Tuesday, October 09, 2018

Nextranalysiscope : Urbanization and Sexuality > In Search of 'Sexual Healing' Amid Uhuru's BORI / GLBT-Occultism and Raila's LAMU / BONDO-USENGE 'Married But Gay' Mixed-Orientation-Marrhage Siege.

Yes, like I dared use the term 'my old sweetheart' is thawing
me...which's unbelievable even to my ears cause logic so far reasoning
'bout it deduces she's an old liar up to no good & hiding s'thing up
her sleeve, as well as in store ; for why should she double-speak? ;
ambiguously to mean two interpretations at the same time. But then
there's the family-factor in the background from who's puppeteer
double-speak interpretations some appear to be genuinely supporting
her cause [ of sticking with me unbelievably at 40yrs as
husband-of-choice ] ; while others are out to derogate any chance of
even a fling btw her & I and others are torn in the middle. If
anything megoodol'self is jus' a phone-call away & though some
anonymous 'flashers' are suspiciously suggestive, it's only today that
I flashed-back some 6 diffrnt nos. from a month or 2 back starting
with the same 1st 6-digits before I got suggestive texts. And I'd
already bent-backwards enough to accomodate her wishes in Msa & Nrb to
no avail prank-calls......

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