Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Les Misérables Activists Advocacy and Consultants : Human-Variation includes ‘Sexual-Orientation’ which qualifies ‘splitting, branching, diverging’ Ph

Les Misérables Activists Advocacy and Consultants : Human-Variation includes 'Sexual-Orientation' which qualifies 'splitting, branching, diverging' Phenotype-Traits in this case Behavioral in this case involving the 'Anterior Commissure.' Get the latest on the Dysfunctional Turpins.

Dear Sir / Madam, The ‘married but gay’ witch restarted his customary, insulting, undermining homosexual-harassment taking over from his quickie-prostitute-wife’s incestuous-harassment [ both instances substantiated ] marktimming me at the main-hse front door to closely follow-stalk behind reinforcing on past same harassment insults. S’body put yourselves in my shoes. How much’s a man suppossed to take? In the very early instances when the gay-dodo would crouch behind me as I left the dinning table imitating as if he wanted to mount me, I’ve mentioned how thoughts of bashing his head against the wall crossed ma mind. My prayers are for your interventions for my first IPOA case key to my 8.4yrs Kihara Construction damages so I may leave these compulsive-neurotic ‘mixed marriage orientation’ witches [ and process my broader lawsuit ] who unlike my ‘straight-orientation’ self have taken irreconcilably to another path or lineage alltogether thereof if you like. The 3rd sex…etc. SOS. TYIA. YF, EM.

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