Monday, July 22, 2019

Economic Crimes / Corruption and Sacred Cows : The ODPP, Teething-Problems and The Reality of The Dawn of A New Constitutional-Dispensation-Democracy in Kenya vis-à-vis 'The Untouchable Holier-Than-Thou'

and good which's primal to the good of any single individual or
entity. Unless a duly elected constitutional-democracy turns into a
pariah banana-republic run by factions & warlords, the reigns of govt.
fall squarely on the majestic 'rule of law' that subjects
all-and-sundry to toe the line in letter-&-spirit to the latter
regardless of personalities or status. That's why the ODPP must bring
Raila to book 'for high treason' if the unprecedented 'make or break'
onslaught on corruption is to be seen in the public eye to be
justifiable. Unless Raila is 'above the law' &/or 'holier than thou'
or the GoK cows he'll instigate public-unrest leading to mayhem &
chaos the GoK can't withstand, contain or uphold. The Treasury Sec.,
his Principal Sec. & appr. 20+ others are in the docks for corruption.
If sissy Uhuru is anti-corruption & cartels he oughtta let the 'public
watchdogs' out full swing for incorruptible biting measures. I got
some data-bundles from a well-wisher but still need wash-bath barsoap
urgently. SOS.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erick Mango <>
Date: Mon, 22 Jul 2019 12:10:02 +0300
Subject: Economic Crimes / Corruption and Sacred Cows : The ODPP,
Teething-Problems and The Reality of The Dawn of A New
Constitutional-Dispensation-Democracy of Kenya

The founding fathers of the Republic of Kenya including Hayati Mzee
Jomo, Jaramogi & the other Kapenguria-7 generally all served jail
terms in Kenyas' infamous prisons. The Indicted ICC-Culprit
Illegitimate-President Uhuru & dep. Ruto were hauled to the Hague for
atrocities and crimes against humanity and 'cept for exploiting
office-tenures and defence in declining to part with
incriminating-evidence ; not to mention shoddy preliminary
investigations by ICC's 1st Prosecutor Ocampo, the duo are still
destined for the Hague once the cocks come home to roost... Why hell
the f%#* the Offices empowered with the responsibility to uphold &
adhere to the 'rule of the law' should dilly-dally when it comes to
ensueing the due process of the law was aptly answered by the ODPP's
CEO Noordin : that the GoK cows some 'sacred cows' may instigate
public-unrest ; though he quickly reasserts the govt.'s primacy in
securing & upholding 'the rule of law' as regards goverment security
machinery vis-à-vis public property and PTO

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Yahoo Mail Team <>
Date: Mon, 22 Jul 2019 08:30:39 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: Economic Crimes

Rally-Up Drum Support-Call For A NOW 6yrs 11months Accident-Damages
Case and The Larger Political Asylum / Refuge Criminal-&-Civil Lawsuit
Against Raila-Uhuru's Jinn-Theocracy GoK's Political-Legal Abuses'
Endless-Persecution / Sanctioned Arrested-Development / Involuntary
Systems Of Committment / Rape Of Conscience Still At 41yrs Derailling
My Datings & Eventual Matrimony. { Spinsters & Single-Ladies Who Value
Strong Family-Traditions Ready To Settle-Down, Plz Avail Yourselves.
Calls : +254723047863 or +254764087863 }. Donate Spare Cash
To Change A Passive-Male Ebbing Existence Back To Track On Life. Support Justice
Cause > Buy Jewelry & Apparels Then Checkout With PayPal or
Credit-Card Online At :

Rally-Up Drum Support-Call For A NOW 6yrs 11months Accident-Damages
Case and The Larger Political Asylum / Refuge Criminal-&-Civil Lawsuit
Against Raila-Uhuru's Jinn-Theocracy GoK's Political-Legal Abuses'
Endless-Persecution / Sanctioned Arrested-Development / Involuntary
Systems Of Committment / Rape Of Conscience Still At 41yrs Derailling
My Datings & Eventual Matrimony. { Spinsters & Single-Ladies Who Value
Strong Family-Traditions Ready To Settle-Down, Plz Avail Yourselves.
Calls : +254723047863 or +254764087863 }. Donate Spare Cash
To Change A Passive-Male Ebbing Existence Back To Track On Life. Support Justice
Cause > Buy Jewelry & Apparels Then Checkout With PayPal or
Credit-Card Online At :

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