Seven earth-like exo-planets in terms of size, density and solar-radiation orbiting their dwarf-star (sun) in TRAPPIST-1 Solar System 40 light-years away whereby three hang in the 'habitable zone' {in relative proportional-dimensions to earth from its sun} indicating they can support 'liquid'-water on the surface making them potential destinations for technogeneticultural anatomically-modern postranshominization civilizations to colonize for habitation should a catastrophe threaten us.
Saturday, April 25, 2015
Prosecuting Raila : Ex-Treason Convict and Serial Ritual Psychopath Murderer.
Hi everybody. Given that my Law-Suite Petition-Case is built upon grounds largely arising from the adversely-mentioned culpable duo of Rail-and-Uhuru's myopic,primitive,retrogressive,lay,superstitious faith-belief practice in the world of witchcraft,sorcery,animism,voodoo and jinns which have made them commit and still hold-on to commit gross crimes against my human-nature and atrocities against my personality,my person and my life as illustrated in my blog-site and the associated Campaign-Plea Portfolio,Complaints-File and The Charge-Sheet; I wish to reiterate my Learned Lords and Ladies,Members of The Bar and Members of The Bench,Senio Counsel,Esquires,Distinguished-Guests and the public-at-large that as the cocks come home to roost,as regards my case coming to a close;that the paramount eminent witchcraft circumnavigating my Blog's Law-Suite / Petition-Case is evident chiefly by means of Animism as orchestrated by the Chief-Agents including Emi-and-Omondi of The Clear Law-Firm Jubilee-Building, Moi-Avenue Mombasa through 'Victorian-Animism' and 'Lake-Victoria Animism respectively.
The point as stated in earlier blogs above is that Emi-and-Omondi are hirelings of Judy [ Uhurus's Kin Animistic-ally manipulating The Judiciary ] courtesy of The Government-of-Kenya's State-Agencies on behalf of the adversely-mentioned duo of Raila-and-Uhuru.This point tries to highlight the fact stated in earlier blogs that the infamous 'Empire of Great Britain' which was said to stretch over so may lands that the sun was viewed to never set in it is that England,the center of The Empire was grossly bedeviled in faith,belief and practices of witchcraft as is show-cased by the 'Trials of Witchcraft of / in Salem of 1600' during the era of Queen Victoria;and that's why if you may excuse me I have been categorical right from the start that Emi-and-Omondi are not only Lawyers dealing in Law but are also a 'professional witch-and-wizard as far as 'Victorian-Animism and Lake-Victoria Animism' goes. Period.
Thus see for yourselves my dear audience and distinguished guests at large including all protocol,the adverse witchcraft that the Lead-Agents Emi-and-Omondi courtesy of their Lords of darkness have been and are still visiting upon my person,my personality and my life with the evil aim of killing through the witchcraft of mainly Animism,by murder-and-assassination attempts;or with the equal evil-aim of permanently maiming me to a wheel-chair as is already clearly demonstrated in earlier blogs above.
In fact this notorious secret-society of witches-and-wizards is so large spread that some localities like historic Salem and present day Migori including other strategic-central localities have evolved to become known as witches nests.Thus the witches -and-wizards thronging different witches-nest hoods include in my case 'the axis-of-evil' namely 'Judy,Emi,Ema,Emanuel,Benjamin;The Portreitz Public-Health Psychiatrist criminals;the two witch-doctors of Jomvukuu Omari-infame and Migori;the incestuous -and-homosexual sex-pervert criminals of the family of my siblings;and last but not least Chiefs Amara-and-Odira in as far as their council sanctioned and carried-out the attempted mob-gang attack and attempted food-poisoning murders in Amoeba infection and so forth and so on.The list is endless and the witches and wizards come complete with the evil-eye capable of afflicting by casting to send forth a malefic-venom including malignant-particles that are ejected from the evil-eye of the witch-wizards into the bewitched.The Kisii of Kenya simple burn them to death,no trials whatsoever.
The witches-and-wizards are dangerous for they are capable of causing dreadful calamities,loss,illness and death by witchcraft and their night-runner versions like vampires with regards to the incestuous female sex-pervert criminal also are prone to perform acts of mischievous and mysterious nakedness as illustrated in The Witchcraft Trials of Salem of 1600. Later,logistics.
Independent professional:- Analytical-theoretical researcher / Public lecturer and Private medical-geneticist contractor / Counselor
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