Wednesday, January 03, 2018


Hi,the blog-mobile apps. works 'cept for the type setting space which's ltd & / or I'm yet to learn, [ rd: flintstones v. 2nd mill enium AD ]. Thus did the y kill a niece called TOTO at JOCHAM Hosp. MSA b y a tummy-illness that re versed her peristalsis ma king her excreate throug h the mouth b4 she succ umbed cause of ltd resou rces to cover her bills. The secret witch commun ity left her to perish! Ironi cally 'CHAM' means 'CER EALS' in Luo & hence 'JO CHAM' translates to 'CER EAL-PEOPLE' which for customary Luo-farmers w ould then be called 'JODO HO' where they practice s'thing called 'GOLO' as r egards 1st-harvests mean t as/for 'SACRIFICIAL-OF FERING' a.k.a. 'OUTCAST ING' in comparative-cultur es when contextually appl ied to 'black-sheeps' most ly 1st-borns;of which e.g. in my case such doomed outcasts who've ritually u ndergone 'GOLO' can't fe ed on a wide-ranging vari ety of fresh-farm produc e unless they're processe d. They also killed cousin ELKANA JOWI leaving hi m to die at COAST GEN. Hosp. PTO

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