Saturday, July 24, 2021

Eaten nothing since morn. 'cept water as belly-full gay-witch opts for late breakfast while I'd to rush to Migori Market Matatus Stage to wait for a kin George Okoth coming from Mombasa who'd promised something small btw 1230hrs & 1300hrs though he's yet to arrive by now I guess cause the jealousy gay-dodo and his quickie-prostitute witches {substantiated} are calling the shots pulling strings from behind the scenes: Thus extreme hunger-tortures of half-a-loaf till supper hunger-torture starvations are 'bout to start beginning tomorrow Sunday while today I could stay hungry till tomorrow, SOS; My prayers are for your divine-interventions for my now 9.1yrs Kihara Construction accident damages and fast-tracking of the IPOA & ODPP accident-evidence destruction case both whose litigation damages threatened with embezzlement amid GoK death threats virtue of the Chiefs on the ground run to the tune of KShs. 10m+. SOS. NB:- Taken to now flashing well-wishers hourly as I keep fingers c

From: Ym2006 <>
Date: Sat, 24 Jul 2021 18:03:18 +0000 (UTC)

Dear Sir / Madam,    
                            The title summarizes it all. I returned empty handed so their intentions was jus' humiliation as Uhuru's GoK brood-sits pretty on my KShs. 10m+ damages in litigation adding to backlog statistics with IPOA & ODPP as I die miserably in Uhuru's GoK imposed pauperism-pennilessness as my virility withers still a bachelor at 43yrs for hindered datings. I've had sex only thrice since 2012 June cause I don't give a hoot 'bout Luo girls or jus' savages for that matter; unlike Nairobi & Mombasa where I could afford to have sex unhindered freely 24/7 with no jealousy nincompoop savages coming in-between. Thus today I depleted the last well-wishers spare cash so I pray your divine-interventions for sustainable nutrition cause it's set to be half-a-loaf and water
hunger-torture starvations till supper unless if there'll be something incorruptibly the gay-witch can't re-gurgle. I also pray you fast-track the speedy-processing of my 9.1yrs 10m+ damages. I've Disowned the
dysfunctional sex-pervert step-family pending formal Estrangement proceedings in tandem with the broad lawsuit against the GoK. If they kill me before hand the email signature prayers hold. 
Thank you in advance.
Yours Faithfully,
Erick Mango. 

NB: ICC-Indicted mass-murderer Uhuru's GoK's discriminating me along the lines of racial-hierarchy
caste-system like India and US which's jus' evolving into a more rationally-equitable society like
demonstrated by the recent voting along policy-issues for the rule-of-law and adoption by the Supreme
Court for a universal-health-insurance cover; Assist urgently get paid my 10m+ in damages amid the dehumanization and lurking death; My life, my wife, my kids, my family, my money, my biz / job, my way: Need a shave, bic-razor, toothpaste, toothbrush, wardrobe, shoes, washing and bathing bar-soap, antibiotics, emergency loperamide-hydrochloride tabs; SOS.


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