Monday, October 26, 2020

Self-bleaching, indecent exposure, quickie-prostitute-witch matriarch [ who together with the 'married but gay' husband have both shown me their vagina-and-penis ] [ substantiated ] continues incestuous-sexual harassment marktimmings at the kitchen and corridor crosspaths ; Filthy 'Luo-hyena-people' gay-witch still handles dog's-cats' feed-bowl on dinning table and uses serving-spoon, table knife or spoons to mix the leftovers! Got three books on evolution ready for publishing 'cept for want of resources including a smartphone due to cyber café's ltd resources. SOS.

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Transhuman <>
To: "" <>
Sent: Monday, October 26, 2020, 04:09:22 PM GMT+6
Subject: Self-bleaching, indecent exposure, quickie-prostitute-witch matriarch [ who together with the 'married but gay' husband have both shown me their vagina-and-penis ] [ substantiated ] continues incestuous-sexual harassment marktimmings at the kitchen and corridor crosspaths ; Filthy 'Luo-hyena-people' gay-witch still handles dog's-cats' feed-bowl on dinning table and uses serving-spoon, table knife or spoons to mix the leftovers! Got three books on evolution ready for publishing 'cept for want of resources including a smartphone due to cyber café's ltd resources. SOS.

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Erick Mango <>
To: "" <>
Sent: Monday, October 26, 2020, 04:06:59 PM GMT+6
Subject: Self-bleaching, indecent exposure, quickie-prostitute-witch matriarch [ who together with the 'married but gay' husband have both shown me their vagina-and-penis ] [ substantiated ] continues incestuous-sexual harassment marktimmings at the kitchen and corridor crosspaths ; Filthy 'Luo-hyena-people' gay-witch still handles dog's-cats' feed-bowl on dinning table and uses serving-spoon, table knife or spoons to mix the leftovers! Got three books on evolution ready for publishing 'cept for want of resources including a smartphone due to cyber café's ltd resources. SOS.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Fugeez <>
Date: Mon, 26 Oct 2020 10:02:10 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: Self-bleaching, indecent exposure, quickie-prostitute-witch
matriarch [ who together with the 'married but gay' husband have both
shown me their vagina-and-penis ] [ substantiated ] continues
incestuous-sexual harassment marktimmings at the kitchen and corridor
crosspaths ; Filthy 'Luo-hyena-people' gay-witch still handles
dog's-cats' feed-bowl on dinning table and uses serving-spoon, table
knife or spoons to mix the leftovers! Got three books on evolution
ready for publishing 'cept for want of resources including a
smartphone due to cyber café's ltd resources. SOS.

    ----- Forwarded Message ----- From: Jason Bourne
<>Sent: Monday, October 26, 2020, 03:56:45 PM
GMT+6Subject: Self-bleaching, indecent exposure,
quickie-prostitute-witch matriarch [ who together with the 'married
but gay' husband have both shown me their vagina-and-penis ] [
substantiated ] continues incestuous-sexual harassment marktimmings at
the kitchen and corridor crosspaths ; Filthy 'Luo-hyena-people'
gay-witch still handles dog's-cats' feed-bowl on dinning table and
uses serving-spoon, table knife or spoons to mix the leftovers! Got
three books on evolution ready for publishing 'cept for want of
resources including a smartphone due to cyber café's ltd resources.
Dear Sir / Madam,                  I'm dying miserably still a
bachelor at 42yrs having not sired offspring 'cept for a bastard in
1996 [ at high school's 2nd term holidays ] I'm yet to lay eyes-on or
give some money and the mother a token-of-appreciation for the
troubles she must've undergone upbringing the kid on her own. Jus'
learnt from a cousin brother [ Alphonse Bockenzi of S.Coast Ukunda
Diani ]we used to sleep her-with [though mine was only a
1-night-stand] that I was the father of the kid she conceived cause
it's apparently a photocopy look-alike of mepoorol'self. SOS. My
earnest prayers are for the civil societies divine-intervention for a
speedy processing conclusion of my 8.4yrs Kihara Construction damages
to enable me propell my ecommerce biz, marry & carry-out my
responsibilities adequately [rd: footer]. Otherwise, the
quickie-prostitute [substantiated] continued yesternight to marktime
me in incestuous-sexual-harassment during a blackout in the main-hse
kitchen's crosspaths. SOS. TYIA. YF, EM.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jason Bourne <>
Date: Sat, 24 Oct 2020 14:48:41 +0600
Subject: State-sponsored violence Tribal Chiefstancy; 3 evolution bks
cooking for publishing as Rectum-Downing Penis-Envy [rd: Sexology]
Bori/GLBTQ-Occultist, Contagion-Animist-Witch, Sadist ICC-Indicted
Uhuru of the 'Ikenya-cop/Kenyatta-Animism'
masonic-assigned-sleeping-qtrs sits-pretty on my damages in cahoots
with fellow psychic vampires his loo-bat and extended Jewish-kith, and
his 'Brokeside Dairy Jacket'-'paid pawns' compulsive-neurotic,
sex-pervet, dysfunctional Turpins:- Mud-slingings
'Outcasting/Outlawing/Golo/Kutolewa' Scheme-Strategies in 'The Making
of Archetypes' Amid Elaborate Funeral Death/Zombie Cults Cyclic-Ritual
Growth-Stunting Hunger-Tortures Under-and-Malnutrition Forced
Dependency Food-Poker: Uhuru's AG's Kihara-Construction 8.4yrs 50%
repayable-interest soft loans or spare cash for COVID-19
Reliefs/eCommerce dev. can be sent to :- [ +254723047863 or
+254764087863 or Equity Bank, Migori Branch, Acc. No. 1160168298894 ]

Dear Sir / Madam,                Third world 'shithole' Kenya
literally, e.g. [ ex-Cabinet Sec. for Treasury & co. got bedridden
after contracting cholera from alleged bottled water at a Regional
Trade Fair in Nrb. not to mention Jacaranda Hotel & another leading to
its closure as the other declined outta corrupt-cartels connections ;
same as Nairobi Hospital's 14 staff, etc ] is ever embroiled in
pre-&-post election violences cause apparently the elections are ever
a sham with whichever commission in place always jus' reading from the
concurrent executive's economy-cartels-cronies 'script!' God save The
Queen! We should've been given independence late like S. Africa to
have realized full economic growth. Hence Uhuru's cartels threatened
ex-CJ Mutunga to premature retirement & attempted to assassinate the
Dep. CJ while currently wonna overhaul the procedural recruitment to
determine the next CJ! I've got 3 bks on evolution ready for
publishing 'cept for want of a smartphone /ltd cyber resources. TYIA.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jason Bourne <>
Date: Sat, 24 Oct 2020 13:18:25 +0600
Subject: as Rectum-Downing Penis-Envy [rd: Sexology] Bori /
GLBTQ-Occultist, Contagion-Animist-Witch, Sadist ICC-Indicted Uhuru of
the 'Ikenya-cop / Kenyatta-Animism' masonic-assigned-sleeping-qtrs
sits-pretty in cahoots with fellow psychic vampires his loo-bat and
extended Jewish-kith, and his 'Brokeside Dairy Jacket'
compulsive-neurotic, sex-pervet, dysfunctional Turpins 'paid pawns' :-
Mud-slingings 'Outcasting / Outlawing / Golo / Kutolewa'
Scheme-Strategies in 'The Making of Archetypes' Amid Elaborate Funeral
Death / Zombie Cults Cyclic-Ritual Growth-Stunting Hunger-Tortures
Under-and-Malnutrition Forced Dependency Food-Poker: Uhuru's AG's
Kihara-Construction 8.4yrs 50% repayable-interest soft loans or spare
cash for COVID-19 Reliefs / eCommerce dev. can be sent to :- [
+254723047863 or +254764087863 or Equity Bank, Migori Branch, Acc. No.
1160168298894 ] SOS. [ ].

Prayers for migration for political-asylum / refuge from ICC-Indicted Uhuru's
GoK's political-legal abuses' endless persecution, rape of
conscience and mandatory systems of
committment. SOS.        Prayers as well for
legal assistance to 'Divorce,' Separate, Estrange, Disown and
thus Terminate Uhuru's 'Brokeside Dairy Jacket'-'paid pawns' abusive,
domestic violence, witchcraft, dysfunctional, Bori / GLBTQ 'mixed
marriage orientation' homosexual-and-incestuous harassment
step-family's anyway 'Dead' kinship
relationship. SOS.

CTA rally-up drum-support for a NOW 8.4yrs Kihara-Construction
Accident punitive-and-actual damages case plus
The broader Political-Asylum / Refuge Criminal-&-Civil Lawsuit against
Raila-Uhuru Jinn-Theocracy's GoK's
Political-Legal Abuses'
Endless-Persecution, Sanctioned Arrested-Development, Mandatory
Systems Of Committment & Rape Of Conscience still at 42yrs curtaling
my dates & marriage.
{ Single-ladies who value
strong family traditions & would love to settle down avail yourselves
& give me a hand }. Support human rights and turn an imposed
passive-male 3D-existence back to track on life.        AG-phones &
anticipatory-soft-copy-e.html ]. SOS.

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