Wednesday, January 03, 2018


Hi all & sundry. I'm lear ning to blog from my mob ile & it feels like arising f rom the flintstone days t echnologically.Otherwise, below are the updates as recorded courtesy of SA FARICOM: Dear Safaricom,pls allow me."The neurotic,sadistic ,psychic cannibal vampire GLBT witches & physiolo gy-experts are seemingly planning deep-illness or s udden-death or both as t he year closes. It seems t hey're moving notches hi gher with their peristalsis-triggering homosexual-sel ective-diet of 'nyoyo' pre pared with unpeeled & un dried fresh-maize for the 1spoonful I took yesterda y morn. resulted in painfu l,aching rumbles on-&-off during the day & into the night finally giving-in to t he built-up compressions & I scrap-excreated ever ything in the morn. after breakfast midway btw gy m & studying. The notch-higher pain-ache rumbles ressemble s'one ailling of an ill-appendix-pain whos e echoes I can feel still r eceeding now on the left-side as I lie in bed. Reme mber they killed niece-TO TO, PTO

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