Solar System Media: Les Misérables Activists-Advocacy-Lobbyists and Consultants at Law.

Solar System Media: Les Misérables Activists-Advocacy-Lobbyists and Consultants at Law.
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Monday, February 02, 2015

Prosecuting Raila : Ex-Treason Convict and Serial Ritual Psychopath Murderer.

Hi everybody. Let me take this opportunity to conclude on the matter regarding the deep-rot of corruption in ethics and morals by the Establishment / The gov. of Kenya in their duty and responsibility in the administration of affairs of The Queen's-College,U.O.N in running the operations of its colleges and faculties ,the parts making the whole of the system by saying the corruption must come to a stop if Kenya must advance into international standards/bench- marks and criteria of Industrialization,development and civilization. I would like to say that academic certifications must stop being pegged-on politics or political loyalties/ allegiances,/persuasions,ethnicity,tribalism religion and controversial/conflicting theories or schools of thought [ rd: the late Professor Ali Mazrui and Wangari Maathai.May their souls rest in Peace. ] Instead the U.O.N should revert to Traditional Scientific-Rigor of reflecting grade quality assessment based on Independent Performance and Professionalism.For more on morals, ethics and corruption at the Queen's-College/U.o.N get the shocker on the Kenya media. As demonstrated in my earlier blogs,I had to seek the volunteered probono services of one the late Kalama [May his soul rest in Peace ,] a former Park lands comrade Advocate who'd just managed to set sail with his "Kalama and Co. Advocates" biz gaining mileage and momentum before his early demise.........before the Queen's-College a.k.a. The U.o.N could release my transcripts.Lots of question-marks criss-crossed my mind back-then but I couldn't make much neither of heads or tails of what was happening to my unsuspecting "poor-old-self," victim; till I'd gathered/converged enough statistics by advantage of hind-sight demonstrating rising and falling graph-patterns of crime in themes and goals as indicated by part of the title of the Law-suite / Petition above, i.e. "Serial,Ritual,Psychopath Murderer." I still got to check over my shoulder sometimes/some-places, having developed out of necessity a "precautious-mode" consciousness now that I realize my days are numbered-and-counted;that bad things are scheduled to happen to me [ rd: X- Files/organized crime/the 5 O.B.'s,Chiefs Amara-and-Odira. ] Also,still as regards the matter pertaining to ethics and corruption at the Queen's-College U.o.N. by The Est./ GoK its patron,I would like to quote other victims who have fallen prey to the exploitations of the Kenya-African-Billy- Goat, George Or well's Animal-Farm species Est./GoK.First and foremost I beg to begin with Kethi Kilonzo who wanted to contest the the Senatorial-Seat his late father Mutula Kilonzo had left vacant following his demise under suspicious-cicumstances [ May his soul Rest in Peace .] They used a technicality to disqualify her claiming she'd presented fake Masters Certification which the U.o.N hadn't issued/awarded her. Then again there was the case of Obama-Senior,the late father [ May his Soul Rest in Peace. ] of the now President of the most powerful Nation in The Milky Way Galaxy these sides of The Solar-System.In one of his books, either "Dreams From My Father" or its sequel of which I've forgotten the tittle,The President of The U.S. of A. tells us how his father , Obama-Senior having been one of the former late Tom Mboya [ May His Soul Rest in Peace ] air-lift Scholarship beneficiaries amongst those enlisted in The Pan-African Program mes targeted to spear-head the dreams of civilization and Industrialization back home in the continent where Africa was fast gaining Independence from colonialism everywhere ; he quotes how having come-back with a highly accredited degree in Economics and having been employed by the GoK probably in the ministry of Economic-Development and Planning or Finance,he one day for one reason or the other [ I think musta' been coming from pursuing his Masters in The US ] fall-out of a job and the GOK curtails all his efforts to get a job till after quiet some good time comes to pass,before the Est./GoK changes its mind/approach and decides to let him earn a life.Some ironies are just unforgettable! Then there's the late Nobel-Laureate Professor Wangari Maathai and her book "UNBOWED" which we mentioned in earlier blogs.Then again I had a high school teacher come join us when we was like 3years into college for his Masters in Commerce and he confided in me more-or-less as a by the way one day as we chatted strolling to the lecture-theaters that the newly-introduced Private/parallel Self-Sponsored Program mes in Public Universities were like being marketed-and- promoted by wholesomely-and-summarily awarding competitive grades and degrees for after all the private/parallel program-mes were highly remunerating and "rewarding."Then last but not least there's the case of Karl Marx and Professor Ali Mazrui which we've already discussed in earlier blogs. Well, I would like to say that we'd already been told during first-year orientations that to be "accredited a Pass-grade" would be the worst thing that could befall anyone cause the "pass-grade" ain't much even worth the paper its printed-on.So somebody can imagine the shock I went through when going to collect my degree-certificate only to realize "they'd" posthumously awarded me the dreaded pass-grade .......mentioned somewhere towards the bottom of the document!My heart sank and I died and rose-again with the degree still in my hands in the office at The I.A.S. I got dumbstruck for a moment as I quickly deliberated the implications of that "PASS" as far as the job-markets were concerned and I subconsciously knew that I was done,Kaput,cooked to brew.I swallowed-hard but there was no saliva to moisten my larynx.It was like being told all your efforts had been in vain ; that it was like you'd and/or some-one had just poured 4-years of toiling, hard academic-endeavors down the drain.It was like being told you'd been sleep-walking all along,across the college to get out on the other-end after 4-years of invested efforts.Anthropology collapsed and died that day of "mind-attack" [rd: brain-intelligence or heart-attack.]I couldn't take it.It was not only calculated cold-sarcasm;it was a cold-blank insult of my sound-knowledge,intelligence,analytical,conceptual, research and/or investigative science studies / learning abilities and capabilities,..........not to mention experience. It wasn't any different to telling somebody they had a "deficient- mind." That's why I'd tried changing careers by venturing into other fields like Diplomacy at "The Institute of Diplomacy and International Studies" and "Human Resource Management" at JKUAT. Though I would like to say I kept in good touch with some of them lecturers and after I'd gone to Mombasa following the Huruma break-in and clean-sweep,I met another lecturer coming from his Post Graduate-Diploma overseas who'd shifted to Mombasa teaching at the "Kenya-Medical-Training-Institute" as well as The Government-Training- Institute who uplifted my spirits a little telling me not to loose hope that eventually even "Pass-Graders" get absorbed into them job-markets given that there was quiet a good bunch of them in the Public Service Commission Civil-Service as well as the private sector. Thus it is only now once again with revamped,uplifted spirits following the revelation of the truth converged by advantage of hind-sight indicating patterns of crime in themes and goals revolving around the Law-suite/Petition that I now take-on back-again with dynamism and all the enthusiasm along the path of a job-career I;d long resigned-on. -NB: Below are the Amoeba and Malaria medicine which cured me and sent me on the path to quick recovery: [1.]-Benagyl-DF / Pan-Amoebicide / Diloxxanide Furoate and Metronizadole tablets, [2.]-Artemether 20mg -and- Lumefantrine 120mg tablets. Later Logistics.

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