Monday, July 26, 2021

Jealousy gay witch escalates hunger torture starvations as he turns to Scheduled half-a-loaf and water for both breakfast and supper while he feasts on meat and ugali exploiting my penilessness:SOS. { Hello? Flashing friends and well-wishers hourly for soft loans/spare cash to reverse the dehumanization and supplement the hunger-torture starvations of half-a-loaf and water till supper of ugali and half-a-glass of fermented milk: four 'mandazis' go for 20/- while avocados go for 20/- each though if you walk some miles you can come across for 10/- each; I'll repay with a 50% interest in one sweep for loans up to KShs. 50,000 once ICC-Indicted mass-murderer Uhuru's GoK pays-up my now 9.1yrs Kihara Constructiion accident 'evidence destruction-and-spoilation' case adding to backlog statistics with corrupt-IPOA, ODPP and the compromised Judiciary in litigation damages amounting to KShs 10m+; SOS { +254723047863 or +254764087863 or Equity Bank, Migori Branch, Acc. no.: 1160168298894 }.

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