Monday, January 18, 2021

Uhuru's endless- persecution as his 'paid pawns' feral savages the quickie-prostitute and gay-dodo pimp witches [ substantiated ] restart 1-meal-ration-a-day hunger- tortures with peristalsis-triggering 'unthrashed'- maize and beans [ unlike thrashed ] which I forfeit till supper; They're also manipulating events leading the neighborhood witches-nest with whom they belong in the same 'Chamas' starting with the Kisii guy whose panties-seller yellow wife exposed me the openings to her vagina from behind now taking to waylaying me whenever I come from 1.5l bottle piped water refilling; Prayers for 50%-interest repayable soft loans of up to 50,000/- for 75,000/- in one sweep to replace rags-and-tatters, develope my eCommerce / AdSense / Lobby-Advocacy and survival including restocking 5/- bob juice sachets since IPOA and ODPP Prosecution Counsel are processing my now 8.7yrs delayed Kihara-Construction Accident Evidence-Destruction and Conspiracy to Obstruct-and-Defeat Justice Case.

Date: Mon, 18 Jan 2021 15:11:46 +0100

Dear Sir / Madam, 
                             My prayers are for a speedy fast
tracking of my first IPOA police complaints which the ODPP Prosecution
Counsel have entered correspondence into signifying their enjoinnings
in the case [
]. My anti-Raila Luo Nyanza work-or-life vows are constant as well as
Disowning Uhuru's Dysfunctional sex pervert 'paid pawns' pending court
documentations including DNA finger printings. The most recent
attached photos demonstrate the Turpins cyclic-ritual hunger-tortures
and food poker / poisoning games whereby besides eating in hiding
secretly [ as if I'd asked to come to their abode ], the
quickie-prostitute [ substantiated ] will cook & hide meal rations
under cover in one of the bedrooms after they've had their first meal
servings / full breakfast while I starve till past mid-day & s'times
towards 1400hrs [ to aggravate the hunger tortures ] when the 'evil
eyed' gay witch [ substantiated ] feels  his tummy's now ready for a second piling when he retrieves the hidden food yet still like usual proceeds to take 2-thirds of everything
including tea for which he has a mug that automatically fills twice as
much as the tiny cups at my disposal. 
                            The goal through-out's to worsen
the witchcraftly acquired DMD and debilitate any of my physical
therapy exercises to manage it pending gene-therapy once I get the
resources & my life back on track. I'm indeed scared the cyclic-ritual
hunger tortures are spiraling to gravity and the Turpin witches may
tonight aggravate the scenario to 1 meal ration after every 24hrs if
they should serve for supper the same peristalsis-triggering
'un-thrashed'-maize and beans aka 'githeri or nyoyo' unlike
'thrashed'-maize and beans aka 'mdhokoi.' The same applies to boiled
tubers unlike roasted! SOS. At 43yrs jealousy sissy-Uhuru c/o of his
'evil eyed' loo-bat Judy Macharia still forces me under imposed
dependency of his 'paid pawns' witches while my bastard gotten way
back in  1997 is a grownup man now of 24yrs who's perhaps fathered kids of his
own and / or even married! 
                           My prayers are for your
divine-interventions for a speedy processing of my case by IPOA and
ODPP Prosecution Counsel as Uhuru & co. kill mepoorol'self miserably
and still in rags-and-tatters and a bachelor at 43yrs to abort my
broad lawsuit incriminating them. The witches are so dying of jealousy
the gay dodo on such days they plan to pull gears on the hunger
tortures leaves the back door ajar to worsen the emaciating pangs with
the cold winds as illustrated in the most recent attached photos! And
with each approaching day to my conclusions of the IPOA case enjoined
with the ODPP Prosecution Counsel envisioning processing of my now
8.7yrs Kihara Construction Accident punitive-&-actual damages, so are
witches running helter-skelter with innovative ways to try and
jeopardize any eventual restitution-relief payments manipulating
events to sway minds to assassinate my character by defamations or
literally killing me like sanctioned by Uhuru and GoK as sworn by ex-Chief Amara that
either through poisoning by rat-poison or a machete-hacking mob as
excerpted here [
                         Indeed in my submissions regarding 'breach of contract and of
client confidentiality' by Owade Advocates & Mudeyi Advocates, I've
demonstrated how the jealousy witches used one of the then Asst. Chief
Odera's son to track & connive with the mentioned corrupt,
unprofessional lawyers above before they would summarily turn coats
and breach the contract. The facts of the matter can be found in the
footer links. They wonna embezzle my damages and share the spoils but
I've stated my WILL in the footers in the event they execute their
death threats concerning my funeral if any and how my estate's to be
shared btw my bastard-son, his married mother & destitutes. The
quickie-prostitute manipulates the neighborhood witches-nest
housewives trying to exploit my sexual starvations which I've all thwarted [
] since not taking to ferals savages behaviors, I prefer dating where
courtship's open and in public rather than appeal to prehistoric rash
cock-&-hen sex from the rear which seems to be their basic std! ;
like's illustrated with the panties-seller yellow banana-ripe Kisii
wife [
] who tried to entice me as well from when the neighborhood welder
asked for a 'ngotha' [ which in Luo translates to 'f#¤k'-me ] before
she later subsequently mark-timmed me to reveal the openings to the
thickets of her vagina from behind as she bent washing cloths making
me wonna ram into her so bad given her subliminal suggestions with the
welder of her availability. Indeed under different circumstances I
would've accented to her raw callings 'cept for the orientation
reasons given above besides the fact of the Turpin witches incestuous
tendencies [ which you can keyword-search in my blog ] and since they
belong in the same Chamas I can't tell how many rounds they've
exchanged btw their wives ; but I wouldn't touch any! Now the bone of
contention's that this yellow banana-ripe Kisii wife's husband begun
waylaying mepoorol'self this last 16th Saturday & 15th Friday Jan 2021
as I came from filling my 1.5l bottle of piped water down from one of
AP cop Owino's real estate resident's shop. Indeed he took me by
surprise standing outside his gate with the right foot forward astride
the path that corners his compound on the way to the Turpin's abode.
'Twas like if he was demarcating the path to dare me to 'cross close
to him' if I could! And he was sulky making his mouth protrude like a
snout! I passed further away lest he would explode like a time bomb.
He'd jus' been at the gay witch dodo pimp's abode a day or two earlier
to collect his turn of their 'merry go round' Chama's savings so there
was no mistaking the obvious association btw his  recent visit and the turn of events! As if I was the one who'd asked his wife for a 'ngotha' yet 'twas the welder. The gay dodo confirms
the associative suspicions since he's taken to sending their dog fast
on my tracks at nights after supper rations & news when I retire to
the assigned 'Kenyatta-Animism Masonic' sleeping quarters; jus' like
whenever I should come back from town btw 1900hrs-2000hrs since I trek
to-&-fro besides the fact of their late cookings meaning I usually
gotta leave their abode late and will be done with the cybers towards
1900hrs when they close. Another observation's that the gay witch who
usually keeps his tap and well under lock & key and has premonitioned
as well they wonna dirtify the drinking waters is jealousy I'm getting
free access to piped water and wonna put a stop to it so I can return
to his water which's s'times mixed with roof top rain harvested water
which their dog also drinks before they store it for human use &
consumption. Besides mixing the cats-&-dog feed with table spoons & knives which you thus always gotta wash before using, he's taken to using the dirty wiping table cloth which's washed
once weekly & s'times every 2 weeks, to wipe his mouth with as well;
and if it's 'chapatis' for breakfast he proceeds like he begun
yesterday Sunday to put the odd chapati on the same table he's wiped
numerously with the dirty table cloth for cutting into two unequal
pieces; yet he usually cuts such chapatis inside within the serving
pot. Then he wipes his mouth with the same dirty wiping table cloth. I
returned the cut portion & jus' took the 2 whole dirt-unsmeared
chapatis. Whenever he starts dirtifying food that signals he doesn't
want you touching their food; like recorded of how he's wont to gurgle
tea or 'mala' before re-gurgling the contents into the thermos or milk
packet forcing you to leave his filth for him. NB: Joy the mentioned
school girl ain't AP cop Owino's daughter. Bathing postponed till
after supper. Need a shave & toothpaste bad. SOS. 
Thank you in advance, 
Yours Faithfully, 
Erick Mango.

Aid put in motion the wheels of justice as concerns :- Rectum-Downing
Penis-Envy [ rd: Sexology ] Bori / GLBTQ-Occultist,
Contagion-Animist-Witch, Sadist ICC-Indicted Uhuru of the 'Ikenya-cop
/ Kenyatta-Animism' masonic-assigned-sleeping-quarters sitting-pretty
on my damages in cahoots with fellow psychic vampires his loo-bat and
extended Jewish-kith, and his 'Brokeside Dairy Jacket'-'paid pawns'
compulsive-neurotic, sex-pervet, dysfunctional Turpins : Mud-slingings
'Outcasting / Outlawing / Golo / Kutolewa' Scheme-Strategies in 'The
Making of Archetypes' Amid Elaborate Funeral Death / Zombie Cults
Cyclic-Ritual Growth-Stunting Hunger-Tortures Under-and-Malnutrition
Dependency Food-Poker ; Uhuru's AG's Kihara-Construction 8.4yrs 50%
repayable-interest soft loans or spare cash for COVID-19 Reliefs /
eCommerce dev. can be sent to :- [ +254723047863 or +254764087863 or Equity
Bank, Migori Branch, Acc. No. 1160168298894 ] SOS. [ ].

Prayers for migration for political-asylum / refuge from ICC-Indicted Uhuru's
GoK's political-legal abuses' endless persecution, rape of
conscience and mandatory systems of
commitment. SOS.
Prayers as well for legal assistance to 'Divorce,' Separate, Estrange, Disown and thus
Terminate Uhuru's 'Brokeside Dairy Jacket'-'paid pawns' abusive,
domestic violence, witchcraft, sex pervert, dysfunctional, Bori /
GLBTQ 'mixed marriage orientation' incestuous-and-homosexual
harassment step-family's anyway 'Dead' kinship relationship. SOS.
NB:- In case Uhuru-and-Raila GoK execute their death-threat to murder
me before paying my Kihara-Construction 8.5yrs punitive-and-actual
damages, let concerned authorities pay instead my bastard-descendant
70%, his married-mother 20% and destitutes 10%; & the kins are thus
barred from my funeral which I WILL, be outta Raila's Luo-Nyanza in a
public-cemetry! [ Info. on mother-and-bastard are with Alphonse
Bockenzie Otieno of South Coast, Ukunda, Diani. ] SOS.
Some of the reasons why:-{
}. Support human rights. SOS.

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