Monday, October 26, 2020

Les Misérables Activists Advocacy and Consultants : Last night late updates.: Fw :- Self-bleaching, indecent exposure, quickie-prostitute-witch matriarch [ who together with the 'married but gay' husband have both shown me their vagina-and-penis ] [ substantiated ] continues incestuous-sexual harassment marktimmings at the kitchen and corridor crosspaths ; Filthy 'Luo-hyena-people' gay-witch still handles dog's-cats' feed-bowl on dinning table and uses serving-spoon, table knife or spoons to mix the leftovers! Got three books on evolution ready for publishing 'cept for want of resources including a smartphone due to cyber café's ltd resources. SOS.

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From: Fugeez <>
To: "" <>
Sent: Tuesday, October 27, 2020, 11:29:27 AM GMT+6
Subject: Les Misérables Activists Advocacy and Consultants : Last night late updates.: Fw :- Self-bleaching, indecent exposure, quickie-prostitute-witch matriarch [ who together with the 'married but gay' husband have both shown me their vagina-and-penis ] [ substantiated ] continues incestuous-sexual harassment marktimmings at the kitchen and corridor crosspaths ; Filthy 'Luo-hyena-people' gay-witch still handles dog's-cats' feed-bowl on dinning table and uses serving-spoon, table knife or spoons to mix the leftovers! Got three books on evolution ready for publishing 'cept for want of resources including a smartphone due to cyber café's ltd resources. SOS.

NB: Haven't eaten nothing since morn. [ except the juice of which I remain with like 8 sachets. SOS ] as the witches eat customarily in the outter kitchen or the gay witch's served in the bedroom. As if I'd asked to come to their abode. Also almost walking bare feet and naked on rags-and-tatters which I gotta wash nowadays past every 4 or 5 days to lessen more tearing of the last remainning 3 jerseys and oversewn wornout 3 trouser rags [ SOS ] ; plus need a toothpaste, bicrazor and data bundles. SOS.         Excuse me, my unupgraded browser's brought posting technicalities so I'll be update you in bits and pieces. Seems Uhuru, his loo-bat and co. have restarted the 1-meal-a-day hunger tortures rations so my appeal to all for survival spare cash or soft loans. Hence, I'd postponed bathing till after super but they finally put s'thing on the table around 1430hrs. SOS. Repeat: I don't need Uhuru's GoK job privileges ; I've said I'm going on biz and research science and my hands are full. Jus' ma dues. SOS.

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