Tuesday, October 09, 2018

Nextranalysiscope : Sirare ; Urbanization and Sexuality In The Search For Sexual Healing Amid Uhuru's BORI / GLBT and Raila's LAMU / BONDO-USENGE 'Married But Gay' Mixed-Orientation-Marriage Siege...

Well, the Saturday following the Sunday I went to Sirare I'd drowned
megoodol'self in Furaha Brandy calculating I'll only budget for an
affordable soda squeezing the rest of the peanuts for a lodging, a
chick, some super & another round of soft drinks for the escort & I,
besides the fare to-&-fro Migori. I tried boarding a vehicle en route
to the market main-stage to hide my adventure destinations, in vain.
I'd to board from the stage & so the secret was out I knew word would
reach my BORI / GLBT & LAMU / BONDO-USENGE 'Married But Gay'
Mixed-Orientation Marriage antagonist who would then come in-btw my
denied, inhibited sexual-thirst, desire, urges, drive and the
call-girls. The reason I don't bother Migori girls nomore for the
occultist savages think I wonna entertain their 'arranging, exploiting
or manipulating' my 'fucking-buddies / mates'. Ofcourse it flopped for
1 being a Sunday & 2ndly the tell-tale signs of qualmy, faint,
unwillingness by the 2 Tusquis girls. My old sweetheart is thawing me

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