Sunday, October 14, 2018

Nextranalysiscope : Jurisdictions and Sovereignty : Why It's A High Time Dysfunctional BORI / GLBT-Occultist Sissy C-in-C and Illegitimate-President Uhuru Got Impeached Or The Map-of-Kenya Got Re-Drawn

Well, given the very basic tenets of a state's constitutional-order
lies in the secured frameworks of its defining jurisdictional borders
& boundaries, the constant infiltrations & insurgencies of such
decries a primary deficieny / incapacity / inability in the head of
the constitutional-order meaning their powers & authority are fake or
presumptuous. In other words 'head-of-constitutional-order' is
complemented hand-in-hand by role of 'C-in-C' in security of the
state's jurisdictional territories, bounderies & borders ; which in
the event of gaps in one part then the system's definately doomed to
fall apart. It took pretty-sitting Sissy C-in-C Uhuru 4 goddam f¤?!%#g
to roll-out border cops & on foot to go cover a reconnaissance
surveillance following the aftermath of the El Ade run-down massacre
that wiped-out a whole battalion / companies. Worse, the handful
diaper-KDF-guys survivors were broadcast weeping on the shoulders of
Defence Sec. on their flight back as she hugged them! Sissy C-in-C
Uhuru must go.

Rally-Up Drum Support-Call For A NOW 6.3yrs Accident-Damages Case and
The Larger Political Asylum / Refuge Criminal-&-Civil Lawsuit Against
Jinn-Theocracy GoK's Politico-Legal Abuse's Endless-Persecution /
Sanctioned Arrested-Development Still At 40yrs Derailling My Datings &
Eventual Matrimony. { Spinsters & Single-Ladies Who Value Strong
Family-Traditions & Are Ready To Mingle & Settle-Down, Plz Avail
Yourselves. Calls : +254723047863 or +254764087863 }.
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