Monday, July 19, 2021

Cash token depleted: Morn.s I survived on 20/- 4-mandazis, half-loaf, water; supper on 10/- avocado and ugali 'cept for the s'times a glass-of-milk since Uhuru's paid-pawns the jealousy 'Brokeside Dairy Jacket' witche-pawns quickie-prostitute conveniently did a disappearing-act and the gay-dodo [substantiated] took over the kitchen for which as recorded he can't be trusted cause he usually disgustingly regurgles the meal-rations forcing you to leave him the filth [as if I'd asked to come to their abode]; SOS; The other night first week of July they sent one of their 2 murderer kins Joseph Olala who'd once threatened to kill me with his brother Paul Otieno aka Manuar in Rapogi Kanyamkago [of the TZ Randa-Kitembe witchdoctor conspiracy] to wonna come sleep-over at my quarters which I refused flat telling him to sleep at the main-house with his senders; Prayers are for interventions to fast-track my IPOA and ODPP accident evidence-destruction case; Lend spare cash/soft loans. SOS.

NB: Stop HELB [ 0111013533 ] they jus' called.
Date: Mon, 19 Jul 2021 05:53:28 -0700

Dear Sir / Madam,                
                            I'm soon going to make a formal complaint to Migori Police Station regarding the unbecoming
insulting-provocations from the gay-witch's Bori / GLBTQ aka Lamu / Bondo-Usenge witches-nest latest lined-up pawn the egg-seller in white overalls [ ] who're tugging me to wonna execute ICC-Indicted mass-murderer Uhuru's GoK's death threat as commissioned on their behalf by ex-Chief Amara who proclaimed they were going to kill me through all means
necessary including either a machete-hacking gang or food-poisoning through rat-poison. The link above opens to others including one giving an example of a resident in the vicinity hacked to death by just such a criminal gang for hire privy to the Chiefs as indicated by then Chief Amara. Thus Uhuru's GoK like in the 2007-PEV has the
criminal gang all organized and is now premeditating to execute its death threats by proxy of the GLBTQ+ homosexuals occult as highlighted in the AP cop Owino link within above while others therein link to the same powerful GLBTQ+ occults obstructing the due processing of homosexual harassment cases & another links to an
example of a food-poisoning case citing a Snr. Inspector cop's suspicious collapse-death coming from partying at a colleague's premises. When I next go to report these boiled-eggs nincompoop seller's insulting-provocations formal complaint at Migori Police Station I call upon the IG courtesy of civil society groups to ensure my safety lest the Snr. cops including two OCSs I've charged with IPOA & ODPP [ ] take out their grudges on me as they're oft known to [ ] SOS. Then there's ofcourse the AP cop Owino factor at the center of the Kakrao-Chamkombe witches-nest with accomplices ex-Chief Amara & current Onyango.
                        These precautions are fed by the underlying veiled-threat from one of the defamation & accident-P3 evidence-destruction incriminated OCSs that he thinks I shouldn't ever go back to the Migori Police Station
following his conclusion that my case only involved alleged homosexual harassment yet they're looking for concrete medically-examined evidence of sodomy [ ] suggesting I shouldn't be bothered 'bout the gay-witch's homosexual harassment but rather wait till he should suppossedly sodomize me [ ]. His accomplice Asst. Chief Onyango also once rudely retorted that I shouldn't be bothered if the gay-witch finger-fucked me given I'd a
trouser on, and jeans for that matter! Hence I reiterate the calls for the IG Mutyambei and concerned authorities to ensure my safety should I next go to complain at Migori Police Station. I already have 14+OBs rotting there for want of resources to process the same cause of Uhuru's GoK's fault and thus being the reason I urged CJ Maraga to extend the Statute of Limits as regards my cases [ ] My charges so far as regards this trousered-ape low-IQ egg-seller will include insults, homosexual-harassment and conspiracy to commit organized crime; plus any that may accrue from the AP cop Owino link above. Otherwise, my plans involved including all these interconnected cases with the gay-witch's of homosexual-harassment amid forced-dependency hunger-torture starvations once Uhuru's GoK pays-up my KSh. 10m+ in damages and I embark on litigating my broad lawsuit [ ] starting with cases whose jurisdiction fall within Migori. Another 6th or 7th HELB Auctioneer / Debt-Collector called me sometimes end of June or early July inquiry on remittances claims for which I updated them on the status-quo telling them to confirm with HELB being one of the party-defendants I intend to sue besides the GoK and UoN as per the soft-copy drafts of my petition circulated with all
stake holders including civil society groups for a ruling determining the loan defunct, null-and-void; 'cept perhaps for the principal which I may consider paying. In the meantime I urge the new CJ Martha Koome known for human rights support to issue a temporary injunction to stop any further interests accruing or HELB and / or their Auctioneer / Debt Collectors pestering me with unlawfull illegal calls till such a time my case is heard and determined in a competent court of law [ ] I've repeatedly reiterated that I don't give a hoot 'bout Uhuru's Jinn-Theocracy GoK jobs which I may consider only after they pay me my KShs. 10m+ in litigation damages. It's yesterday Sunday that the
primitive boiled-egg seller pawn mark-timmed me as I came from buying a 10/- bob avocado in town and threw-poured mopping-water in a basin from a new barber's as I passed climbing up the slope behind me; he's like the gays' witches-nest's [
]  6th or 7th pawn all low-IQ nincompoops tugging one oft starving fellow on imposed food-dependency hunger-tortures to get into a brawl-scuffle with their deficient mental-apparatus selves; my training discipline won't stoop that low, I'll bring the lot to book in due course sooner or later. If they're man-enough they can call for paid-for boxing-duels [ min. KShs. 20k ] after Uhuru's GoK pays my damages and all factors are equalized including 3 square meals+ a day jus' for a month as I regain my physique. The empty skulls are counting on their witches-nest back-up. Hence today the well-wishers spare cash depletes as I go to buy the final 10/- bob avocado for
today's supper of which starting tomorrow it's gonna be half-a-loaf hunger-torture starvations till supper of which if packaged milk the jealousy filthy gay-witch opens in one's presence at meal-ration times won't be there then I'm as good as dead for it'll mean hanging only on energy-emaciating, unsustainable, half-a-loaf and water every 24hrs while Uhuru's GoK sits pretty on my KShs. 10m+ in damages; and thus I pray your divine interventions while I'll be left flashing friends & well-wishers hourly in such a growth-stunting under-and-malnutrition scenario. I never asked to come here nor do I plan to work-or-live here in narcissisistic-godzilla Raila's Luo Nyanza. Support human rights for control of my life, my wife, my labors, my money, my kids, my family. Need a shave, a bic-razor, bathing-&-washing bar-soap, a wardrobe, shoes etc. Meanwhile I'm searching hard for a wife; haven't been successful with JK's grand-daughter though we're still Facebook friends so I spread my net wider hoping to catch some France demoiselles. Thank you in advance. 
Yours Faithfully. 

NB: Stop HELB [ 0111013533 ] they jus' called.

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