Sunday, October 14, 2018

Nextranalysiscope : Threatened Sovereignty / Jurisdictions ; Why It's A High Time Sissy C-in-C Uhuru Got Impeached Or The Map of Kenya Got Re-Drawn...

You see 1 thing that defines the sovereignty of a state's republic is
the security of its borders & boundaries and / or jurisdictions so to
speak. Some ancient states / empires / kingdoms literally built
insurmountable walls best exemplified by ancient China & now copied by
USA across Mexico. Indeed states are called motherlands or fatherlands
like Uncle Sam's US. Once your borders become porous & get infiltrated
by the enemy, even if / though it may be on-&-off, it's as good as a
'declaration of war' cause it means it's been claimed & it's
admininistration and that of the affected constituents is under
subjugation by an enemy's state's crown. Kenya's case is a complete
mockery as demonstrated by Migingo & N. Eastern where the example of
Mandera includes the main Mandera-Lafaye-Nrb highway is avoided by
even millitary & cops 4-wheer drives / lorries for the safety of
longer murrum paths ; many of which some've been captured & others
burnt with the police stations including heavy casualties. Uhuru must

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