the persons of Raila [ former Prime-Minister ]and Uhuru, the current Head-of-State and Government [ and immediate-former suspect at The I.C.C. for crimes against humanity and atrocities ] including as well as their associate accomplice-agents on behalf of The State of The Republic-and-Government of Kenya so as to access legal-remedy of The Law-and-Justice for gross crimes committed and still being committed against my humane-nature and accompanying atrocities upon my person,my personality and my life;as illustrated in my Blog's Campaign-Plea Portfolio Law-Suite / Petition for Political Asylum / Refuge,and the related-associated Complaints-File gathering dust at The Migori Police-Station;both of which largely arise founded upon the culpable duo's myopic,primitive,retrogressive,lay,imaginary and superstitious faith-and-belief in the world of witchcraft,sorcery,animism,voodoo,jinns and magic. I also wish to state categorically my Learned Esquires that I am enthusiastically looking forward, ready and willing to substantiate and account for every single word in The Blog's Petition / Law-Suite and The related associated Complaints-File.In the same length,breadth and vein,I also wish to take leave and state categorically that I seek legal-remedy intervention before The Majestic Equality of The Law,courtesy of your humane Office over my grossly infringed civil-liberties as well as human-rights to resolve the accruing / piling legal disputes against the government of Kenya restricting my freedom to a democratic-life as far as The Constitution,The United-Nation's enshrined declaration on Human-Rights and Public International Law goes.Hence,below is the implicit and explicit over-view grounds on which my case is built-upon accruing from my blog's Campaign-Plea Portfolio and The Complaints-File of which I would then wish to beseech your honorable Lords,Ladies and Esquires to add any and / or other gross crimes,atrocities and infringements that may catch your trained-eyes if it may escape the eyes of an untrained-and-strained victim :- [1.]-I seek legal-remedy on the above adversely mentioned for compounding on my personal property as the Animism-Witchcraft entails-and-details in the Nairobi-Huruma break-in clean-sweep saga as well as in other localities including Mombasa's Mtongwe Kenya Navy Barracks break-in clean-sweep.. [2.]-I seek legal-remedy for democratic freedom to support and vote for election into office any political representative of any political party of my free-will choice as opposed to the myopic impositions and manipulations of Raila and his O.D.M. party. [3.]-I seek legal-remedy under Administrative-Law to hold the adversely-mentioned duo of Raila-and-Uhuru and their accomplice-agents on behalf of The Government-of-Kenya and vice-versa as an ordinary and continuously persecuted victim member of the public to account for Judicial-Review of actions by the government's State Branch -Agencies to ensure that The State complies with The Law as regards equality and access to Justice;and that the government observed due procedure. [ rd: Uhuru-na-Kazi Mombasa Provincial Head-Quarters and The Portreitz-Hospital Saga. ] [4.]-I seek legal-remedy like every other foreigner's right to relocate and migrate to another new Sovereign-State, [ rd: I feel like an illegal-immigrant in Kenya ] to live and work in that new Sovereign-State and to subsequently acquire its citizenship; i.e. in other words, I seek legal-remedy to the right of Political-Asylum and Refuge following my endless persecution,psychological-torture,murder-assassination attempts and intentions by The Government-of-Kenya on behalf of the brotherly0duo of Raila-and-Uhuru [ rd: Chiefs Amara-and-Odira in the Complaints-File and The Mombasa / Mtongwe Kenya Navy Barracks Muggings. ] [5.]-I seek legal-remedy by extension to bind The Government of Kenya's State-Agencies of The Executive including The Judiciary,by Constitutional-Law as well as The Doctrine-of-Precedent as far as Exiles,Immigrants and condemned innocent Fugitives on the run to save their endangered-lives are concerned;and also as far as the complaints in my Complaints-File especially the case to do with my 'Accident-Victim-Compensation' is concerned so that I can have the dire necessary finances to take care of the other booked-cases. [6.]-I seek legal-remedy for the 'Freedom-of-Expression' to be heard before a Court-of-Law and to be treated with fairness as regards Justice before "The Majestic-Equality of The Law" to therefor allow me the chance to implicitly-and-explicitly present my evidence to the close / end, so that the persecution,psychological-torture,abuse, exploitation and manipulations by the duo of Raila-and-Uhuru stops. [7.]-I seek legal-remedy to stop the duo of Raila-and-Uhuru from treating a Democratic-State as if it were a Communist-State as far as the duo have been exerting various forms of vested-interest animistic-influences on The Judiciary [ rd: Judy and The Migori Judiciary mouth-piece driver ] as regards my disputes with them with the goal of ending bias,arbitrariness and gross injustice in The Government-of-Kenya's State-Agencies as detailed in The C.P.P.-and-The C.F. of unresolved cases gathering dust at The Migori Police Station. [8.]-I seek legal-remedy to the right for assistance of a Barrister in a Court-of-Law proceedings pending my successful application to sue them, the duo of Raila-and-Uhuru and their Accomplice-Agents with all the charges mentioned here and others accruing from my C.P.P. Law-Suite / Petition and The C.F. gathering dust as I rot at The Migori Police Station. This emanates from my unsuccessful applications for Justice to all relevant Institutions-of-Law in Kenya,in vain due to what appears to be an "Insufficiently-Autonomous and corrupted or prejudiced Legal-Profession Will" to invoke The Authority of an Independent-Judiciary due to vested-interests. [9.]-I seek legal-remedy against prejudicial-decrees,exploitations,abuses,torture and persecution so as to be protected from the imaginary,superstitious,myopic,primitive,retrogressive,imposed and lay binding-customs of witchcraft,sorcery,animism,voodoo,jinns and magic practices,faith-and-belief of the duo of Raila-and-Uhuru and their Accomplice-Agents associates in The State-Agencies and the community at large as detailed in my Blog's C.P.P.-and-C.F. gathering dust at The Migori Police Station. This follows the prejudicial framed-charges,arrest,Shimo-La-Tewa Prison detention before deportation to Migori by the Ikenya career body-guard Mombasa Municipal-Cop;and before that,the arrest by cops-in-blue at Uhuru Gardens Mombasa and the subsequent abduction into a Benz belonging to a government witchdoctor called Omari who also is a licensed firearms-holder,before being taken to Jomvukuu for a two-weeks incarceration-period whenst my phone was cut-off Network and put on the 'Emergency-Hold' whilst I was held incommunicado as the Omari government witchdoctor piled his trade. The Migori Ikenya Witchcraft-Animism is still holding me incarcerated in Raila's home-turf strong-hold threatening to dispatch me to the land-of-the-dead. [ rd: Chiefs Amara-and-Odira Sanctions ] [10.]-I seek legal-remedy against defamation on my person,my personality and my life following the Illuminati Freemason's duo of Rail-and-Uhuru's imposed inferiority-complexes of false mirror-image impressions-and- intentions;mechanically and technically organized to achieve and/ or result in an Inverse-Cor relativity as well as Direct-Proportionality as far as the myopic-superstitious duo of Raila-and-Uhuru are concerned vis-a-vis my person with regards or in relation to the alleged "Jinn / Something" that apparently is Government-of-Kenya property and crucially important for the adversely mentioned duo of Raila-and-Uhuru's political successes [ rd: The Portreitz Hospital Saga. ] The above technical-strategies have damaged my reputation and continue doing-so as long as the status-quo prevails. Thus The Public-Health-Psychiatrists at Portreitz-Hospital Mombasa carried-out a crime in their 'Approach-and-Concept' of the framed-alleged illness the official-diagnosis of which I am yet to be acquainted-with since the arrest,detention and subsequent two-weeks hospital-isolation amidst real mentally-ill patients resulted from family-conflicts which are still on-going as is reflected by The Complaints-File gathering dust at The Migori Police Station. Furthermore the two-weeks incarceration-period both with the licensed firearms Benz witch-doctor and The Portreitz-Hospital Criminal Public Health Psychiatrists is suspect in terms of goals,Imposed, Inferiority-Complex, False Mirror-Image Impressions-and-Intentions with regards to removing the "Jinn / Something." The Portreitz Public Health Psychiatrist Criminals Approach-and-Concept were, like of these two witchdoctors , both a " Vicious-Mendacious-Rhetoric,"organized and designed by these agent Psychiatrist-and-Witchdoctor Criminals so that they can torture,persecute and murder both the soul and body simply cause Raila-and-Uhuru feel insecure with my person,my personality and my life ;as regards their political successes with regards to the "Jinn / Something" they are dying to remove. Hence The Portreitz Hospital Public-Health-Psychiatrists and These two-witchdoctors in Mombasa-Jomvukuu and Migori executed and still execute their Vicious-Mendacious-Rhetoric crimes as political-weapons [ rd: Matiba et al ] geared to incapacitate by intending to paralyze my body [ rd: spinal-chord ] short of killing me. [11.]-I seek legal-remedy against sexual-harassment including of 'homosexual-and-incestuous nature' by the duo of Raila-and-Uhuru including their accomplice-agents associates in the community at large to align,coerce or force me to change my straight sexual-orientation to theirs of 'Married-But-Gay.' [12.]-I seek legal-remedy to mine as everybody's else's rights to Social-Security as well as Family-Law as far as freedom to date-and-marry whosoever I choose, or whosoever I agree to enter into a mutual social-contract of a "Concurrency-of-Wills or Consensus" with, or whosoever I choose to enter into an "Agreement-of-Minds" with is concerned or goes. This is in view of Raila's "Descendant-Cultures" Community's coercion to a forced customary-marriage before they pay me my 'Accident-Victim-Compensation' dues as clearly-voiced by The Migori Judiciary Mouth-Piece Driver who in-turn seems to be animistic ally related to Judy,Uhuru's kin. [13.]-I seek legal-remedy as a Cosmopolitan Global-Citizen of The World of The United Nations to abdicate and disgorge from any forced or coerced communal-ties to primitive,retrogressive,imposed and lay "Descendant-Cultures" as viewed of the irrational-and-misinformed Prehistoric-Community of Raila's O.D.M. and with special reference to his Luo-Nyanza Community entrenched in his strong-hold / home-turf. [14.]-I seek legal-remedy for the psychological-shock,trauma and suffering which I underwent following graduation at The University-of-Nairobi in the year 2002 when its Patron,The Government-of-Kenya courtesy of Raila-and- Uhuru posthumously awarded me a "PASS"-Grade;a disgraceful phenomenon which I discovered with hindsight [ a dozen years down the line ] as illustrated in The Kenyan-Media with regards to Ethics-and-Corruption at The U.o.N that the awarding of certificates is commercialized besides being pegged to political allegiances,passion and / or whims,becks and calls. Besides,furthermore,imagine I'd to search for the willing Probono Services of a former the-late Comrade-Lawyer before The U.o.N. could release and issue my Transcripts;a fact pointing-out the rot in Ethics-and- Corruption with regards to transparency-and-accountability at The U.o.N. Indeed the issue is now included in my up-dated Curriculum-Vitae as a matter of accountability to the missing-links / gaps in time-preoccupation. [15.]-I seek legal-remedy to allow me The Freedom of Thought,Knowledge,Belief,Cultural-Practice and / or Opinion as far as Evolution is concerned with regards to Superstitious-Religion which is based on dogmatic,irrational, fictitious and mythological,myopic Blind Faith-and-Belief. [16.]-I seek legal-remedy to guarantee me like everybody else basic Civil Human-Rights,including access to all Freedoms-and-Entitlements as laid down and Enshrined in Codes such as The Universal Declaration of Human Rights so that I may access The Justice of a Fair Trial and Hearing. Thank you in advance my dear Honorable and Learned Lords,Ladies,Senior-Counsel,Barristers, Advocates, Solicitors and Esquires for your consideration,cooperation and assistance. Yours Faithfully, Erick Otieno.

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