Wednesday, January 03, 2018


Cousin ELKANA JOWI o f Ukunda-MSA got infect ed by more or less the s ame ailment symptomatic of s'body ailling from an aching appendix. He died wailing literally clutching at his tummy towards the groin & despite his wealth ,the secret-witch-commun ity neglectingly let him di e not bothering to sacrifi ce his wealth instead for better treatment to save his life. They kept cheatin g him to wait for a Dr. Ar esi,a cousin from the millit ary who eventually never showed-up till ELKANA p assed away [ may his sou l & of such occultist-vic tims R.I.P. ] Luos are stub born adherents of this 'FERTILITY,REPRODUCTIVE & DEATH-CULT' comp lete with 'ELABORATE F UNERAL WELFARE ASS OCIATIONS' which knowin gly dispatch unsuspecting victims to their ancestors accompanied by dance,m usic & feasting in SACRI FICIAL CEREMONIES whi ch were banned following the ire of ex-president M oi but which nontheless s till prevail. Examples inclu de Owiro a.k.a. Karl-Max & Raila's son Fidel whose demise couldn't grieve th e busy dad.

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