Friday, April 30, 2021

Administration Police Owino Wife-and-Daughter Flirtings / Unwanted Sexual Advances / Stimulations / Conducts / Witch-Huntings: Migori-Witches-Nest Quickie-Prostitute and Gay-Dodo's [ Substantiated ] 'Homosexual-Harassment Gays-plus-Horny-Wives' Networks Witch-Huntings / Manipulation of Events in Exploitation-Abuse of Her Uriri-Rapogi-Oyani-Stella Chiefs-Lineage including Governor Okoth Obado's Kinship; Nyasare-Water-Supply Note. SOS; TV News back after 4 weeks+; Almost walking naked; SOS; Lend 50%-interest payable soft loans now that IPOA and ODPP are processing my accident evidence-destruction case, to replace rags, dev. eCommerce/Adsense:- How Sadist, 'Penis Envy' [rd: Sexology] ICC-Indicted Bori/GLBTQ-Occultist Sissy-Uhuru's 'Brokeside Dairy Jacket' Paid-Pawns the Compulsive-Neurotic, Sex-Pervet, Dysfunctional 'Turpin' Witches Exploit The Either Wichcraftly-Acquired or Genetically-Inherited DMD For Their 'Married But Gay' Gender-Conformity Mandatory 'Mixed Orientation Marriage' Commitments

Dear Sir / Madam,                
                            She came out of the blues like she's
now receding, i.e. the supposed wife of AP Owino the Chamkombe /
Kakrao neighborhood cop, unless she's a visiting single-mother kin
elderly like she first flirtingly led me to believe tempting my sexual
thirsts. Since June 2012 after Uhuru's-Ikenya cop unlawfully relocated
me to Migori exclaiming, "Karibu Lamu" on arrival signifying Raila's
Lamu / Bondo-Usenge & Uhuru's Bori / GLBTQ+ reknown 'Married But
Gay'-'Mixed Orientation Marriages,' I'd never seen or heard-of-her
nowhere till this year 2021 when after AP Owino having
developed-expanded his residential-&-shops real estate let one
apparently for his family to run-a-mill. Like indicated in precedent
blogs I adopted a-never-give-a-hoot 'bout Migori girls always 'minding
my own biz' unless called upon {
} & [
like exhibited in the cited links and analyzed then here [
] as regards prank-call, 'widow spider,' psychic-vampire-witches
sexually stimulating unsuspecting victims into tragic-traps akin to
convicted real lifetime blood-sucking vampire Phillip Ondari Onyancha
who led his dates to their deaths! Thus did AP cop Owino's
supposed-wife sitting by their family-mill start stop-calling me every
time I passed-by down the slope on my way to the shops or to fill my
1.5l bottle with complimentary water or on my trek to town; either for
customary greetings and / or 'small talk' niceties / pleasantries
which though surprised at first at a total stranger's beckonings I
gradually took heartily as I eased to her unceasing good-nature
neighborhoodliness; not knowing she was calculating her moves to wonna
gradually turn intimate goddamnit! Besides grinding flour from grains 
mostly maize she also begun selling second hand clothes which 
she once put to my notice I think after noting the dehumanizing
rags-&-tatters the quickie-prostitute [ substantiated ] and her
conman, embezzlement-paganism brother-thief Charles Ooko have defamed
me into after the later stole my 5 brand new, long-sleeved, plain
Blazer shirts; 5 second-hand trousers; a pair of brand new bedsheets;
a brand new towel & slippers I'd temporarily left with him in
Changamwe claiming they'd burnt down in his godown where he'd stored
them with other goods; yet he refused to compensate me for them
preferring he buys and sends me replacements in a bundle by bus which
I refused suspecting witchcraft besides the slight undermining. Hence
did I promise AP cop Owino's supposed-wife to come buying her clothes
once I got paid my accident damages since I wasn't earning nothing
then or generating any income. Our friendship developed & I even was
ever on the look-out for her whenever I happened to be passing-by keen
to inform the then 'other' horny-wives cited in the links above that 
one can have a normal, non-sexual, good neighborhoodliness, pr,
courteous socialization with the opposite gender married or not. Thus
while still gauging where to place this out-of-the-blues good-natured
stranger, she begun dazzling me in puzzling ways, the ones that make
your-jaw-drop, e.g. like mar timing me one day as I came back from
town up the slope to come out of a short-call behind the hedge-fence
of their compound farm-plot adjacent to their mill and was jus'
propping-up...! I blinked it and assumed the usual exchange greetings.
Her view was hazed by the hedge-thicket from outside but visible from
their first floor on the outside. I gave it the benefit of ambiguity
that could be she was suggesting s'thing rather 'bout one of her
supposed daughters who was there instead; only to be surprised later
on on another day when she crossed to meet me close on the pathway at
a whispering distance as I came from filling my 1.5l bottle of 
complimentary water to after niceties to remark that she thinks I
I should have a pot; to which I reply that that ain't necessary cause
a pot's kinda permanent while I intend to relocate to Nairobi once I
get paid my accident damages & is through with litigating some of my
broader lawsuit cases whose jurisdiction falls in Migori; and that as
such I ain't keeping no permanent stuff. Remember nor can I bring a
lady there cause I'm done with them. I'll take my ladies to a lodging
till I get megood'ol self me own rental in Nairobi. All these while
she's at a patting-as-you-talk whispering distance. Yet she was making
an inquisitive suggestion as to why I shouldn't stop filling the 1.5l
bottle daily to which I narrated her how with impunity the filthy
witch Turpins let the dog drink from the same roof-top rain water
being harvested then store it for domestic use including drinking,
cooking & washing utensils. This for s'body who can splash one of her
whoring daughters who sires bastards each with a different sower with
up to 50,000/- in a month besides paying her rent, shoppings, 
bastards school fees & rent; for a whore who'd duped them
she'd gone to Saudia while she was selling her wares at ( ) since defunct ( rd: genetic-imprints, like-mother
like-daughter ). Nine-tenths of his immediate neighbors have water
tanks filled with water pumps! All these while, AP cop Owino's wife
was at a tempting-to-pat as-you-talk close range, bearing in mind the
subliminal messaging she'd sent with her propping-up as she came from
urinating; and now she'd come that close. The remarks & close, small
talk were a follow-up on the gay-witch who'd marktimed my going to
fill the 1.5l bottle to go to the shop ahead of me and was now headed
back up the slope; Sonia the Kalenjin shopkeeper where I'd gone to
fill water had previously remarked that that was my 'father?;' to
which I in summary narrated the 14+ OBs at Migori Police Station
including the homosexual harassments & how she couldn't trust him with
her boys... being part of the reasons why we're done. Hence 
it's obvious that these scene was organized meaning I was the outside
party! It's the witches nest trading their craft. Jus' like after
Uhuru's-Ikenya cop's unlawful relocation to Migori & the fateful
accident on June 2012 when I was so Migori-green I could'nt tell
Migori District Hospital was jus' like 100m from KCB the accident
scenery as opposed to where Ikenya & Ema had misdirected me to Bahati
Clinic like 800m away in the market in trying to erase the tracks of
his unlawful relocation; so was I green with this woman whom I'd never
seen since 2012, same as AP cop Owino's daughters till they opened
their family mill. The other reason why I'd at first mistaken Joy, the
teenager mentioned in the preceding links to be his daughter cause I
first noticed her when I came across her & like 1 or 2 others in the
front gate of cop Owino's homestead. In fact I've wondered whether it's
cop Owino's motivation to wonna now get back at me with her real
daughter also called Linet. Before the urinating episode 
this woman had once met me as I came from town up the slope to alight
from a boda-boda motorcycle taxi with a back-stretched leg the way a
typical mounts a 'black mamba' bicycle... On the other hand the
quickie-prostitute's [ substantiated ] urinating in a standing
position like a Bori / GLBTQ Hausa to mischievously expose her filthy
nudity to me for witchcraft intentions still underscores her
rubber-stamp signature of mischievous-exposure of nudity by this AP
cop Owino's wife; same as Sonia's 'thumb-index' along-the-groin
measure-gesture call as highlighted in the above links. After the
subliminal short-call & the benefit-of-ambiguity, the daughter Linet
once came around Sonia's shop where I'd gone to fill my 1.5l of water
& was having 4 samosas when the samosa-girl asked her for a sip of the
Fanta soda she was carrying saying she was thirsty to which she
jokingly replies that she have some of the water I was carrying
instead given water quenches thirst better! But the sexy-point was taken:
that of girls thirsting for water which I could as well provide if
megood'olself was willing. Thus was planted the idea that I could get
a nail. So the ambiguity prevailed & relieved me of any worryful
thoughts 'bout somebody's wife and their nudities. You couldn't pass
their mill without formalities lest you be thought of harboring
unfavorable thoughts. I was reserved all along though & never extended
handshakes till one day I passed-by absent-mindedly not having noticed
her before I heard her remark s'thing to the extent that 'she was
noticing that that day I was just passing without any greetings,' to
which I excused my absent-mindedness saying I thought 'twas her
daughters known to usually gather in stories and s'times each with
male company: a pair of 1 to 5 couples at any time. Thus did I retrace
my tracks to come and greet them including her daughter Linet & a
short, plump 'farm-hand and other menial tasks' fellow called Victor;
though I greeted them with the back of the hand for coronavirus 
precautions. The nailing-availability was further reinforced by
Linet's supposed father AP cop Owino subliminally through an
asides-remarks as I went to fill my 1.5l bottle one morning and saw
her coming out of their gate headed for the shops with her tiny waist
/ slender legs in display as she walked. On my way back up the slope I
hear cop Owino behind the hedge-fence apparently busy with some of his
workers exclaim, "Kanyaga!," which under context implied a 'cock-hen'
mounting-affair... coming from behind the hedge-thicket cop Owino's
supposed wife had squatted for a short-call before marktiming to meet
me as she propped-up; thus the ambiguity was further confirmed same as
the realization that he'd probably been watching from their one-storey
floor house! Another marktimed asides-remark came another day from
in front of his gate where he was conversing with another fellow or two
when he said, "Alilala darasani," [ "He / She had slept in the
classroom" ] which was also ambiguous cause could be he was 
referring to this Linet daughter who happens to have given birth
recently and has a several-months old kid, Linet who runs the family
mill & shop while the other sisters apparently job in town; or may be
he was referring to mepoorol'self in rags-&-tatters dehumanized in
Uhuru's GoK's imposed pennilessness-pauperism at 43yrs with whitening
hair & waning-virility? This is cause also the wife one day carrying
the several-months infant from the gate on her way down as I went up
the slope after exchanging niceties went-on to address some boys who
were digging some farm along the way asking one who'd apparently jus'
sat for their KCPE how much he'd scored to which she goes-on to
commend him for a well try. Were they mocking my Uhuru's GoK's
arrested-development circumstances & imposed station? Was cop Owino
addressing the point that I'd previously called him 'nincompoop' in my
initial complaints over the neighborhood girl Joy I thought was his
daughter and who was supposedly under 18yrs & school-going? 
                        Well, if I hadn't rectified the word 'nincompoop' after realizing Joy
apparently came from another house-hold and not AP cop Owino's as had
been implied when I first crossed her paths standing outside his gate
with 1 or 2 others; perhaps it's cause I'm juggling a million things
but it should be noted that I rectified that Joy came from another
house-hold & thus certainly wasn't his daughter. In any event,
education's categorized into formal & informal where at the end of it
all, 'Success In Life' is what matters as regards the 'Measure of Man'
and not necessarily the 'Accreditation in Certificates!' Thus by that
measure AP cop Owino's been very successful in life with his vast
vacant & rental biz not to mention a long career with the Police
Service. In retropersepective it's the reason we've had Cabinet
Secretaries who never saw the inside of a classroom but went-on to run
government ministries like the late Honorable Mulu Mutisya [ RIP ] who
led a successful political career! For my case it's the 
reason I got a broad lawsuit against Uhuru & the GoK at [ ] and as regards corruption &
ethics at the UoN the link is [
] as highlighted in my broad lawsuit slideshow exhibition at [ ] as concerns the
doctoring of my Transcripts. Supporting evidences from other sources
include bribes for grades at [
]; sex for grades at [
] & [
]; unprofessionalism & incompetency at [
] & psychopathology accruing from blind-faith belief-conviction in
at [
]. Thus I look forward to enjoining one Mr. Wasinde, a Senior
Administrative Assistant ( Examinations ) at the UoN then who
delayed-refused processing my Transcripts till the 'probono
sworn-affidavit intervention' of an ex- the late comrade Senior
Counsel Kalama [ RIP ] before promptly releasing them after the
doctoring. AP cop Owino & his wife could watch the proceedings at [ ] once the proceedings
start. Otherwise, I've won a Canadian scholarship to pursue a Masters
in molecular-biology & health-sciences to reinforce a career in
medical-genetics and / or virology given my formative background in
B.A. Anthropology including a developed excellent
hypothetical-deductive-framework & oral defense in my genetics
pet-interest of evolutionary anthropology. Period. When I recently
managed to buy a 'new' second-hand trouser replacing one of 
the last 3 worn-out over-sewn rags-&-tatters trousers, Linet was there
within their hedge-thickets compound exclaiming, "Smart, smart" in
asides perhaps in plays with her infant though I knew she was
referencing to my new 2nd-hand jeans trouser cause she'd been there when
her mother had invited me to buy her clothing seeing the
dehumanizing-defamations rags-&-tatters I was walking-in. Nonetheless
things took a turn for the worse one evening as I climbed up the slope
back from town when I burst out laughing after spotting Linet sitting
by their mill in the company of one of the many male suitors I'd
mentioned usually court the sisters sometimes in a pair of 1-5. What
cracked my ribs was the obvious sticky-atmosphere Linet was
trying to camouflage in vain since AP cop Owino had subliminally
through the 'kanyaga'-asides and his wife's behind-the-hedge
squat-urinating short-call ambiguity given me the green light that she
was available for pinning; not to mention her water-thirst lewd jokes
& 'smart'-asides...; though when she asked my empathetic-self why I was laughing, I 
couldn't divulge to her before her guy the sex-thoughts going through my mind and so
instead pretended that I'd been singing a song in my mind that reminded megoodol'self of something funny!
                             Nonetheless 'twas obvious the couple had read my mind that their sticky-atmosphere they they were trying to camouflage was as see-through clear as a drive-in movie. My empathic-self thought perhaps I was spoiling her chances with a serious suitor and I felt sorry for her being a single mother looking for a serious suitor. That was between 12th and 17th April 2021 and ever since her ambiguous interpretation changed her flirting-approach and she forthwith begun speaking through Victor their relative and 'farm-hand plus menial-tasks' fellow that since she realized I wasn't keen on courting her on a commitment-basis on a serious-note then she and / or they as a family were on a conflicting-path with me. That's when the KCPE remarks by her mother begun including standing persons on my path as I passed their mill in the evenings from town; and Victor the following morning when I learnt his name [ as she called him aloud from within the farm severally making the point of his name 'Victor' animistically-meaning close to 'war' in Kiswahili asking him for a machete ] begun back-biting me one day as I came from town speaking in Luhya [ they are 'half Luhya-half Luo' ] to one of the shopkeepers along the road-front where I noted the word " Hoyo mutu" pointedly referring to me as I passed. Victor who'd been exchanging greetings with me stopped had quit. This Victor with some
other Owino kids sibling look-alike son who was making a point of digging something in front of their gate also thus gestured one morning as I went for water that they're blocking my way standing in the middle of the path making one circumvent to pass. The same had been premonitioned by the Kisii fellow who's wife used to sell inner-wears and had been asked by the neighborhood welder for a 'Ngotha' [ pantie ] which subliminally in Luo means [ 'Fuck me' ] and thus had been asked for sex; the reason perhaps why she exposed her vagina to me from behind sexually-stimulating mepoor'olself thirsty-me
                        Victor's a stump of a fellow, short and rounded and thus ain't any threat 'cept for the fact that he was acting like the family's moth-piece for he usually came next-door to the Turpins' abode neighbor to visit their watchman and menial-tasks houseboy. It's from the path between those two neighbors residents that I  heard an aside remark saying, " Nitakuua," meaning "I'll kill you." This was after Victor had spoken behind my back again when with Linet and another sister as I went for water saying, "Nitakuchapa kama mtoto wangu," meaning, "I'll cane you like my child," which's why the 'Nitakuua' statement above from the resident across the Turpins caught my attention to reflect a mouth-piece speaking on behalf of AP cop Owino who's also as tall as the said watchman houseboy. Thus did AP cop Owino raise my eyebrows one afternoon as I was having a late lunch past 1400hrs after the Dysfunctional Turpins ate by themselves that day while I starved; the late lunch was two sticks of 'mishakiki' [ 3-4 roasted pieces of meat on a wire ] at 10/- bob each plus  'kachumbari' [ spices including sliced tomato-and-onion pieces ] and ugali [ maize meal ] at 30/- bob a plate, all thus at 50/-! As I was leaving the premises to trek to town for the cybers AP cop Owino drives to a standstill to park by the roadside and alight to cross to apparently one of the hardware along the road.......... I wondered what coincidence could've brought him there but 'twas obvious he was snooping on me......... whether he' planning to shoot me as per the 'Nitakuua' asides is anybody's guess but I ain't taking the subliminal threats lightly putting the preceding events into context. It's obvious AP cop Owino is thus 'organizing a crime' against me reflecting Uhuru's GoK's sanctioned death commissioned by ex-Chief Amara who proclaimed they were going to kill me through all means necessary including rat-poisoning or a machete-hacking mob!
                      Remember the black Kisii neighbor's wife who'd some stranger tracking me to wonna homosexually harass-insult me to provoke me into a fist fight [ like has been recorded of the gay-witch including plus his son also called Victor in a former instance ] for defamation purposes [ I regard them as cowards since they got plenty to eat 3 times a day while mepoorol'self starves almost on a daily basis ]. The latest entrant in the game is a popular neighborhood boiled eggs-seller who hawks around in a white apron and seemingly took-over where the black Kisii's wife erand-suspec had left taking to touching his penis whenever he sees me walking in his vicinity as if his penis is lost [ rd: empty vessels make the loudest noise ] It's indeed the reason I'd told one of the Migori Police Station OCSs that the gay-witches homosexual harassment-insults increases with the hunger-tortures. These are chronicled in the following links:

                      The cases surrounding the same are chronicled in: 

                       Hence, the Chamkombe-Kakrao witches-nest 'Gays and Horny-wives Network's is led by the self-bleaching, indecent--exposure, quickie-prostitute-witch sex-pervet and the 'Married but gay'-witch [ substantiated ] for which I think chances are the rude bleaching witch could be exploiting her Uriri-Oyani-Stella-Rapogi-Kanyamkago Chief's-lineage including Governor Okoth Obado's kinship since he's her uncle, to call the shots on the ground. Indeed during one of the cases referred to Asst. Chief Onyango I met a woman who'd come to collect her ID or Kid's Birth-Certificate from Oyani which she told me was like one kilometer's trek away! And former Migori Councilors Chairman John Odhiambo an elder brother to the gay-dodo once remarked whether 'he married or he got-married' given the stone's throw distance from his in-laws at Oyani-Maasai. Thus in case of any altercations this is my statement on the prevailing-circumstances I'll be presenting to Migori Police Station.  In the mean time I've quit greeting them alltogether and it's back to square one as I await my accident proceeds to shift to Nairobi. Besides I've said I don't giv a hoot 'bout Migori women especially Luos 'cept perhaps for one night-stands which if they don't mind the imposed rags-and-tatteres they can proceed to book a lodge for th e nights without any strings attached. My priority ladies are Europeans, European-Americans and descendant African-Americans
                      Thank you in advance,
                      Yours Faithfully,
                      Erick Mango. };

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